Eclectic Epiphanies: John Berryman, My Mother, the Pandemic, and the Curse of What’s Boring




I seem to be going through a poetry phase, which isn’t a bad thing. Berryman’s poem below has been running through my head lately as I’ve been trying to keep in touch with people over assorted devices and apps, across all this expanding time and distance, through the phone and letters, just like all The Experts say we’re supposed to do. The poem, “Dream Song 14,” was one my mother quoted a lot when I was young. She mostly tossed out the first seven lines. Have a read:




Dream Song 14*
By John Berryman

Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so.
After all, the sky flashes, the great sea yearns,
we ourselves flash and yearn,
and moreover my mother told me as a boy
(repeatingly) ‘Ever to confess you’re bored
means you have no
Inner Resources.’ I conclude now I have no
inner resources, because I am heavy bored.
Peoples bore me,
literature bores me, especially great literature,
Henry bores me, with his plights & gripes
as bad as achilles,
who loves people and valiant art, which bores me.
And the tranquil hills, & gin, look like a drag
and somehow a dog
has taken itself & its tail considerably away
into mountains or sea or sky, leaving
behind: me, wag.
The reason my mother liked this poem is that she was, indeed, bored. She found being a parent often boring (which is not to say that she found us boring, but the allure of diapers; laundry; square meals; schlepping us to school, to piano lessons, to doctors’ appointments; catering to our feverish demands when we were ill — somehow escaped her). And, unlike Berryman’s Henry (honestly, I’m kind of unclear about the relationship between the poet and Henry, even after a bit of reading around the ‘Net), my mother had no qualms about saying so.
       To be fair, my mother inculcated in us, her children, some decent Inner Resources. She did so mostly by opening one door or the other and saying, “GO OUTSIDE,” and then leaving us to figure out what to do when we got there. But she also taught us how to throw balls and make mud pies (the trick is not to use too much water) and expected us to climb as high as possible in trees.
     When we couldn’t play outside (often because of smog), we had clay and blocks and Lego and crayons and paper and I don’t remember anyone ever complaining about the mess. Our folks also had no problems about our covering the floor with pillows and blankets and doing indoor gymnastics, though they did get a bit nervous when we slid down the stairs on pieces of cardboard.
     We weren’t constant hoodlums; we also played quietly in our rooms, alone or together (I spent hours reading), and grew up in a civilized era when we could do our homework every night and still have time to watch lots of sitcoms — Gilligan’s Island, The Brady BunchI Dream of JeannieI Love Lucy. Inner Resources.
      So what does any of this have to do with the pandemic? Well, as I attempt to keep in touch with friends and family, I find these lovely people asking me questions such as “What’s new?” and “What have you been doing?” And I find myself answering “Not much” and “Laundry, paying bills, making dinner, napping.” One might assume that I am bored. But the truth is that I am not. “After all, the sky flashes…”
“the great sea yearns…”
“we ourselves flash and yearn…”
(this is as flashy as I get). 
     And I don’t find literature, especially great literature, boring.
Also, I have this blog where I can range around the scattered ideas that ping madly in my head. Inner Resources.
       So what’s my problem? As I said, I’m not bored. The problem is that I am boring. Most people want to hear about the hassles of working from home (I’m not working right now) or about ventures outside the house (I’m staying put) or about dealing with family (my folks are dead, my kids are grown). I think about Henry Higgins’ admonition to Eliza Doolittle, his “strict orders as to her behavior. She’s to keep to two subjects: the weather and everybody’s health–Fine day and How do you do, you know–and not to let herself go on things in general. That will be safe.”** Everybody’s health is of course the first subject discussed and, if no one has COVID, disposed of. Discussion of the weather currently seems to be insultingly banal. Politics is either too risky or too distressing. I’m not sure how to get conversations properly balanced these days.  Most don’t want to hear me read John Berryman or Richard Wilbur or Anne Sexton and then ramble on about their poems. Maybe you don’t either, yet here we are together. 
Thanks for sticking around.
*John Berryman, Dream Song 14 from The Dream Songs. Copyright © 1969 by John Berryman, renewed 1997 by Kate Donahue Berryman. Used by permission of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, LLC, All rights reserved.
**Henry’s mother presciently responds, “Safe! To talk about our health! about our insides! perhaps about our outsides! How could you be so silly, Henry?” And of course Eliza ends up telling the genteel gathering about how her aunt “come through diphtheria right enough the year before. I saw her with my own eyes. Fairly blue with it, she was. They all thought she was dead; but my father he kept ladling gin down her throat til she came to so sudden that she bit the bowl off the spoon.… What call would a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza? What become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? Somebody pinched it; and what I say is, them as pinched it done her in.”

Random Ruminations: Invisible Illnesses, U.S. Elections, and Dead Mothers

Sorry about the long hiatus – again.* My accustomed afflictions raised their unlovely heads — again. You’d think they’d get bored with this game, but no; they are constant companions, committed to keeping me off kilter.

What energy I have had has gone into writing more Get Out The Vote letters, this time for the Georgia Senate run-off races. (Just when we thought is was safe to go back in the water….) For now, I am writing letters for Vote Forward:

These letters have to go out ON the seventh of December. Apparently that’s a magic date. I’ve managed to write one hundred so far, and will plug away as best I can until the seventh. If anyone wants to join in, I believe it’s not too late to sign up and download letters of your own. (If you’re a fountain-pen user, invest in some sugarcane copy paper. It’s much more welcoming to fountain-pen ink than run-of-the-mill copy paper.)

After that, I’ll be writing postcards:




These are for Postcards to Swing States — pretty, right?





And then there will be some for Moms Rising:


Also very eye-catching.



I have no idea whether there’s a chance that the Democrats might take those Georgia seats; in fact, I rather doubt it. But if they don’t, I have no idea whether our new president will be able to effect any meaningful change or get any useful legislation passed. So I’m writing.

And in the midst of the pandemic and the politics and the personal perturbations, there was Thanksgiving week. When I was a kid, Thanksgiving was a simple holiday, purportedly celebrating the amity between Indians and the settlers in the “New” World. Now the day is rightly complicated by the realization that the stories we were told as children were heavily skewed to support the colonial hegemony about to displace, enslave, and murder the indigenous populations, to justify the actions of the white people who would corral in reservations the Native Americans who survived, while attempting to eradicate cultures, languages, and identities of the civilizations that were here for millennia before any Europeans stumbled upon these shores. And yet my family celebrates the day because it is a family occasion — except not this year. And that was hard. Zoom just doesn’t replace prescence.

Moreover, this week, for us, held the anniversary of the death of my husband’s mother, the wedding anniversary of my parents, and the birthday of my mother, so it was a week of remembrance.

Sarah Collingwood as Juliet

And here I must segue into a mention of an app that provides me with a Shakespeare quotation for each day. Why do I have such an app? Well, aside from the fact that everyone should have such an app, my mother was a Shakespearean actress at the Pasadena Playhouse in her youth and she passed on her love of Shakespeare to me. I majored in English lit, emphasis in Renaissance drama, and so, between my mother and my major, I must have this app. It often serves up eerily appropriate passages, like fortune cookies that seem to have an uncanny awareness of what is happening in the lives of those who area about to consume them.


And so, into this poignant week, on the very birthday of my mom, the daily Shakespeare quotation was

which pretty much sums up the last eighteen months for my family.


*A perpetual question is whether to apologize for something that isn’t my fault. I certainly didn’t choose to have depression or M.E., and a number of my fellow-sufferers say we should not apologize because doing so makes it seem that we are choosing not to do whatever it was we were supposed to have been doing. Nevertheless, these conditions affect other people, too. So, in case there’s anyone out there who might have been kind enough to hope that I would have posted something new sooner: apologies.

Random Ruminations on Depression

I want to take back the word ruminate. The Online Etymology Dictionary explains that the word “ruminate (v.)” dating from the 1530s, means “’to turn over in the mind,’ also ‘to chew cud’ (1540s), from Latin ruminatus, past participle of ruminare ‘to chew the cud; turn over in the mind,’ from rumen (genitive ruminis) ‘gullet,’ of uncertain origin.” Merriam-Webster Online gives the definition of ruminate as

transitive verb
1: to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
2: to chew repeatedly for an extended period
intransitive verb
1: to chew again what has been chewed slightly and swallowed : chew the cud
2: to engage in contemplation : REFLECT

But psychology — and in general I have real respect and genuine gratitude for the healing and support psychology and psychotherapists provide; if I kept a gratitude journal, my therapist’s name would be on every page — has come near to ruining this abundantly apt word that perfectly expresses the way many of us need or choose to take the time to ponder and deliberate rather than hasten to judge or get embroiled in the consequences of an ill-considered decision. Psychology, as a field, has decided ruminate should mean obsessively thinking about whatever is bothering one, over and over, round and round… ¹


I think one of the reasons that this definition has become popular, not only among psychologists, but in the general public as well, is that we have such short attention spans and have come to prize speed over all else. We rush to embrace technology that robs us of our privacy, we don’t stay to watch the credits after a movie (unless there’s an added scene), we expect to know the results of every election before the votes are all counted.


Take a breath, people.  


Being ruminative used to be a positive attribute, one that indicated one was a careful, thoughtful person, not inclined to fling one’s self pell-mell off a cliff. Now it is a weakness, a character flaw that indicates one brings one’s misfortunes upon one’s self because one can’t control one’s thoughts. 

Join me in my mission. Let’s rescue ruminate. Start using it in its proper sense. Fling it with abandon into your philosophical conversations: “I was ruminating upon the meaning of life the other day and wondering just what 42 really has to do with it.” If someone tries to push you into making a snap decision, say, “You know, in order to give you the thoughtful answer you

deserve, I need to ruminate on that for a day or two.” When next asked to describe yourself, pause for a moment,  then declare, “I am an attentive, measured sort of person with a ruminative cast to my mind.” (Just don’t tell anyone you’re a ruminant. That will totally undermine our goal.) 

And after we save ruminate, we’re coming back for you, enable.

Every so often, the New Yorker slips a suggestion for an archived article into the inbox of my e-mail. That how I came across Andrew Solomon’s article, “Anatomy of Melancholy,” that appeared in New Yorker’s January 12, 1998 issue. It’s a pretty harrowing description of the depths down to which depression can pull person and of the biases that still pertain when it comes to admitting to others or to ourselves that we have a mental illness and, worse, might be so “weak” as to need chemical (or electrical) interventions. As I moved through the essay, I came upon this proffered bit of wisdom:

Accuracy of perception is not an evolutionary priority. Too optimistic a world view results in foolish risk-taking, but moderate optimism gives you a strong selective advantage. “Normal human thought and perception,“ Shelley Taylor writes in her 1989 book, Positive Illusions, “is marked not by accuracy but by positive self-enhancing illusions about the self, the world, and the future. Moreover…these illusions are not merely characteristic of human thought; they appear actually to be adaptive.” As she notes, “The mildly depressed appear to have more accurate views of themselves, the world, and the future than normal people. [They] clearly lack the illusions that in normal people promote mental health and buffer them against setbacks.”

Charles Darwin
Photo by hulki-okan-tabak-SKadYI4E7OM-unsplash

So — why are those of us with depression and accurate perceptions the ones who are mentally ill, while the “normies” with their illusions are the ones who are considered sane? Why are we the ones who are seen as less evolved? Am I the only one who thinks this assessment is a little bit off?


  In a recent car commercial, actor and apparent guru Matthew
McConaughey ruminates (see how easy it is just to slip the word right into a sentence?) out loud about the process of identity formation.

McConaughey muses

“Knowin’ who we are is hard — it’s hard. Eliminatin’ who you
are not, first, and you’re gonna find yourself where ya need to be.”

OK, first: shouldn’t the thrust of the first sentence — the search for identity — lead to a statement about finding out who one is rather than where one is? I guess that’s what happens when one infuses manufactured sagacity into an advert for a vehicle. And never mind the lack of parallel structure in the second sentence.

But what I keep thinking is, “What if we, as is recommended by Mr. McConaughey, eliminate all the people we are not, only to realize there’s no one left?” That’s kind of who-where I keep finding myself.


An ethical dilemma: At the recommendation of a friend, I picked up Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, by Daniel G. Amen. M.D. I haven’t read very far into it, but so far there are some sensible observations about the practicality of having one’s brain scanned for damage so one knows whether medical or psychotherapeutic remedies are most likely to be beneficial. However, on page twenty-nine, our friend the doctor discusses things that hurt the brain and things that help the brain. Under malign influences, Dr. Amen notes that “even spending time with unhealthy people [is] bad for the brain.” OK: I can see how that can work; we are the company we keep.

In the next paragraph, Dr. Amen lists things that can boost the brain. This list includes the point that “In many ways, the best thing you can do for your brain is to spend time with healthy people. As we will see, they are contagious. I often say the fastest way to get healthy is to find the healthiest person you can stand and then spend as much time around him or her as possible.” That also makes sense.

Aside from the difficulties of fulfilling this prescription in our COVID-19-riddled age — and you may already see the problem here — consider this: Let’s say I’m a healthy person. I know an unhealthy person, someone with, say, depression, someone who would immensely benefit from spending time with me. Yet if I do spend time with that person, I’ll be engaged in an activity that will be detrimental to my own grey matter. On the other hand, if I choose to protect myself by shunning the depressed person, I’m selfishly depriving her or him of my beneficial “contagion” and preventing that person from attaining the flourishing cerebrum she or he deserves. (Unless, of course, that person has been ruminating. In that case, she or he deserves all the melancholy that infests her or his soul. [That’s an example how NOT to use the word ruminating.]) I’m either allowing harm to come to myself or withholding aid from another, which makes me a pretty lousy human being, and knowing that I’m a pretty lousy human will depress me.

Now let’s imagine that I am the unhealthy person, and I know a tremendously healthy person, in whose salubrious presence I never fail to rally. I have a lot of time on my hands. I easily could spend days with this person and notably sharpen my dulled mental functions and ameliorate my debilitating mood. However, by latching on to this bloom-imparting person, I will be causing harm to that individual’s well-being and will likely disrupt her or his equilibrium. That would make me an insensitive parasite, sucking the life out of someone for my own ends, and being such a draining leech would make me feel horrible and depressed.

So what to do? I hate lose-lose, damned-if-you-do-or-don’t, caught-between-Scylla-and-a-hard-place options.


And then Will Wheaton put this up on his Blog:

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination, which has a much more beautiful name in Chinese (the literal translation for revenge bedtime procrastination means “suffering through the night vengefully.”), is a phenomena unique to people who feel out of control in their daily lives, so we refuse to go to sleep early, to exert some control over our lives, and to enjoy some quiet time alone, when the rest of our people are sleeping.

I should confess, straight up, that I am, by nature, a night owl. It runs in the family. But I love both this concept and its name. Between the depression and the M.E. and the State of the Union, I’m having an increasingly hard time getting any sleep. I just wish being AWAKE YES I’M AWAKE YES I DO KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS OH ISN’T THAT A LOVELY SUNRISE? would wreak some actual vengeance on the conditions and people who are responsible for my near-insomnia.


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

I hope, dear reader, that my ruminations provide some conceptual cud for your synapses to masticate at the pace of your choosing. And don’t forget: enable is still waiting for us…

  1. Margaret Wehrenberg, Psy.D. “Rumination: A Problem in Anxiety and Depression,” Psychology Today (on line). April 20, 2016.

Thirty Reasons to Vote: #23

Thirty Reasons to Vote: #11

List of September 11 Victims in Alphabetical Order

American 11 – Am 11 – flew into the World Trade Center North Tower
American 77 – Am 77 – flew into the Pentagon
United 93 Un 93 – crashed in Pennsylvania
United 175 Un 175 – flew into the World Trade Center South Tower
“WTC” and “Ptn” refers to someone who was inside, or occupying, the World Trade Center or the Pentagon when their respective attacks occurred

“Dec” – Deceased; “E/R” – Emergency/Rescue Personnel; “Msg” – Missing; “Ptn” – Pentagon

Name/ Age/ Hometown/Place of Attack

    1. Aamoth Jr., Gordon McCannel – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2. Abad, Edelmiro – 54 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    3. Abad, Maria Rose – 49 – Syosset, NY – Dec WTC
    4. Abate, Andrew Anthony – 37 – Melville, NY – Dec WTC
    5. Abate, Vincent – 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    6. Abel, Laurence – – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    7. Abraham, Alona – 30 – Ashdod, Israel – Un 175
    8. Abrahamson, William F. – 58 – Cortland Manor, NY – Dec WTC
    9. Aceto, Richard Anthony – 42 – Wantagh , NY – Dec WTC
    10. Ackermann, Heinrich Bernhard – 38 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    11. Acquaviva, Paul Andrew – 29 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    12. Adams, Christian – 37 – Biebelsheim, Germany – Un 93
    13. Adams, Donald Leroy – 28 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    14. Adams, Patrick – 61 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    15. Adams, Shannon Lewis – 25 – Long Island City, NY – Dec WTC
    16. Adams, Stephen George – 51 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    17. Adanga, Ignatius – 62 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    18. Addamo, Christy A. – 28 – New Hyde Park, NY – Dec WTC
    19. Adderley Jr., Terence E. – 22 – Bloomfield Hills, MI – Dec WTC
    20. Addo, Sophia Buruwa – 36 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    21. Adler, Lee – 48 – Springfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    22. Afflitto, Daniel Thomas – 32 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec WTC
    23. Afuakwah, Emmanuel – 37 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    24. Agarwal, Alok – 36 – Kendell Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    25. Agarwala, Mukul – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    26. Agnello, Joseph – 35 – Belle Harbor, NY – Dec E/R
    27. Agnes, David S. – 46 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    28. Aguiar Jr., Joao A.D. – 30 – Red Bank, NJ – Dec WTC
    29. Ahearn, Brian G. – 43 – Huntington, NY – Dec E/R
    30. Ahern, Jeremiah J. – 74 – Cliffside Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    31. Ahladiotis, Joanne Marie – 27 – Forest Hills, NY – Dec WTC
    32. Ahmed, Shabbir – 45 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    33. Aiken, Terrance Andre – 30 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    34. Ajala, Godwin – 33 – Jamaica, NY – Dec WTC
    35. Akwasi-Mienkah, Nana – – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    36. Alagero, Gertrude “Trudi” M. – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    37. Alameno, Andrew – 37 – Westfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    38. Alarcon, Manuel A. – – Medford, NJ – Msg WTC
    39. Alario, Margaret Ann Jezycki “Peggy” – 41 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    40. Albero, Gary – 39 – Emerson, NJ – Dec WTC
    41. Albert, Jon L. – 46 – Upper Nyack, NY – Dec WTC
    42. Alderman, Peter Craig – 25 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    43. Aldridge, Jacquelyn Delaine – 46 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    44. Alegre-Cua, Grace – 40 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    45. Alger, David Dewey – 57 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    46. al-Hashim, Boutros – 41 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    47. Alikakos, Ernest – 43 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    48. Allegretto, Edward L. – 51 – Colonia, NJ – Dec WTC
    49. Allen, Eric – 41 – Unknown – Dec E/R
    50. Allen, Joseph Ryan – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    51. Allen, Richard Dennis – 31 – Belle Harbor, NY – Dec E/R
    52. Allen, Richard Lanard – 30 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    53. Allen, Samantha Lightbourn – 36 – Hillside, MD – Dec Ptn
    54. Allingham, Christopher Edward – 36 – River Edge, NJ – Dec WTC
    55. Allison, Anna Williams – 49 – Stoneham, MA – Am 11
    56. Alonso, Janet M. – 41 – Stony Point, NY – Dec WTC
    57. Alvarado, Anthony – 31 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    58. Alvarez, Antonio Javier – 23 – Jackson Heights, NY – Msg WTC
    59. Alvear, Telmo – 25 – Jackson Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    60. Alviar, Cesar A. – 60 – Bloomfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    61. Amanullah, Tariq – 40 – Metuchen, NJ – Dec WTC
    62. Amaranto, Angelo – 60 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    63. Amato, James M. – 43 – Ronkonkoma, NY – Dec E/R
    64. Amatuccio, Joseph – 41 – Ozone Park, NY – Dec WTC
    65. Ambrose, Paul – 32 – Washington, DC – On American 77
    66. Amoroso, Christopher C. – 29 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    67. Amundson, Craig – 28 – Fort Belvoir, VA – Dec Ptn
    68. Anai, Kazuhiro – 42 – Scarsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    69. Anaya Jr., Calixto “Charlie” – 35 – Suffern, NY – Dec E/R
    70. Anaya, Jorge Octavio Santos – – Aguascalientes, Mexico – Msg WTC
    71. Anchundia, Joseph Peter – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    72. Anderson, Kermit Charles – 57 – Green Brook, NJ – Dec WTC
    73. Anderson, Yvette Constance – 53 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    74. Andreacchio, John – 52 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    75. Andrews, Michael Rourke – 34 – Belle Harbor, NY – Dec WTC
    76. Andrucki, Jean Ann – 42 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    77. Ang, Siew Nya – 37 – East Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    78. Angelini Jr., Joseph – 38 – Lindenhurst, NY – Dec E/R
    79. Angelini Sr., Joseph – 63 – Lindenhurst, NY – Dec E/R
    80. Angell, David Lawrence – 54 – Pasadena, CA – Am 11
    81. Angell, Lynn – 52 – Pasadena, CA – Am 11
    82. Angilletta, Laura – 23 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    83. Angrisani, Doreen J. – 44 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec WTC
    84. Antigua, Lorraine Del Carmen – 32 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    85. Aoyama, Seima – 48 – Culver City , CA – Am 11
    86. Apollo, Peter Paul – 26 – Waretown, NJ – Dec WTC
    87. Apostol Jr., Faustino – 55 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    88. Aquilino, Frank Thomas “F.T.” – 26 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    89. Aranyos, Patrick Michael – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    90. Arce, David Gregory – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    91. Arczynski, Michael G. – 45 – Little Silver, NJ – Dec WTC
    92. Arena, Louis – 32 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    93. Arestigui, Barbara Jean – 38 – Marstons Mills, MA – Am 11
    94. Arias, Adam P. – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    95. Armstrong, Michael Joseph – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    96. Aron, Jack Charles – 52 – Bergenfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    97. Aron, Joshua Todd – 29 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    98. Aronow, Richard Avery – 48 – Mahwah, NJ – Dec WTC
    99. Aronson, Myra Joy – 50 – Charleston, MA – Am 11
    100. Aryee, Japhet J. – 49 – Spring Valley, NY – Dec WTC
    101. Asaro, Carl Francis – 39 – Middletown, NY – Dec E/R
    102. Asciak, Michael A. – 47 – Ridgefield, NJ – Dec WTC
    103. Asher, Michael Edward – 53 – Monroe, NY – Dec WTC
    104. Ashley, Janice M. – 25 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    105. Ashton, Thomas J. – 21 – Woodside, NY – Dec WTC
    106. Asitimbay, Manuel O. – 36 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    107. Atlas, Gregg Arthur – 45 – Howells, NY – Dec E/R
    108. Atwood, Gerald – 38 – Brooklyn, NY – Msg E/R
    109. Audiffred, James – 38 – Starret City, NY – Dec WTC
    110. Aversano Jr., Frank Louis – 58 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec WTC
    111. Aviles, Ezra – 41 – Commack, NY – Dec WTC
    112. Ayala, Samuel “Sandy” – 36 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    113. Babakitis, Arlene T. – 47 – Secaucus, NJ – Dec WTC
    114. Bacchus, Eustace “Rudy” – 48 – Metuchen, NJ – Dec WTC
    115. Badagliacca, John James – 35 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    116. Baeszler, Jane Ellen – 43 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    117. Baierwalter, Robert John – 44 – Albertson, NY – Dec WTC
    118. Bailey, Andrew J. – 29 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    119. Bailey, Brett T. – 28 – Bricktown, NJ – Dec WTC
    120. Bailey, Garnet Edward “Ace” – 54 – Lynnfield, MA – Un 175
    121. Bakalinskaya, Tatyana – 43 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    122. Baksh, Michael S. – 36 – Engelwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    123. Balanca, Julio Minto – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    124. Balkcom, Sharon – 43 – White Plains, NY – Dec WTC
    125. Bane, Michael Andrew – 33 – Yardley, PA – Dec WTC
    126. Bantis, Kathy – 44 – Chicago, IL – Dec WTC
    127. Baptiste, Gerard Jean – 35 – Riverdale, NY – Dec E/R
    128. Baran, Walter – 42 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    129. Barbara, Gerard A. – 53 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    130. Barbaro, Paul V. – 35 – Holmdel, NJ – Dec WTC
    131. Barbella, James W. – 53 – Oceanside, NY – Dec WTC
    132. Barbosa, Ivan Kiryllos Fairbanks – 30 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    133. Barbosa, Victor Daniel – 23 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    134. Barbuto, Christine – 32 – Brookline, MA – Am 11
    135. Barkow, Colleen Ann (Meehan) – 26 – East Windsor, NJ – Dec WTC
    136. Barkway, David Michael – 34 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Dec WTC
    137. Barnes, Matthew – 37 – Monroe, NY – Dec E/R
    138. Barnes, Melissa Rose – 27 – Redlands, CA – Dec Ptn
    139. Barnes, Sheila Patricia – 55 – Bay Shore, NY – Dec WTC
    140. Baron, Evan J. – 38 – Bridgewater , NJ – Dec WTC
    141. Barrett-Arjune, Renee – 41 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    142. Barry, Arthur Thaddeus – 35 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    143. Barry, Diane G. – 60 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    144. Barry, Maurice Vincent “Moe” – 48 – Rutherford, NJ – Dec E/R
    145. Bart, Scott D. – 28 – Malverne, NY – Dec WTC
    146. Bartels, Carlton W. – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    147. Barzvi, Guy – 29 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    148. Basina, Inna – 43 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    149. Basmajian, Alysia – 23 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    150. Basnicki, Kenneth William – 48 – Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada – Dec WTC
    151. Bates, Steven J. – 42 – Glendale, NY – Dec E/R
    152. Battaglia, Paul James – 22 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    153. Bauer, W. David – 45 – Rumson, NJ – Dec WTC
    154. Bautista, Ivhan Luis Carpio – 24 – Ozone Park, NY – Dec WTC
    155. Bautista, Marlyn C. – 46 – Iselin, NJ – Dec WTC
    156. Bavis, Mark Lawrence – 31 – West Newton, MA – Un 175
    157. Baxter, Jasper – 45 – Philadelphia, PA – Dec WTC
    158. Bay, Lorraine Grace – 58 – Highstown, NJ – Un 93
    159. Beale, Michelle – 37 – Essex, England – Dec WTC
    160. Beamer, Todd – 32 – Cranbury, NJ – Un 93
    161. Beatini, Paul F. – 40 – Park Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    162. Beatty, Jane S. – 53 – Belford, NJ – Dec WTC
    163. Beaven, Alan – 48 – Oakland, CA – Un 93
    164. Beck, Lawrence I. – 38 – Baldwin, NY – Dec WTC
    165. Beckles, Manette Marie – 43 – Rahway, NJ – Dec WTC
    166. Bedigian, Carl – 35 – Flushing, NY – Dec E/R
    167. Beekman, Michael E. – 39 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    168. Behr, Maria Asuncion – 41 – Milford, NJ – Dec WTC
    169. Beilke, Max – 69 – Laurel, MD – Dec Ptn
    170. Belilovsky, Yelena “Helen” – 38 – Mamaroneck, NY – Dec WTC
    171. Bell, Nina Patrice – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    172. Bella, Andrea Della – 59 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    173. Bellows, Debbie S. – 30 – East Windsor, NJ – Dec WTC
    174. Belson, Stephen – 51 – Far Rockaway, NY – Dec E/R
    175. Benedetti, Paul Michael – 32 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    176. Benedetto, Denise Lenore – 40 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    177. Bennett, Bryan Craig – 25 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    178. Bennett, Eric L. – 29 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    179. Bennett, Oliver Dncan – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    180. Benson, Margaret L. – 52 – Rockaway, NJ – Dec WTC
    181. Berardi, Dominick J. – 25 – Whitestone, NY – Dec WTC
    182. Berger, James Patrick – 44 – Lower Makefield, PA – Dec WTC
    183. Berger, Steven Howard – 45 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec WTC
    184. Bergin, John P. – 39 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    185. Bergsohn, Alvin – 48 – Baldwin Harbor, NY – Dec WTC
    186. Bergstein, Daniel D. – 38 – Teaneck, NJ – Dec WTC
    187. Berkeley, Graham Andrew – 37 – Wellesley, MA – Un 175
    188. Berkeley, Michael – 38 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    189. Bernaerts-Kearns, Donna – 44 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    190. Bernard, Dave – 57 – Chelmsford, MA – Dec WTC
    191. Bernstein, William H. “Bill” – 44 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    192. Berray, David M. – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    193. Berry, David S. – 43 – Park Slope, NY – Dec WTC
    194. Berry, Joseph J. – 55 – Saddle River, NJ – Dec WTC
    195. Bethke, William Reed – 36 – Hamilton, NJ – Dec WTC
    196. Betru, Yeneneh – 35 – Burbank, CA – Am 77
    197. Betterly, Timothy D. – 42 – Little Silver, NJ – Dec WTC
    198. Beug, Carolyn – 48 – Santa Monica, CA – Am 11
    199. Beyea, Edward Frank – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    200. Beyer, Paul Michael – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    201. Bharvaney, Anil T. – 41 – East Windsor, NJ – Dec WTC
    202. Bhukhan, Bella – 23 – Union, NJ – Dec WTC
    203. Biegeleisen, Shimmy David – 42 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    204. Bielfeld, Peter Alexander – 44 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    205. Biggart, William – 54 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    206. Bijoux, Ralph – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    207. Bilcher, Brian – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Msg E/R
    208. Bingham, Mark K. – 31 – San Francisco, CA – Un 93
    209. Bini, Carl Vincent – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    210. Bird, Gary – 51 – Tempe, AZ – Dec WTC
    211. Birnbaum, Joshua David – 24 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    212. Bishop, George John – 52 – Granite Springs, NY – Dec WTC
    213. Bishundat, Kris Romeo – 23 – Waldorf, MD – Dec Ptn
    214. Bittner, Jeffrey D. – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    215. Blackman, Balewa Albert – 26 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    216. Blackwell, Christopher Joseph – 42 – Putnam Lake, NY – Dec E/R
    217. Blagburn, Carrie – 48 – Temple Hills, MD – Dec Ptn
    218. Blair, Susan L. – 35 – East Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    219. Blanding Jr., Harry – 38 – Blakeslee, PA – Dec WTC
    220. Blaney, Janice L. – 55 – Williston Park, NY – Dec WTC
    221. Blass, Craig Michael – 27 – Greenlawn, NY – Dec WTC
    222. Blau, Rita – 52 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    223. Blood, Richard M. – 38 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    224. Boccardi, Michael Andrew – 30 – Bronxville, NY – Dec WTC
    225. Bocchi, John Paul – 38 – New Vernon, NJ – Dec WTC
    226. Bocchino, Michael Leopoldo – 45 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    227. Bochino, Susan Mary – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    228. Bodley, Deora Frances – 20 – Santa Clara, CA – Un 93
    229. Boehm, Bruce Douglas – 49 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    230. Boffa, Mary Katherine – 45 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    231. Bogdan, Nicholas A. – 34 – Browns Mills, NJ – Dec WTC
    232. Bohan, Darren Christopher – 34 – Kew Gardens, NY – Dec WTC
    233. Boisseau, Lawrence Francis – 36 – Freehold, NJ – Dec WTC
    234. Boland Jr., Vincent M – 25 – Ringwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    235. Bolourchi, Touran Hamzavi – 69 – Beverly Hills, CA – Un 175
    236. Bondarenko, Alan – 53 – Flemington, NJ – Dec WTC
    237. Bonheur Jr., Andre – 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    238. Bonnett, Colin Arthur – 39 – Crown Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    239. Bonomo, Frank – 42 – Port Jefferson, NY – Dec E/R
    240. Bonomo, Yvonne L. – 30 – Jackson Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    241. Booker, Sean – 35 – Irvington, NJ – Dec WTC
    242. Booms, Kelly Ann – 24 – Brookline, MA – Am 11
    243. Boone, Canfield D. “Buddy” – 54 – Clifton, VA – Dec Ptn
    244. Booth, Mary Jane “MJ” – 64 – Falls Church, VA – Am 77
    245. Borda Leyva, Juan Jose – 58 – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    246. Bordeaux, Sherry Ann – 38 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    247. Bordenabe, Krystine C. – 33 – Old Bridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    248. Boryczewski, Martin – 29 – Parsippany, NJ – Dec WTC
    249. Bosco, Richard E. – 34 – Suffern, NY – Dec WTC
    250. Bothe, Klaus – 31 – Linkenheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany – Un 175
    251. Bouchard, Carol Marie – 43 – Warwick, RI – Am 11
    252. Boulton Jr., John Howard – 29 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    253. Bourdier, Francisco E. – 41 – Jackson Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    254. Bowden Jr., Thomas H. – 36 – Wyckoff, NJ – Dec WTC
    255. Bowen, Donna – 42 – Waldorf, MD – Dec Ptn
    256. Bowers, Kimberly S. – 31 – Islip, NY – Dec WTC
    257. Bowers, Veronique Nicole – 28 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    258. Bowman Jr., Shawn Edward – 28 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    259. Bowman, Larry – 46 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    260. Bowser, Kevin L. – 45 – Philadelphia, PA – Dec WTC
    261. Box, Gary R. – 37 – North Bellmore, NY – Dec E/R
    262. Boyarsky, Gennady – 34 – Far Rockaway, NY – Dec WTC
    263. Boyce, Pamela – 43 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    264. Boyle, Allen – 30 – Fredericksburg, VA – Dec Ptn
    265. Boyle, Michael – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    266. Braca, Alfred J. – 54 – Leonardo, NJ – Dec WTC
    267. Brace, Sandra Conaty – 60 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    268. Bracken, Kevin H. – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    269. Bradshaw, Sandra W. – 38 – Greensboro, NC – Un 93
    270. Brady, David Brian – 41 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    271. Braginsky, Alexander – 38 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    272. Brandemarti, Nicholas W. – 21 – West Deptford, NJ – Dec WTC
    273. Brandhorst, Daniel R. – 42 – Los Angeles, CA – Un 175
    274. Brandhorst, David Reed Gamboa – 3 – Los Angeles, CA – Un 175
    275. Bratton, Michelle Renee – 23 – Yonkers, NY – Dec WTC
    276. Braut, Patrice – 31 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    277. Bravo, Lydia Estelle – 50 – Dunellen, NJ – Dec WTC
    278. Breitweiser, Ronald Michael – 39 – Middleton, NJ – Dec WTC
    279. Brennan III, Edward A. “Ted” – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    280. Brennan, Frank H. – 50 – Oak Beach, NY – Dec WTC
    281. Brennan, Michael Emmett – 27 – Long Island City, NY – Dec E/R
    282. Brennan, Peter – 30 – Ronkonkoma, NY – Dec E/R
    283. Brennan, Thomas M. – 32 – Scarsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    284. Brethel, Daniel J. – 43 – Farmingville, NY – Dec E/R
    285. Bright, Gary L. – 36 – Union City, NJ – Dec WTC
    286. Briley, Jonathan Eric – 43 – Mount Vernon, NY – Dec WTC
    287. Brisman, Mark A. – 34 – Armonk, NY – Dec WTC
    288. Bristow, Paul Gary – 27 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    289. Brito, Victoria Alvarez – 38 – Elmhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    290. Britton, Marion Ruth – 53 – Bay Ridge, NY – Un 93
    291. Broderick, Mark Francis – 42 – Old Bridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    292. Broghammer, Herman – 58 – North Merrick, NY – Dec WTC
    293. Broomfield, Keith – 49 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    294. Brown, Bernard Curtis – 11 – Washington, DC – On American 77
    295. Brown, Janice J. – 35 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    296. Brown, Lloyd – 28 – Bronxville, NY – Dec WTC
    297. Brown, Patrick J. – 48 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    298. Browne-Radburn, Bettina – 49 – Atlantic Beach, NY – Dec WTC
    299. Bruce, Mark – 40 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    300. Bruehert, Richard – 38 – Westbury, NY – Dec WTC
    301. Brunn, Andrew Christopher – 28 – Flushing, NY – Dec E/R
    302. Brunton, Vincent – – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    303. Bucca, Ronald Paul – 47 – Tuckahoe, NY – Dec E/R
    304. Buchanan, Brandon J. – 24 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    305. Buck, Gregory Joseph – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    306. Buckley, Dennis – 38 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    307. Bueche, Nancy – 43 – Hicksville, NY – Dec WTC
    308. Buhse, Patrick Joseph – 36 – Lincroft, NJ – Dec WTC
    309. Bulaga Jr., John E. – 35 – Haskell, NJ – Dec WTC
    310. Bunin, Stephen – 45 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    311. Burford, Christopher Lee – 23 – Hubert, NC – Dec Ptn
    312. Burke Jr., William F. – 46 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    313. Burke, Matthew J. – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    314. Burke, Thomas Daniel – 38 – Bedford Hills, NY – Dec WTC
    315. Burlingame III, Charles “Chick” – 51 – Herndon, VA – Am 77
    316. Burnett Jr., Thomas E. – 38 – San Ramon, CA – Un 93
    317. Burns, Donald James – 61 – Nissequogue, NY – Dec E/R
    318. Burns, Kathleen A. – 49 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    319. Burns, Keith James – 39 – East Rutherford, NJ – Dec WTC
    320. Burnside, John Patrick – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    321. Buslo, Irina – 32 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    322. Bustillo, Milton – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    323. Butler, Thomas M. – 37 – Kings Park, NY – Dec E/R
    324. Byrne, Patrick – – New York, NY – Msg E/R
    325. Byrne, Timothy G. – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    326. Caballero, Daniel Martin – 21 – Houston, TX – Dec Ptn
    327. Cabezas, Jesus N. – 66 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    328. Caceres, Lillian – 48 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    329. Cachia, Brian Joseph – 26 – Fresh Meadows, NY – Dec WTC
    330. Cafiero Jr., Steven – 31 – Whitestone, NY – Dec WTC
    331. Caggiano, Richard M. – 25 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    332. Caguicla, Cecile M. – 55 – Boonton, NJ – Dec WTC
    333. Cahill, John Brett – 56 – Wellesley, MA – Un 175
    334. Cahill, Michael John – 37 – East Williston, NY – Dec WTC
    335. Cahill, Scott Walter – 30 – West Caldwell, NJ – Dec WTC
    336. Cahill, Thomas J. – 36 – Franklin Lakes, NJ – Dec WTC
    337. Cain, George C. – 35 – Patterson, NY – Dec E/R
    338. Calabro, Salvatore – 38 – Staten Island , NY – Dec E/R
    339. Calandrillo, Joseph – 49 – Hawley, PA – Dec WTC
    340. Calcagno, Philip V. – 57 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    341. Calderon, Edward – 43 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    342. Calderon, Jose Orlando – 44 – Annandale, VA – Dec Ptn
    343. Caldwell, Kenneth Marcus – 30 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    344. Calia, Dominick Enrico – 40 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec WTC
    345. Calixte, Felix “Bobby” – 38 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    346. Callahan, Frank – – Unknown – Msg E/R
    347. Callahan, Liam – 44 – Rockaway, NJ – Dec E/R
    348. Calley, Suzanne – 42 – San Martin, CA – Am 77
    349. Calvi, Luigi “Gino” – 34 – East Rutherford, NJ – Dec WTC
    350. Camaj, Roko – 60 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    351. Cammarata, Michael F. – 22 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    352. Campbell, David Otey – 51 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    353. Campbell, Geoffrey Thomas – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    354. Campbell, Jill Marie – 31 – Middle Village, NY – Dec WTC
    355. Campbell, Robert Arthur – 25 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    356. Campbell, Sandra Patricia – 45 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    357. Campos, Juan Ortega – 32 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    358. Canavan, Sean T. – 39 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec WTC
    359. Candela, John A. – 42 – Glen Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    360. Cangelosi, Vincent – 30 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    361. Cangialosi, Stephen J. – 40 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    362. Cannava, Lisa B. – 30 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    363. Cannizzaro, Brian – 30 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    364. Canton, Christopher Sean – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    365. Canty, Michael R. – 30 – Schenectady, NY – Dec WTC
    366. Caporicci, Louis A. – 35 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    367. Cappello, Jonathan Neff – 23 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    368. Cappers, James Christopher – 33 – Wading River, NY – Dec WTC
    369. Caproni, Richard M. – 34 – Lynbrook, NY – Dec WTC
    370. Cardona, Jose – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    371. Carey, Dennis M. – 51 – Wantagh, NY – Dec E/R
    372. Carlino, Edward – 46 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    373. Carlo, Michael Scott – 34 – Whitestone, NY – Dec E/R
    374. Carlone, David G. – 46 – Randolph, NJ – Dec WTC
    375. Carlson, Rosemarie C. – 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    376. Carney, Mark Stephen – 41 – Rahway, NJ – Dec WTC
    377. Carpeneto, Joyce Ann – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    378. Carranza, Alicia Acevedo – – Teziutian, Puebla, Mexico – Msg WTC
    379. Carrington, Jeremy M. – 34 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    380. Carroll, Michael T. – 39 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    381. Carroll, Peter J. – 35 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    382. Carson Jr., James J. – 32 – Massapequa Park, NY – Dec WTC
    383. Carstanjen, Christoffer Mikael – 33 – Turner Falls, MA – Un 175
    384. Carter, Angelene C. – 51 – Forrestville, MD – Dec Ptn
    385. Carter, Christopher Newton – 52 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    386. Cartier, James Marcel – 26 – Astoria, NY – Dec WTC
    387. Cartridge, Joel – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    388. Carver, Sharon – 38 – Waldorf, MD – Dec Ptn
    389. Casalduc, Vivian – 45 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    390. Casazza, John F. – 38 – Colts Neck, NJ – Dec WTC
    391. Cascio, Paul Reegan – 23 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    392. Casey, Neilie Anne Heffernan – 32 – Wellesley, MA – Am 11
    393. Cashman, William Joseph – 57 – North Bergen, NJ – Un 93
    394. Casillas, Margarito – – Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – Msg WTC
    395. Casoria, Thomas Anthony – 29 – Whitestone, NY – Dec E/R
    396. Caspar, William Otto – 57 – Eatontown, NJ – Dec WTC
    397. Castano, Alejandro – 35 – Edgewater, NJ – Dec WTC
    398. Castillo, Arcelia “Chela” – 49 – Elizabeth, NJ – Dec WTC
    399. Castrianno, Leonard – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    400. Castro, Jose Ramon – 37 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    401. Caswell, William E. – 54 – Silver Spring, MD – Am 77
    402. Catarelli, Richard G. – 47 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    403. Caton, Christopher Sean – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    404. Caufield, Robert J. – 49 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec WTC
    405. Caulfield, Mary Teresa – 58 – Eastchester, NY – Dec WTC
    406. Cavalier, Judson – 26 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    407. Cawley, Michael Joseph – 32 – Bellmore, NY – Dec E/R
    408. Cayne, Jason David – 32 – Morganville, NJ – Dec WTC
    409. Ceballos, Juan Armando – 47 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    410. Cecil-Carter, Marcia G. – 34 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    411. Cefalu, Jason – 30 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    412. Celic, Thomas J. – 43 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    413. Centeno, Ana M. – 38 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    414. Cesta, Joni – 37 – Bellmore, NY – Dec WTC
    415. Chada, John J. – 55 – Manassas, VA – Dec Ptn
    416. Chairnoff, Jeffrey M. – 35 – Windsor, NJ – Dec WTC
    417. Chalasani, Swarna – 33 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    418. Chalcoff, William – 41 – Roslyn, NY – Dec WTC
    419. Chalouh, Eli – 23 – Brooklyn, NY – Msg WTC
    420. Chan, Charles Lawrence “Chip” – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    421. Chang, Mandy – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    422. Chapa, Rosa Maria “Rosemary” – 64 – Springfield, VA – Dec Ptn
    423. Charette, Mark L. – 38 – Millburn, NJ – Dec WTC
    424. Charlebois, David M. – 39 – Washington, DC – On American 77
    425. Chavez, Gregorio Manuel – 48 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    426. Checo, Pedro Francisco – 35 – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    427. Cherry, Douglas MacMillan – 38 – Maplewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    428. Cherry, Stephen Patrick – 41 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    429. Cherry, Vernon Paul – 49 – Queens, NY – Dec E/R
    430. Chevalier, Nestor – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    431. Chevalier, Swede Joseph – 26 – Locust, NJ – Dec WTC
    432. Chiang, Alexander H. – 51 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    433. Chiarchiaro, Dorothy J. – 61 – Glenwood, NY – Dec WTC
    434. Chimbo, Luis Alfonso – 39 – Corona, NY – Dec WTC
    435. Chin, Robert – 33 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    436. Ching, Wing Wai “Eddie” – 29 – Union, NJ – Dec WTC
    437. Chiofalo Jr., Nicholas P. – 39 – Selden, NY – Dec E/R
    438. Chipura, John – 39 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    439. Chirchirillo, Peter A. – 47 – Langhorne, PA – Dec WTC
    440. Chirls, Catherine E. – 47 – Princeton, NJ – Dec WTC
    441. Cho, Kyung “Kaccy” – 30 – Clifton, NJ – Msg WTC
    442. Chowdhury, Abdul K. – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    443. Chowdhury, Mohammad Salahuddin – 38 – Woodside, NY – Dec WTC
    444. Christophe, Kirsten L. – 39 – Maplewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    445. Chu, Pamela – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    446. Chucknick, Steven Paul – 44 – Cliffwood Beach, NJ – Dec WTC
    447. Chung, Wai-ching – 36 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    448. Ciafardini, Christopher – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    449. Ciccone, Alex F. – 38 – New Rochelle, NY – Dec WTC
    450. Cilente, Frances Ann – 26 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    451. Cillo, Elaine – 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    452. Cintron, Edna – 46 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    453. Cintron, Nestor Andre – 26 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    454. Cirri, Robert D. – 39 – Nutley, NJ – Dec E/R
    455. Cisneros, Juan Pablo – 24 – Weehawken, NJ – Dec WTC
    456. Clark, Benjamin Keefe – 39 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    457. Clark, Eugene – 47 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    458. Clark, Gregory A. – 40 – Teaneck, NJ – Dec WTC
    459. Clark, Mannie Leroy – 54 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    460. Clark, Sarah – 65 – Columbia, MD – Am 77
    461. Clark, Thomas R. – 37 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    462. Clarke, Christopher Robert – 34 – Philadelphia, PA – Dec WTC
    463. Clarke, Donna – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    464. Clarke, Michael – 27 – Prince’s Bay, NY – Dec E/R
    465. Clarke, Suria R.E. – 30 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    466. Cleary, Kevin F. – 38 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    467. Cleere, James D. – 55 – Newton, IA – Dec WTC
    468. Cloud, Geoffrey W. – 36 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    469. Clyne, Susan M. – 42 – Lindenhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    470. Coakley, Steven – 36 – Deer Park, NY – Dec E/R
    471. Coale, Jeffrey – 31 – Souderton, PA – Dec WTC
    472. Cody, Patricia A. – 46 – Brigantine, NJ – Dec WTC
    473. Coffey, Daniel Michael – 54 – Newburgh, NY – Dec WTC
    474. Coffey, Jason Matthew – 25 – Newburgh, NY – Dec WTC
    475. Cohen, Florence – 62 – Bensonhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    476. Cohen, Kevin Sanford – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    477. Coladonato III, Anthony Joseph – 47 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    478. Colaio, Mark Joseph – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    479. Colaio, Stephen J. – 32 – Montauk, NY – Dec WTC
    480. Colasanti, Christopher M. – 33 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    481. Colbert, Kevin Nathaniel – 25 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    482. Colbert, Michel Paris – 39 – West New York, NJ – Dec WTC
    483. Coleman, Keith Eugene – 34 – Warren, NJ – Dec WTC
    484. Coleman, Scott Thomas – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    485. Coleman, Tarel – 32 – Rochdale Village, NY – Dec E/R
    486. Colhoun, Liam – 34 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    487. Colin, Robert Dana – 49 – West Babylon, NY – Dec WTC
    488. Coll, Robert Joseph – 35 – Glen Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    489. Collin, Jean Marie – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    490. Collins, John Michael – 42 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    491. Collins, Michael – 38 – Upper Montclair, NJ – Dec WTC
    492. Collins, Thomas J. – 36 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    493. Collison, Joseph – – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    494. Collman, Jeffrey Dwayne – 41 – Novato, CA – Am 11
    495. Colodner, Patricia Malia – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    496. Colon, Linda M. – 46 – Perrineville, NJ – Dec WTC
    497. Colon, Soledi E. – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    498. Comer, Ronald – 56 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    499. Concepcion, Jaime – 46 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    500. Conde, Albert – 62 – Englishtown, NJ – Dec WTC
    501. Conley, Denease – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    502. Conlon, Susan Clancy – 41 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    503. Conner, Margaret Mary – 57 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    504. Connolly Jr., John E. – 46 – Allenwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    505. Connolly, Cynthia L. – 40 – Metuchen, NJ – Dec WTC
    506. Connor, James Lee – 38 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    507. Connors, Jonathan “J.C.” – 55 – Old Brookville, NY – Dec WTC
    508. Connors, Kevin P. – 55 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    509. Conroy, Kevin Francis – 47 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    510. Conway, Brenda E. – 40 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    511. Cook, Dennis Michael – 33 – Colts Neck, NJ – Dec WTC
    512. Cook, Helen D. – 24 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    513. Coombs, Jeffrey – 42 – Abington, MA – Am 11
    514. Cooper, John A. – 40 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    515. Cooper, Julian – 39 – Springdale, MD – Dec Ptn
    516. Coppo Jr., Joseph J. – 47 – New Canaan, CT – Dec WTC
    517. Coppola, Gerard J. – 46 – New Providence, NJ – Dec WTC
    518. Corbett, Joseph Albert – 28 – Islip, NY – Dec WTC
    519. Corcoran, John “Jay” – 45 – Norwell, MA – Un 175
    520. Cordero, Alejandro – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    521. Cordice, Robert – 28 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    522. Correa, Ruben D. – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    523. Correa-Gutierrez, Daniel A. – 25 – Fairview, NJ – Dec WTC
    524. Corrigan, Georgine Rose – 56 – Honolulu, HI – Un 93
    525. Corrigan, James – 60 – Little Neck, NY – Dec E/R
    526. Cortes, Carlos – 57 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    527. Cosgrove, Kevin M. – 46 – West Islip, NY – Dec WTC
    528. Costa, Dolores Marie – 53 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    529. Costanza, Alexandra Digna – 25 – Woodside, NY – Dec WTC
    530. Costello, Charles Gregory – 46 – Old Bridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    531. Costello, Michael S. – 27 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    532. Cottom, Asia – 11 – Washington, DC – On American 77
    533. Cottoy Sr., Conrod K.H. – 51 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    534. Coughlan, Martin – 54 – County Tipperary, Ireland – Dec WTC
    535. Coughlin, John Gerard – 43 – Pomona, NY – Dec E/R
    536. Coughlin, Timothy John – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    537. Cove, James E. – 48 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    538. Cox, Andre – 29 – Canarsie, NY – Dec WTC
    539. Cox, Frederick John – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    540. Coyle, James Raymond – 26 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    541. Coyle-Eulau, Michele – 38 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    542. Cramer, Anne Martino – 47 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    543. Cramer, Christopher S. – 34 – Manahawkin, NJ – Dec WTC
    544. Cranford, Eric Allen – 32 – Drexel, NC – Dec Ptn
    545. Crant, Denise – 46 – Hackensack, NJ – Dec WTC
    546. Crawford Jr., James Leslie – 33 – Madison, NJ – Dec WTC
    547. Crawford, Robert James – 62 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    548. Creamer, Tara Kathleen – 30 – Worcester, MA – Am 11
    549. Cregan, Joanne Mary – 32 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    550. Crifasi, Lucia – 51 – Glendale, NY – Dec WTC
    551. Crisci, John – 48 – Holbrook, NY – Dec E/R
    552. Crisman, Daniel Hal – 25 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    553. Cross, Dennis A. – 60 – Islip Terrace, NY – Dec E/R
    554. Crossin-Kittle, Helen – 34 – Larchmont, NY – Dec WTC
    555. Crotty, Kevin Raymond – 43 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    556. Crotty, Thomas G. – 42 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    557. Crowe, John R. – 57 – Rutherford, NJ – Dec WTC
    558. Crowther, Welles Remy – 24 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    559. Cruikshank, Robert – 64 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    560. Cruz, Francisco – 47 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    561. Cruz, John Robert – 32 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    562. Cubas, Kenneth John – 48 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    563. Cubero, Francisco C. – 47 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    564. Cuccinello, Thelma – 71 – Wilmot Flat, NH – Am 11
    565. Cudina, Richard Joseph – 46 – Glen Gardner, NJ – Dec WTC
    566. Cudmore, Neil James – 38 – Port Washington, NY – Dec WTC
    567. Cullen III, Thomas Patrick – 31 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    568. Cullinan, Joan McConnell – 47 – Scarsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    569. Cummings, Joyce – 65 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    570. Cummins, Brian Thomas – 38 – Manasquan, NJ – Dec WTC
    571. Cunha, Nilton Albuquerque Fernao – 41 – Unknown – Msg WTC
    572. Cunningham, Michael Joseph “Mickey” – 39 – West Windsor, NJ – Dec WTC
    573. Curatolo, Robert – 31 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    574. Curia, Laurence – 41 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    575. Curioli, Paul Dario – 53 – Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    576. Currivan, Patrick – 52 – Winchester, MA – Am 11
    577. Curry, Beverly – 41 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    578. Curtin, Michael Sean – 45 – Medford, NY – Dec E/R
    579. Cushing, Patricia – 69 – Bayonne, NJ – Un 93
    580. Cushny, Gavin – 47 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    581. Da Mota, Manuel J. – 44 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec WTC
    582. Dack, Caleb Arron – 39 – Montclair, NJ – Dec WTC
    583. DaCosta, Carlos S. – 41 – Elizabeth, NJ – Dec WTC
    584. Dahl, Jason – 43 – Denver, CO – Un 93
    585. Dale, Brian Paul – 43 – Warren, NJ – Am 11
    586. D’Allara, John – 47 – Pearl River , NY – Dec E/R
    587. D’Amadeo, Vincent – 36 – East Patchouge, NY – Dec WTC
    588. Damaskinos, Thomas A. – 33 – Matawan, NJ – Dec WTC
    589. D’Ambrosi, Jack L. – 45 – Woodcliff Lake, NJ – Dec WTC
    590. Damiani-Jones, Jeannine Marie – 28 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    591. Danahy, Patrick William – 35 – Yorktown Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    592. D’Antonio, Mary Yolanda – 55 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    593. Danz, Vincent G. – 38 – Farmingdale, NY – Dec E/R
    594. Darcy, Dwight Donald – 55 – Bronxville, NY – Dec WTC
    595. Darling, Elizabeth Ann – 28 – Newark, NJ – Dec WTC
    596. Dataram, Anette Andrea – 25 – South Ozone Park, NY – Dec WTC
    597. D’Atri, Edward Alexander – 38 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    598. D’Auria, Michael D. – 25 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    599. Davidson, Julane – 26 – Jersey City, NJ – Msg WTC
    600. Davidson, Lawrence – 51 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    601. Davidson, Michael Allen – 27 – Westfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    602. Davidson, Scott Matthew – 33 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    603. Davidson, Titus – 50 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    604. Davila, Niurka – 47 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    605. Davis, Ada – 57 – Camp Springs, MD – Dec Ptn
    606. Davis, Clinton – 38 – Flushing, NY – Dec E/R
    607. Davis, Wayne Terrial – 29 – Fort Meade, MD – Dec WTC
    608. Dawson, Anthony Richard – 32 – Southampton Hampshire, England – Dec WTC
    609. Dawson, Calvin – 46 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    610. Day, Edward James – 45 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    611. De Chavez, Jayceryll M. – 24 – Carteret, NJ – Dec WTC
    612. de la Cruz, Nataly – – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    613. De la Pena, Emerita “Emily” – 32 – Briarwood, NY – Dec WTC
    614. de la Torre, Azucena – 50 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    615. de Laura, Cristina – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    616. de Laura, Oscar – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    617. De Martini, Francis Albert – 49 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    618. de Padro, Diana Borrero – 55 – Woodbridge, VA – Dec Ptn
    619. De Pena, Jose Nicholas – 42 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    620. De Santis, Jemal Legesse – 28 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    621. Dean, William T. – 35 – Floral Park, NY – Dec WTC
    622. DeAngelis Jr., Robert J. – 47 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    623. DeAngelis, Thomas P. – 51 – Westbury, NY – Dec E/R
    624. Dearaujo, Dorothy – 82 – Long Beach, CA – Un 175
    625. DeBarrera, Ana Gloria Pocasangre – 49 – Soyapango, El Salvador – Dec WTC
    626. Debek, Tara – 35 – Babylon, NY – Dec WTC
    627. Debeuneure, James Daniel – 58 – Upper Marlboro, MD – Am 77
    628. DeBin, Anna – 30 – East Farmingdale, NY – Dec WTC
    629. Deblase, James Vincent – 45 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec WTC
    630. DeCola, Paul – 39 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec WTC
    631. Deconto, Gerald Francis – 44 – Sandwich, MA – Dec Ptn
    632. Dedvukaj, Simon – 26 – Mohegan Lake, NY – Dec WTC
    633. DeFazio, Jason Christopher – 29 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    634. DeFeo, David A. – 37 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    635. DeJesus, Jennifer – 23 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    636. DeJesus, Monique E. – 28 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    637. DeJesus, Nereida – 30 – Bronx , NY – Dec WTC
    638. Del Valle Jr., Manuel – 32 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    639. Delapenha, Donald A. – 37 – Allendale, NJ – Dec WTC
    640. DeLeo, Vito Joseph – 41 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    641. Delie, Danielle – 47 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    642. Della Pietra, Joseph A. – 24 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    643. Delli Gatti, Palmina – 33 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    644. Deloughery, Colleen Ann – 41 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    645. DeLuca, Joseph – 52 – Ledgewood, NJ – Un 93
    646. Demas, Anthony – 61 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    647. DeMeo, Martin N. – 47 – Farmingville, NY – Dec E/R
    648. Deming, Francis X. – 47 – Franklin Lakes, NJ – Dec WTC
    649. Demitz, Carol K. – 49 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    650. Dennis, Kevin – 43 – Peapack, NJ – Dec WTC
    651. Dennis, Thomas F. – 43 – Setauket, NY – Dec WTC
    652. DePalma, Jean C. – 42 – Newfoundland, NJ – Dec WTC
    653. Deraney, Robert J. – 43 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    654. DeRienzo, Michael – 37 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    655. Derubbio, David Paul – 38 – Bensonhurst, NY – Dec E/R
    656. DeSimone III, Edward – 36 – Atlantic Highlands, NJ – Dec WTC
    657. DeSimone, Christian D. – 23 – Ringwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    658. Desperito, Andrew J. – 44 – East Patchogue, NY – Dec E/R
    659. D’Esposito, Michael Jude – 32 – Morganville, NJ – Dec WTC
    660. Deuel, Cindy Ann – 28 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    661. DeVere, Melanie Louise – 30 – Portsmouth, England – Dec WTC
    662. DeVito, Jerry – 66 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    663. Devitt Jr., Robert P. – 36 – Plainsboro, NJ – Dec WTC
    664. Devlin, Dennis Lawrence – 51 – Washingtonville, NY – Dec E/R
    665. Dewan, Gerard – 35 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    666. Dhanani, Sulemanali A. – 62 – Hartsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    667. Di Nardo Schorpp, Marisa – 38 – White Plains, NY – Dec WTC
    668. Diagostino, Michael L. – 41 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    669. Diaz, Matthew – 33 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    670. Diaz, Nancy – 28 – North Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    671. Diaz-Piedra III, Michael – 49 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    672. Diaz-Sierra, Judith Berquis – 32 – Bay Shore, NY – Dec WTC
    673. Dichiaro, Patricia F. – 63 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    674. Dickens, Rodney – 11 – Washington, DC – On American 77
    675. Dickerson, Jerry Don – 41 – Durant, MS – Dec Ptn
    676. Dickey Jr., Joseph Dermott – 50 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    677. Dickinson, Lawrence Patrick – 35 – Morganville, NJ – Dec WTC
    678. Diehl, Michael David – 48 – Bricktown, NJ – Dec WTC
    679. DiFato, John – 39 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    680. DiFazio, Vincent Francis – 43 – Hampton, NJ – Dec WTC
    681. DiFranco, Carl – 27 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    682. DiFranco, Donald J. – 43 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    683. Dillard, Eddie – 54 – Alexandria, VA – Am 77
    684. DiMartino, Debra Ann – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    685. DiMeglio, David – 22 – Wakefield, MA – Am 11
    686. Dimino, Stephen Patrick – 48 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    687. Dimmling, William J. – 47 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    688. Dincuff, Christopher M. – 31 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    689. Dingle, Jeffrey M. – 32 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    690. Dionisio Jr., Anthony – 38 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    691. DiPasquale, George – 33 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    692. DiPilato, Joseph – 57 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    693. DiStefano, Douglas Frank – 24 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    694. DiTullio, Donald Americo – 49 – Peabody, MA – Am 11
    695. Doany, Ramzi A. – 35 – Bayone, NJ – Dec WTC
    696. Doctor Jr., Johnnie, – 32 – Jacksonville, FL – Dec Ptn
    697. Doherty, John J. – 58 – Hartsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    698. Doi, Melissa C. – 32 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    699. Dolan, Brendan – 37 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    700. Dolan, Robert Edward – 43 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    701. Dollard, Neil M. – 28 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    702. Domanico, James Joseph – 56 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    703. Domingo, Benilda P. – 38 – Elmhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    704. Dominguez, Alberto – 66 – Lidcombe N.S.W., Australia – Am 11
    705. Dominguez, Carlos – 34 – East Meadow, NY – Dec WTC
    706. Dominguez, Jerome Mark Patrick – 37 – Holtsville, NY – Dec E/R
    707. Donnelly, Kevin W. – 43 – Seaford, NY – Dec E/R
    708. Donovan, Jacqueline – 34 – Lynbrook, NY – Dec WTC
    709. Donovan, William Howard – 37 – Nunda, NY – Dec Ptn
    710. Dorf, Stephen S. – 39 – New Milford, NJ – Dec WTC
    711. Dowd, Thomas – 37 – Monroe, NY – Dec WTC
    712. Dowdell, Kevin Christopher – 46 – Breezy Point, NY – Dec E/R
    713. Dowling, Mary Yolanda – 46 – Rosedale, NY – Dec WTC
    714. Downey, Ray M. – 63 – Deer Park, NY – Dec E/R
    715. Doyle, Frank Joseph – 39 – Engelwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    716. Doyle, Joseph M. – 25 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    717. Drake, Randy – 37 – Lee’s Summit, MO – Dec WTC
    718. Driscoll, Patrick Joseph – 70 – Manalapan, NJ – Un 93
    719. Driscoll, Stephen Patrick – 38 – Lake Carmel, NY – Dec E/R
    720. Droz, Charles – 52 – Springfield, VA – Am 77
    721. Duarte, Mirna A. – 31 – Richmond Hill, NY – Dec WTC
    722. Duberry, Michelle – – London, England – Msg WTC
    723. Dudek, Luke A. – 50 – Livingston, NJ – Dec WTC
    724. Duffy, Christopher Michael – 23 – Crestwood, NY – Dec WTC
    725. Duffy, Gerard – 53 – Manorville, NY – Dec E/R
    726. Duffy, Michael Joseph – 29 – Northport, NY – Dec WTC
    727. Duffy, Thomas W. – 52 – Pittsford, NY – Dec WTC
    728. Duger, Antoinette – 44 – Belleville, NJ – Dec WTC
    729. Duggan, Jackie Sayegh – 34 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    730. Dukat, Sareve – 53 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    731. Dunn, Patrick S. – 39 – Springfield, VA – Dec Ptn
    732. Dunne, Christopher Joseph – 28 – Mineola, NY – Dec WTC
    733. Dunstan, Richard A. – 54 – New Providence, NJ – Dec WTC
    734. Dwyer, Patrick Thomas – 37 – Nissequogue, NY – Dec WTC
    735. Eacobacci, Joseph Anthony – 26 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    736. Eagleson, John Bruce – 53 – Middlefield, CT – Dec WTC
    737. Eagon, Catherine – – Hull, NJ – Msg WTC
    738. Earhart, Edward Thomas – 26 – Salt Lick, KY – Dec Ptn
    739. Eaton, Robert – 37 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    740. Eberling, Dean P. – 44 – Cranford, NJ – Dec WTC
    741. Echtermann, Margaret Ruth – 33 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    742. Eckna, Paul Robert – 28 – West New York, NJ – Dec WTC
    743. Economos, Constantine “Gus” – 41 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    744. Edwards, Barbara G. – 58 – Las Vegas, NV – Am 77
    745. Edwards, Dennis Michael – 35 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    746. Edwards, Michael Hardy – 33 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    747. Egan Jr., Martin J. – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    748. Egan, Christine – 55 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – Dec WTC
    749. Egan, Lisa – 31 – Cliffside Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    750. Egan, Michael – 51 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    751. Egan, Samantha – 24 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    752. Eggert, Carole – 61 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    753. Ehrlich, Lisa Caren – 36 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    754. Eichler, John Ernst “Jack” – 69 – Cedar Grove, NJ – Dec WTC
    755. Eisenberg, Eric Adam – 32 – Commack, NY – Dec WTC
    756. Elder, Daphne F. – 36 – Newark, NJ – Dec WTC
    757. Elferis, Michael J. – 27 – College Point, NY – Dec E/R
    758. Ellis, Mark J. – 26 – Huntington, NY – Dec E/R
    759. Ellis, Valerie Silver – 46 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    760. Elmarry, Albert Alfy William – 30 – North Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    761. Elseth, Robert Randolph “Bob” – 37 – Vestal, NY – Dec Ptn
    762. Emery, Edgar H. – 45 – Clifton, NJ – Dec WTC
    763. Eng, Doris Suk-Yuen – 30 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    764. Epps, Christopher S. – 29 – Bronx, NY – Msg WTC
    765. Erker, Erwin L. – 41 – Farmingdale, NY – Dec WTC
    766. Erwin, William John – 30 – Verona, NJ – Dec WTC
    767. Escarcega, Sarah Ali – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    768. Espinal, Jose – 31 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    769. Espinoza, Fanny M. – 29 – Teaneck, NJ – Dec WTC
    770. Esposito, Brigette Ann – 34 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    771. Esposito, Francis – 32 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    772. Esposito, Michael – 43 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    773. Esposito, William – 52 – Bellmore, NY – Dec WTC
    774. Esquilin Jr., Ruben – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    775. Ette, Sadie – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    776. Etzold, Barbara G. – 43 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    777. Evans, Eric Brian – 31 – Weehawken, NJ – Dec WTC
    778. Evans, Robert Edward “Bobby” – 36 – Franklin Square, NY – Dec E/R
    779. Ewart, Meredith Emily June – 29 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    780. Fagan, Catherine K. – 58 – Greenpoint, NY – Dec WTC
    781. Fagan, Patricia M. – 55 – Toms River, NJ – Dec WTC
    782. Fairben, Keith George – 24 – Floral Park, NY – Dec E/R
    783. Falkenberg, Charles S. – 45 – University Park, MD – Am 77
    784. Falkenberg, Dana – 3 – University Park, MD – Am 77
    785. Falkenberg, Zoe – 8 – University Park, MD – Am 77
    786. Fallon Jr., William F. – 53 – Rocky Hill, NJ – Dec WTC
    787. Fallon Jr., William L. – 38 – Coram, NY – Dec WTC
    788. Fallon, Jamie Lynn – 23 – Woodbridge, VA – Dec Ptn
    789. Fallone Jr., Anthony J. – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    790. Fanelli, Dolores B. – 38 – Farmingville, NY – Dec WTC
    791. Fangman, Robert J. – 33 – Claymont, DE – Un 175
    792. Fanning, John Joseph “Jack” – 54 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec E/R
    793. Faragher, Kathleen “Kit” – 33 – Denver, CO – Dec WTC
    794. Farino, Thomas J. – 37 – South Ozone Park, NY – Dec E/R
    795. Farley, Nancy Carole – 45 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    796. Farley-Hackel, Paige – 46 – Newton, MA – Am 11
    797. Farmer, Elizabeth Ann “Betty” – 62 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    798. Farnum, Douglas – 33 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    799. Farrell, John Gerard – 32 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    800. Farrell, John William – 41 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    801. Farrell, Terrence Patrick – 45 – Huntington, NY – Dec E/R
    802. Farrelly, Joseph – 47 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    803. Farrelly, Thomas P. – 54 – East Northport, NY – Dec WTC
    804. Fatha, Syed Abdul – 54 – Newark, NJ – Dec WTC
    805. Faughnan, Christopher – 37 – South Orange, NJ – Dec WTC
    806. Faulkner, Wendy R. – 47 – Mason, OH – Dec WTC
    807. Fava, Shannon M. – 30 – Bensonhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    808. Favuzza, Bernard D. – 52 – Suffern, NY – Dec WTC
    809. Fazio, Robert – 41 – Freeport, NY – Dec E/R
    810. Fazio, Ronald Carl – 57 – Closter, NJ – Dec WTC
    811. Feehan, William M. – 71 – Flushing, NY – Dec E/R
    812. Feely, Francis J. “Frank” – 41 – Middletown, NY – Dec WTC
    813. Feeney, Garth E. – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    814. Fegan, Sean – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    815. Fehling, Lee – 28 – Wantagh, NY – Dec E/R
    816. Feidelberg, Peter – 34 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    817. Feinberg, Alan D. – 48 – Marlboro, NJ – Dec E/R
    818. Feinberg, Arnold – – Neptune, NJ – Msg WTC
    819. Feliciano, Rosa Maria – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    820. Felt, Edward Porter – 41 – Matawan, NJ – Un 93
    821. Fergus Jr., Edward T. – 40 – Wilton, CT – Dec WTC
    822. Ferguson, George J. – 54 – Teaneck, NJ – Dec WTC
    823. Ferguson, James Joe – 39 – Washington, DC – On American 77
    824. Fernandez, Henry – 23 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    825. Fernandez, Jose Manuel Contreras – – El Aguacate, Jalisco, Mexico – Msg WTC
    826. Fernandez, Judy H. – 27 – Parlin, NJ – Dec WTC
    827. Ferraina, Elisa Giselle – 27 – London, England – Dec WTC
    828. Ferreira, Anne Marie Sallerin – 29 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    829. Ferris, Robert John – 63 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    830. Ferrugio, David Francis – 46 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    831. Fersini, Louis V. – 38 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    832. Ferugio, Michael – 37 – Brooklyn Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    833. Fetchet, Bradley James – 24 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    834. Fialko, Jennifer Louise – 29 – Teaneck, NJ – Dec WTC
    835. Fiedel, Kristen – 27 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    836. Fields, Amelia Virginia – 36 – Dumfries, VA – Dec Ptn
    837. Fields, Samuel – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    838. Filipov, Alexander M. – 70 – Concord, MA – Am 11
    839. Finnegan, Michael Bradley – 37 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    840. Finnerty, Timothy J. – 33 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    841. Fiore, Michael Curtis – 46 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    842. Fiorelli, Stephen J. – 43 – Aberdeen, NJ – Dec WTC
    843. Fiori, Paul – 31 – Yorktown Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    844. Fiorito, John – 40 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    845. Fischer, John R. – 46 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    846. Fisher, Andrew – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    847. Fisher, Bennett Lawson – 58 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    848. Fisher, Gerald P. – 57 – Potomac, MD – Dec Ptn
    849. Fisher, John Roger – 46 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    850. Fisher, Thomas Joseph – 36 – Union , NJ – Dec WTC
    851. Fishman, Lucy – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    852. Fitzgerald, Ryan Daniel – 26 – Floral Park, NY – Dec WTC
    853. Fitzpatrick, Thomas – 35 – Tuckahoe, NY – Dec WTC
    854. Fitzsimons, Richard P. – 57 – Lynbrook, NY – Dec WTC
    855. Fiumefreddo, Salvatore A. – 45 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec WTC
    856. Flagg, Darlene “Dee” – 63 – Millwood, VA – Am 77
    857. Flagg, Wilson “Bud” – 63 – Millwood, VA – Am 77
    858. Flannery, Christina Donovan – 26 – Middle Village, NY – Dec WTC
    859. Flecha, Eileen – 33 – Kew Gardens, NY – Dec WTC
    860. Fletcher, Andre G. – 37 – North Babylon, NY – Dec E/R
    861. Flickinger, Carl M. – 38 – Conyers, NY – Dec WTC
    862. Flocco, Matthew Michael – 21 – Newark, DE – Dec Ptn
    863. Florio, John Joseph – 33 – Oceanside, NY – Dec E/R
    864. Flounders, Joseph W. – 46 – East Stroudsburg, PA – Dec WTC
    865. Flyzik, Carol – 40 – Plaistow, NH – Am 11
    866. Fodor, David Lawrence William – 38 – Garrison, NY – Dec WTC
    867. Fodor, Michael N. – 53 – Warwick, NY – Dec E/R
    868. Fogel, Stephen Mark – 40 – Westfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    869. Foley, Thomas – 32 – West Nyack, NY – Dec E/R
    870. Folger, Jane C. – 73 – Bayonne, NJ – Un 93
    871. Fontana, David – 37 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    872. Foo, Chih Min “Dennis” – 40 – Holmdel, NJ – Dec WTC
    873. Forbes, Bobby – 37 – Rahway, NJ – Msg WTC
    874. Forbes-Cheatham, Del Rose – 48 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    875. Forde, Godwin – 39 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    876. Foreman, Donald A. – 53 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    877. Forsythe, Christopher Hugh – 44 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    878. Foster, Claudia Alicia Martinez – 26 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    879. Foster, Noel J. – 40 – Bridgewater, NJ – Dec WTC
    880. Foster, Sandra N. – 41 – Clinton, MD – Dec Ptn
    881. Fosteris, Ana – 58 – Coram, NY – Dec WTC
    882. Foti, Robert Joseph – 42 – Albertson, NY – Dec E/R
    883. Fouchet, Yolette – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    884. Fox, Jeffrey L. – 40 – Cranbury, NJ – Dec WTC
    885. Fox, Virginia – 58 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    886. Francis, Joan – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    887. Francis, Lucille Virgin – 63 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    888. Francis, Pauline – 57 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    889. Francois, Jean-Pierre – 58 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    890. Frank, Gary J. – 35 – South Amboy, NJ – Dec WTC
    891. Frank, Morton H. – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    892. Frank, Peter Christopher – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    893. Fraser, Colleen Laura – 51 – Elizabeth, NJ – Un 93
    894. Fraser, Richard K. – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    895. Frawley, Kevin Joseph – 34 – Bronxville, NY – Dec WTC
    896. Frazier Jr., Clyde – 41 – Jamaica, NY – Dec WTC
    897. Frederick, Lillian Inez – 46 – Teaneck, NJ – Dec WTC
    898. Fredericks, Andrew – 40 – Suffern, NY – Dec E/R
    899. Freeman, Tamitha – 35 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    900. Freemen, Jamitha – 35 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    901. Freiman, Brett O. – 29 – Roslyn, NY – Dec WTC
    902. Freund, Peter L. – 45 – Westtown, NY – Dec E/R
    903. Fried, Arlene E. – 49 – Roslyn Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    904. Friedlander, Alan Wayne – 52 – Yorktown Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    905. Friedman, Andrew K. – 44 – Woodbury, NY – Dec WTC
    906. Friedman, Paul J. – 45 – Belmont, MA – Am 11
    907. Froehner, Gregg J. – 46 – Chester, NJ – Dec E/R
    908. Frost, Lisa Anne – 22 – Rancho Santa Margarita, CA – Un 175
    909. Fry, Peter Christian – 36 – Wilton, CT – Dec WTC
    910. Fumando, Clement – 59 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    911. Furman, Steven Elliot – 40 – Wesley Hills, NY – Dec WTC
    912. Furmato, Paul James – 37 – Colts Neck, NJ – Dec WTC
    913. Fyfe, Karleton D.B. – 31 – Brookline, MA – Am 11
    914. Gabler, Fredric – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    915. Gabriel, Richard P. – 54 – Great Falls, VA – Am 77
    916. Gabrielle, Richard S. – 50 – West Haven, CT – Dec WTC
    917. Gadiel, James Andrew – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    918. Gaff, Pamela – 51 – Robinsville, NJ – Dec WTC
    919. Gailliard, Ervin Vincent – 42 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    920. Galante, Deanna – 32 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    921. Galante, Grace – 29 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    922. Galicia, German Castillo – – Ozumba, Mexico – Msg WTC
    923. Gallagher, Anthony Edward – 41 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    924. Gallagher, Daniel James – 23 – Red Bank, NJ – Dec WTC
    925. Gallagher, John – 31 – Yonkers, NY – Dec WTC
    926. Galletti, Lourdes – 33 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    927. Gallo, Cono E. – 30 – Maspeth, NY – Dec WTC
    928. Gallucci, Vincenzo – 36 – Monroe, NJ – Dec WTC
    929. Galvin, Thomas Edward – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    930. Gambale, Giovanna “Genni” – 27 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    931. Gambino Jr., Thomas – 48 – Babylon, NY – Dec E/R
    932. Gamboa, Giann F. – 26 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    933. Gamboa, Ronald – 33 – Los Angeles, CA – Un 175
    934. Ganci, Peter – 54 – North Massapequa, NY – Dec E/R
    935. Gann, Claude Michael – 41 – Roswell, GA – Dec WTC
    936. Garbarini, Charles William – 43 – Pleasantville, NY – Dec E/R
    937. Garcia, Andrew – 62 – Portola Valley, CA – Un 93
    938. Garcia, Cesar R. – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    939. Garcia, David – 40 – Freeport, NY – Dec WTC
    940. Garcia, Jorge Luis Morron – 38 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    941. Garcia, Juan – 50 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    942. Garcia, Marlyn Carmen – 21 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    943. Gardner III, Harvey Joseph – 35 – Lakewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    944. Gardner, Christopher – 36 – Darien, CT – Dec WTC
    945. Gardner, Douglas B. – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    946. Gardner, Jeffrey Brian – 36 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    947. Gardner, Thomas A. – 39 – Oceanside, NY – Dec E/R
    948. Gardner, William Arthur “Bill” – 45 – Lynbrook, NY – Dec WTC
    949. Garfi, Francesco – 29 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    950. Gargano, Rocco – 28 – Bayside, NY – Dec WTC
    951. Gartenberg, James Michael – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    952. Garvey, Matthew David – 37 – Unknown – Dec E/R
    953. Gary, Bruce H. – 51 – Bellmore, NY – Dec E/R
    954. Gatton, Boyd A. – 38 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    955. Gavagan Jr., Donald Richard – 35 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec WTC
    956. Gay, Peter Allan – 54 – Tewksbury, MA – Am 11
    957. Gazzani, Terence D. – 24 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    958. Geidel, Gary – – New York, NY – Msg E/R
    959. Geier, Paul Hamilton – 33 – Farmingdale, NY – Dec WTC
    960. Geis, Julie – 44 – Lee’s Summit, MO – Dec WTC
    961. Gelinas, Peter – 34 – Bronxville, NY – Dec WTC
    962. Geller, Steven Paul – 52 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    963. Gelling Jr., Howard G. – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    964. Genco, Peter Victor – 36 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    965. Genovese, Steven Gregory – 37 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    966. Gentul, Alayne F. – 44 – Montain Lakes, NJ – Dec WTC
    967. George, Linda M. – 27 – Westboro, MA – Am 11
    968. Geraghty, Edward F. – 45 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec E/R
    969. Geraty, Suzanne – 30 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec WTC
    970. Gerhardt, Ralph – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    971. Gerlich, Robert J. – 56 – Monroe, CT – Dec WTC
    972. Germain, Denis P. – 33 – Tuxedo Park, NY – Dec E/R
    973. Gertsberg, Marina R. – 25 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    974. Getzendanner, Susan M. – 57 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    975. Getzfred, Lawrence Daniel – 57 – Elgin, NE – Dec Ptn
    976. Geyer, James “Jimmy” Gerald – 41 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    977. Ghee, Cortz – 54 – Reisterstown, MD – Dec Ptn
    978. Giaccone, Joseph M. – 43 – Monroe, NJ – Dec WTC
    979. Giammona, Vincent Francis – 40 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec E/R
    980. Gibbon, Debra L. – 43 – Hackettstown, NJ – Dec WTC
    981. Giberson, James Andrew – 43 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    982. Gibson, Brenda C. – 59 – Falls Church, VA – Dec Ptn
    983. Gibson, Craig Neil – 37 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    984. Gies, Ronnie E. – 43 – Merrick, NY – Dec E/R
    985. Gilbert IV, Andrew Clive – 39 – Califon, NJ – Dec WTC
    986. Gilbert, Timothy Paul – 35 – Lebanon, NJ – Dec WTC
    987. Gilbey, Paul Stuart – 39 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    988. Gill, Paul John – 34 – Queens, NY – Dec E/R
    989. Gilles, Mark Y. – 33 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    990. Gillette, Evan H. – 40 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    991. Gilligan, Ronald – 43 – Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    992. Gillis, Rodney C. – 34 – Brownsville, NY – Dec E/R
    993. Gilly, Laura – 32 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec WTC
    994. Ginley, John F. – 37 – Warwick, NY – Dec E/R
    995. Giordano, Donna Marie – 44 – Parlin, NJ – Dec WTC
    996. Giordano, Jeffrey John – 46 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    997. Giordano, John J. – 46 – Newburgh, NY – Dec E/R
    998. Giorgetti, Steven A. – 43 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    999. Giovinazzo Jr., Martin – 34 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1000. Giraldo, Jinny Lady – 27 – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1001. Girolamo, Kum-Kum – 41 – Kew Gardens, NY – Dec WTC
    1002. Gitto, Salvatore – 44 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec WTC
    1003. Giugliano, Cynthia – 46 – Nesconset, NY – Dec WTC
    1004. Gjonbalaj, Mon – 65 – Throgs Neck, NY – Dec WTC
    1005. Gladstone, Dianne – 55 – Forest Hills, NY – Dec WTC
    1006. Glascoe, Keith Alexander – 38 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    1007. Glasser, Thomas I. – 40 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    1008. Glazer, Edmund – 41 – Wellesley, MA – Am 11
    1009. Glenn, Harry – 38 – Piscataway, NJ – Dec WTC
    1010. Glick, Barry H. – 55 – Wayne, NJ – Dec WTC
    1011. Glick, Jeremy – 31 – West Milford, NJ – Un 93
    1012. Glick, Steven Lawrence – 42 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    1013. Gnazzo, John T. – 32 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1014. Godshalk, William Robert “Bill” – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1015. Gogliormella, Michael – 43 – New Providence, NJ – Dec WTC
    1016. Goldberg, Brian Frederic – 26 – Union, NJ – Dec WTC
    1017. Goldflam, Jeffrey Grant – 48 – Melville, NY – Dec WTC
    1018. Goldstein, Michelle Herman – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1019. Goldstein, Monica – 25 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1020. Goldstein, Steven – 35 – Princeton, NJ – Dec WTC
    1021. Golinski, Ron – 60 – Columbia, MD – Msg (Ptn )
    1022. Golkin, Andrew H. – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1023. Gomes, Dennis James – 40 – Richmond Hill, NY – Dec WTC
    1024. Gomez, Enrique Antonio – 42 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1025. Gomez, Jose Bienvenido – 45 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1026. Gomez, Manuel – 42 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1027. Gomez, Max – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1028. Gomez, Wilder – 38 – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    1029. Gonzalez, Jenine – 27 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1030. Gonzalez, Joel Guevara – – Aguascalientes, Mexico – Msg WTC
    1031. Gonzalez, Mauricio – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1032. Gonzalez, Rosa Julia – 32 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1033. Gonzalez, Tambi – 22 – Yonkers, NY – Msg WTC
    1034. Goodchild, Lynn Catherine – 25 – Attleboro, MA – Un 175
    1035. Gooding, Calvin J. – 38 – Riverdale, NY – Dec WTC
    1036. Goodrich, Peter Morgan – 33 – Sudbury, MA – Un 175
    1037. Goody, Harry – 50 – Coney Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1038. Gopu, Kiran Reddy – 24 – Bridgeport, CT – Dec WTC
    1039. Gorayeb, Catherine Carmen – 41 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1040. Gordenstein, Lisa Reinhart Fenn – 41 – Needham, MA – Am 11
    1041. Gordon, Kerene – 42 – Far Rockaway, NY – Dec WTC
    1042. Gorki, Sebastian – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1043. Gorman, Kieran Joseph – 35 – Yonkers, NY – Dec WTC
    1044. Gorman, Thomas E. – 41 – Middlesex, NJ – Dec E/R
    1045. Gould White, Olga Kristin – 65 – New York, NY – Un 93
    1046. Gould, Michael Edward – 29 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1047. Gowell, Douglas A. – 52 – Methuen , MA – Un 175
    1048. Goya, Yuji – 42 – Rye, NY – Dec WTC
    1049. Grabowski, Jon Richard – 33 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1050. Grady, Christopher Michael – 39 – Cranford, NJ – Dec WTC
    1051. Graff III, Edwin J. – 48 – Rowayton, CT – Dec WTC
    1052. Graifman, David M. – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1053. Granados, Gilbert – 51 – Hicksville, NY – Dec WTC
    1054. Grandcolas, Lauren – 36 – San Rafael, CA – Un 93
    1055. Granitto, Elvira – 43 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1056. Grant, Winston Arthur – 59 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    1057. Gray, Christopher Stewart – 32 – Weehawken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1058. Gray, Ian J. – 55 – Columbia, MD – Am 77
    1059. Gray, James Michael – 34 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1060. Grayling, Linda Mair – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1061. Grazioso, John Michael – 41 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1062. Grazioso, Tim – 42 – Gulf Stream, FL – Dec WTC
    1063. Green, Andrew Peter Charles Curry – 34 – Santa Monica, CA – Am 11
    1064. Green, Derrick Arthur – 44 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1065. Green, Wade Brian – 42 – Westbury, NY – Dec WTC
    1066. Green, Wanda Anita – 49 – Linden, NJ – Un 93
    1067. Greenberg, Elaine Myra – 56 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1068. Greene, Donald F. – 52 – Greenwich, CT – Un 93
    1069. Greene, Gayle R. – 51 – Montville, NJ – Dec WTC
    1070. Greenleaf Jr., James Arthur – 32 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1071. Greenstein, Eileen Marsha – 52 – Morris Plains, NJ – Dec WTC
    1072. Gregg, Elizabeth Martin “Lisa” – 52 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1073. Gregory, Denise – 39 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    1074. Gregory, Donald H. – 62 – Ramsey, NJ – Dec WTC
    1075. Gregory, Florence M. – 38 – Breezy Point, NY – Dec WTC
    1076. Gregory, Jack – 53 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1077. Grehan, Pedro “David” – 35 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1078. Griffin, John M. – 38 – Waldwick, NJ – Dec WTC
    1079. Griffin, Tawanna – 30 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1080. Griffith, Joan Donna – 39 – Willingboro, NJ – Dec WTC
    1081. Grifka, Warren – 54 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1082. Grijalvo, Ramon – 58 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1083. Grillo, Joseph F. – 46 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1084. Grimner, David – 51 – Merrick, NY – Dec WTC
    1085. Grogan, Francis – 76 – Easton, MA – Un 175
    1086. Gronlund, Linda – 46 – Greenwood Lake, NY – Un 93
    1087. Grouzalis, Kenneth George – 56 – Lyndhurst, NJ – Dec WTC
    1088. Grzelak, Joseph – 52 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1089. Grzymalski, Matthew J. – 34 – New Hyde Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1090. Gschaar, Robert Joseph – 55 – Spring Valley, NY – Dec WTC
    1091. Gu, LiMing “Michael” – 34 – Piscataway, NJ – Dec WTC
    1092. Guadagno, Richard Jerry – 38 – Eureka, CA – Un 93
    1093. Guadalupe, Jose Antonio – 37 – Rochdale Village , NY – Dec E/R
    1094. Guan, Yan Zhu “Cindy” – 25 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1095. Guja, Geoffrey E. – 47 – Lindenhurst, NY – Dec E/R
    1096. Gullickson, Joseph – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1097. Guman, Babita – 33 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1098. Gurian, Douglas B. Radianz – 38 – Tenafly, NJ – Dec WTC
    1099. Gustafson, Janet H. – 48 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1100. Guza, Philip T. – 54 – Sea Bright, NJ – Dec WTC
    1101. Guzman, Sabita – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1102. Guzzardo, Barbara – 49 – Glendale, NY – Dec WTC
    1103. Gyulavary, Peter Mark – 44 – Warwick, NY – Dec WTC
    1104. Haag, Gary Robert – 36 – Ossining, NY – Dec WTC
    1105. Haberman, Andrea Lyn – 25 – Chicago, IL – Dec WTC
    1106. Habib, Barbara Mary Contarino – 49 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1107. Haentzler, Philip – 49 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1108. Hafiz, Nizam Ahmad – 32 – South Ozone Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1109. Hagerty, Karen – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1110. Hagis, Steven Michael – 31 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1111. Hague, Mary Lou – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1112. Halderman Jr., David – 40 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    1113. Hale, Maile Rachel – 26 – Cambridge, MA – Dec WTC
    1114. Hale-McKinzy, Diane M. – 38 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    1115. Hall, Richard – 49 – Purchase , NY – Dec WTC
    1116. Hall, Stanley – 68 – Rancho Palos Verdes, CA – Am 77
    1117. Hall, Vaswald George – 50 – St. Albans, NY – Dec WTC
    1118. Halligan, Robert John – 59 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1119. Halloran, Vincent Gerard – 43 – North Salem, NY – Dec E/R
    1120. Halmon, Carolyn B. – 49 – Washington, DC – Dec Ptn
    1121. Halvorson, James D. – 56 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    1122. Hamdani, Mohammed Salman – 23 – Bayside, NY – Dec WTC
    1123. Hamilton, Felicia – 62 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1124. Hamilton, Robert – 43 – Washingtonville, NY – Dec E/R
    1125. Hammond Jr., Carl Max – 37 – Derry, NH – Un 175
    1126. Han, Frederic Kim – 45 – Marlboro, NJ – Dec WTC
    1127. Hanley, Christopher James – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1128. Hanley, Sean – 35 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    1129. Hanna, Valerie Joan – 57 – Freeville, NY – Dec WTC
    1130. Hannafin, Thomas – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1131. Hannaford, Kevin James – 32 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1132. Hannan, Michael L. – 34 – Lynbrook, NY – Dec WTC
    1133. Hannon, Dana – 29 – Suffern, NY – Dec E/R
    1134. Hanson, Christine – 2 – Groton, MA – Un 175
    1135. Hanson, Peter – 32 – Groton, MA – Un 175
    1136. Hanson, Sue Jue Kim – 35 – Groton, MA – Un 175
    1137. Haramis, Vassilios G. – 56 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1138. Haran, James A. – 41 – Malverne, NY – Dec WTC
    1139. Hardacre, Gerald F. – 62 – Carlsbad, CA – Un 175
    1140. Hardy, Jeffrey P. – 46 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1141. Hargrave, Timothy John – 38 – Readington, NJ – Dec WTC
    1142. Harlin, Daniel – 41 – Kent, NY – Msg E/R
    1143. Haros, Frances – 76 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1144. Harrell, Harvey L. – 49 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1145. Harrell, Stephen Gary – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1146. Harris, Aisha – 22 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1147. Harris, Stewart Dennis – 52 – Marlboro, NJ – Dec WTC
    1148. Hart, John Patrick – 38 – Danville, CA – Dec WTC
    1149. Hartono, Eric Samadikan – 20 – Boston, MA – Un 175
    1150. Hartz, John Clinton – 64 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1151. Harvey, Emeric J. – 56 – Upper Montclair, NJ – Dec WTC
    1152. Hashem, Peter Paul – 40 – Tewksbury, MA – Am 11
    1153. Haskell, Thomas Theodore – 37 – Massapequa, NY – Dec E/R
    1154. Haskell, Timothy – 34 – Seaford, NY – Dec E/R
    1155. Hasson III, Joseph John – 34 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1156. Hatton, Leonard William – 45 – Ridgefield Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    1157. Hatton, Terence S. – 41 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    1158. Haub, Michael Helmut – 34 – Roslyn Heights, NY – Dec E/R
    1159. Haviland, Timothy Aaron – 41 – Oceanside, NY – Dec WTC
    1160. Havlish Jr., Donald G. – 53 – Yardley, PA – Dec WTC
    1161. Hawkins, Anthony – 30 – Bedford-Stuyvesant, NY – Msg WTC
    1162. Hayatsu, Nobuhiro – 36 – Scarsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    1163. Hayden, James E. – 47 – Westford, MA – Un 175
    1164. Hayes, Philip Thomas – 67 – East Northport , NY – Dec E/R
    1165. Hayes, Robert Jay – 38 – Amesbury, MA – Am 11
    1166. Haynes, William Ward – 35 – Rye, NY – Dec WTC
    1167. Hazelcorn, Scott – 29 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1168. Healey, Michael K. – 42 – East Patchogue, NY – Dec E/R
    1169. Heber, Roberta Bernstein – 60 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1170. Heeran, Charles Francis Xavier – 23 – Belle Harbor, NY – Dec WTC
    1171. Heffernan, John E. – 37 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    1172. Heidenberger, Michele – 57 – Chevy Chase, MD – Am 77
    1173. Hein, Sheila – 51 – University Park, MD – Dec Ptn
    1174. Heller, Howard Joseph – 37 – Ridgefield, CT – Dec WTC
    1175. Heltibridle, JoAnn L. – 46 – Springfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    1176. Hemenway, Ronald John – 37 – Shawnee, KS – Msg (Ptn )
    1177. Hemschoot, Mark F. – 45 – Red Bank, NJ – Dec WTC
    1178. Henderson, Ronnie Lee – 52 – Newburgh, NJ – Dec E/R
    1179. Hendricks, Janet – – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1180. Hennessey, Brian – 35 – Ringoes, NJ – Dec WTC
    1181. Hennessy Jr., Edward R. “Ted” – 35 – Belmont, MA – Am 11
    1182. Henrique, Michelle Marie – 27 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1183. Henry, Joseph P. – 25 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    1184. Henry, William – 49 – Springfield Gardens, NY – Dec E/R
    1185. Henwood, John C. – 35 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1186. Hepburn, Robert Allan – 39 – Union, NJ – Dec WTC
    1187. Herencia, Mary “Molly” – 47 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1188. Herkness III, Lindsay Coates – 58 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1189. Hermer, Harvey Robert – 59 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1190. Hernandez, Anabel – 41 – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1191. Hernandez, Claribel – 31 – Woodside, NY – Dec WTC
    1192. Hernandez, Eduardo – 40 – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1193. Hernandez, Norberto – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1194. Hernandez, Raul – 51 – Washington Heights, NY – Msg WTC
    1195. Herold, Gary – 44 – Farmingdale, NY – Dec WTC
    1196. Hersch, Jeffrey A. – 53 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1197. Hetzel, Thomas – 33 – Elmont, NY – Dec E/R
    1198. Hickey, Brian – 47 – Bethpage, NY – Msg E/R
    1199. Hidalgo-Tejada, Ysidro – – Dominican Republic – Msg WTC
    1200. Higgins, Timothy B. – 43 – Farmingville, NY – Dec E/R
    1201. Higley II, Robert – 29 – New Fairfield, CT – Dec WTC
    1202. Hill, Todd Russell – 34 – Boston, MA – Dec WTC
    1203. Hinds, Clara Victorine – 52 – Far Rockaway, NY – Dec WTC
    1204. Hinds, Neal – 28 – Laurelton Gardens, NY – Dec WTC
    1205. Hindy, Mark D. – 28 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1206. Hirai, Katsuyuki – 32 – Hartsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    1207. Ho, Heather Malia – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1208. Hobbs, Tara Yvette – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1209. Hobbs, Thomas A. – 41 – Baldwin, NY – Dec WTC
    1210. Hobin, James L. – 47 – Marlborough, CT – Dec WTC
    1211. Hobson III, Robert Wayne – 36 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1212. Hodges, DaJuan – 29 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1213. Hoerner, Ronald George – 58 – Massapequa Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1214. Hoey, Patrick Aloysius – 53 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1215. Hofer, John – 45 – Bellflower, CA – Am 11
    1216. Hoffman, Frederick J. – 53 – Freehold, NJ – Dec WTC
    1217. Hoffman, Joseph – 43 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1218. Hoffman, Marcia – 52 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1219. Hoffman, Michele Lee – 27 – Freehold, NJ – Dec WTC
    1220. Hoffman, Stephen G. – 36 – Long Beach, NY – Dec WTC
    1221. Hofmiller, Judith Florence – 53 – Brookfield, CT – Dec WTC
    1222. Hogan, Wallace Cole – 40 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    1223. Hohlweck Jr., Thomas Warren – 57 – Harrison, NY – Dec WTC
    1224. Hohmann, Jonathan R. – 48 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1225. Holland, Cora Hidalgo – 52 – Sundbury, MA – Am 11
    1226. Holland, John – 30 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1227. Holland, Joseph Francis – 32 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    1228. Holley, Jimmie Ira – 54 – Lanham, MD – Dec Ptn
    1229. Holmes, Elizabeth – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1230. Holohan, Thomas P. – 36 – Chester , NY – Dec E/R
    1231. Homer, Herbert W. – 48 – Milford, MA – Un 175
    1232. Homer, LeRoy – 36 – Marlton, NJ – Un 93
    1233. Hoorn, Bradley – 22 – Richland, MI – Dec WTC
    1234. Hopper, James Patrick – 52 – Farmingdale, NY – Dec WTC
    1235. Hord, Montgomery McCullough “Monte” – 46 – Pelham, NY – Dec WTC
    1236. Horn, Michael – 27 – Lynbrook, NY – Dec WTC
    1237. Horning, Matthew D. – 26 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1238. Horohoe Jr., Robert L. – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1239. Horrocks, Michael R. – 38 – Glen Mills, PA – Un 175
    1240. Horwitz, Aaron – 24 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1241. Houston, Charles J. – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1242. Houston, Uhuru – 32 – Englewood, NJ – Dec E/R
    1243. Houtz, Angela – 27 – La Plata, MD – Dec Ptn
    1244. Howard, George Gerald – 45 – Hicksville, NY – Dec E/R
    1245. Howell, Brady Kay – 26 – Arlington, VA – Dec Ptn
    1246. Howell, Michael C. – 60 – Bayside, NY – Dec WTC
    1247. Howell, Steven L. – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1248. Howley-Dorsey, Jennifer L. – 34 – New Hyde Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1249. Hromada, Milagros “Millie” – 35 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    1250. Hrycak, Marian – 56 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    1251. Huczko Jr., Stephen – 44 – Bethlehem, NJ – Dec E/R
    1252. Hughes Jr., Thomas F. – 46 – Spring Lake Heights, NJ – Dec WTC
    1253. Hughes, Kris R. – 30 – Nesconset, NY – Dec WTC
    1254. Hughes, Melissa Harrington – 31 – San Francisco, CA – Dec WTC
    1255. Hughes, Paul – 38 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    1256. Hughes, Robert Thomas “Bobby” – 23 – Sayreville, NJ – Dec WTC
    1257. Hughes, Timothy Robert – 43 – Madison, NJ – Dec WTC
    1258. Huie, Susan – 43 – Fair Lawn, NJ – Dec WTC
    1259. Hulse, Mychal Lamar – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1260. Humber Jr., John Nicholas – 60 – Newton, MA – Am 11
    1261. Hunt, Kathleen “Casey” Anne – 43 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1262. Hunt, William C. – 32 – Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    1263. Hunter, Joseph G. – 32 – South Hempstead, NY – Dec E/R
    1264. Hurt, Peggie – 36 – Crewe, VA – Dec Ptn
    1265. Hussa, Robert – 51 – Roslyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1266. Hyland, Stephen Neil – 45 – Burke, VA – Dec Ptn
    1267. Hymel, Robert J. – 55 – Woodbridge, VA – Dec Ptn
    1268. Hynes, Thomas E. – 28 – Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    1269. Hynes, Walter G. – 36 – Belle Harbor, NY – Dec E/R
    1270. Ianelli Jr., Joseph Anthony – 28 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1271. Ibis, Zuhtu – 25 – Clifton, NJ – Dec WTC
    1272. Ielpi, Jonathan Lee – 29 – Great Neck, NY – Dec E/R
    1273. Iken, Michael Patrick – 37 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1274. Ilkanayev, Daniel – 36 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1275. Ill Jr., Frederick – 49 – Pearl River, NY – Dec E/R
    1276. Ilowitz, Abraham Nethanel – 51 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1277. Infante Jr., Anthony P. – 47 – Mountainside, NJ – Dec E/R
    1278. Inghilterra, Louis Steven – 46 – New Castle, NY – Dec WTC
    1279. Ingrassia, Christopher N. – 28 – Watchung, NJ – Dec WTC
    1280. Innella, Paul William – 33 – East Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    1281. Irby, Stephanie V. – 38 – St. Albans, NY – Dec WTC
    1282. Irgang, Doug – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1283. Irvine-Ryan, Kristin A. – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1284. Isaac, Todd A. – 29 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1285. Isbrandtsen, Erik Hans – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1286. Iselepis, William – 33 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1287. Ishikawa, Taizo – 50 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1288. Iskandar, Waleed – 34 – London, England – Am 11
    1289. Iskenderian, Aram – 41 – Merrick, NY – Dec WTC
    1290. Iskyan, John F. – 41 – Wilton, CT – Dec WTC
    1291. Ito, Kazushige – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1292. Ivantsov, Aleksander Valeryerich – 23 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1293. Ivory, Lacey B. – 43 – Woodbridge, VA – Dec Ptn
    1294. Jablonski, Virginia M. – 49 – Matawan, NJ – Dec WTC
    1295. Jack, Bryan Creed – 48 – Alexandria, VA – Am 77
    1296. Jackman, Brooke Alexandra – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1297. Jacobs, Aaron – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1298. Jacobs, Ariel Louis – 29 – Briarcliff Manor, NY – Dec WTC
    1299. Jacobs, Jason Kyle – 32 – Mendham, NJ – Dec WTC
    1300. Jacobs, Michael Grady – 54 – Danbury, CT – Dec WTC
    1301. Jacobson, Steven A. – 53 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1302. Jacoby, Steven D. “Jake” – 43 – Alexandria, VA – Am 77
    1303. Jaggernauth, Ricknauth – 58 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1304. Jagoda, Jake Denis – 24 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    1305. Jain, Yudh V.S. – 54 – New City, NY – Dec WTC
    1306. Jakubiak, Maria – 41 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec WTC
    1307. Jalbert, Robert Adrien – 61 – Swampscott, MA – Un 175
    1308. James, Ernest – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1309. James, Gricelda E. Garo – 44 – Willingboro, NJ – Dec WTC
    1310. Jardim, Mark – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1311. Jarret, Amy N. – 28 – North Smithfield, RI – Un 175
    1312. Jawara, Muhammadou – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1313. Jean-Pierre, Maxima – 40 – Bellport, NY – Dec WTC
    1314. Jeffers, Paul E. – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1315. Jenkins, John Charles – 45 – Cambridge, MA – Am 11
    1316. Jenkins, Joseph – 47 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1317. Jensen, Alan K. – 49 – Wyckoff, NJ – Dec WTC
    1318. Jerath, Prem Nath – 57 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    1319. Jeudy, Farah – 32 – Spring Valley, NY – Dec WTC
    1320. Jian, Hweidar – 42 – East Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    1321. Jimenez, Luis – 25 – Corona, NY – Dec WTC
    1322. Jiminez Jr., Eliezer – 38 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1323. John, Charles Gregory – 44 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1324. John, Nicholas – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1325. Johnson, Dennis M. – 48 – Port Edwards, WI – Dec Ptn
    1326. Johnson, LaShawana – 27 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1327. Johnson, Scott Michael – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1328. Johnston, William – 31 – North Babylon, NY – Dec E/R
    1329. Jones II, Donald Thomas – 39 – Livingston, NJ – Dec WTC
    1330. Jones III, Arthur Joseph – 37 – Ossining, NY – Dec WTC
    1331. Jones, Allison Horstmann – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1332. Jones, Brian L. – 44 – Kew Gardens, NY – Dec WTC
    1333. Jones, Charles Edward – 48 – Bedford, MA – Am 11
    1334. Jones, Christopher D. – 53 – Huntington , NY – Dec WTC
    1335. Jones, Donald W. – 43 – Fairless Hills, PA – Dec WTC
    1336. Jones, Judith – 53 – Woodbridge, VA – Dec Ptn
    1337. Jones, Linda – 50 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1338. Jones, Mary S. – 72 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1339. Jordan, Andrew – 36 – Remsenburg, NY – Dec E/R
    1340. Jordan, Robert Thomas – 34 – East Williston, NY – Dec WTC
    1341. Joseph, Albert – 79 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1342. Joseph, Ingeborg – 60 – Germany – Dec WTC
    1343. Joseph, Karl Henry – 25 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    1344. Joseph, Stephen – 39 – Franklin Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    1345. Josiah, Jane Eileen – 47 – Bellmore, NY – Dec WTC
    1346. Jovic, Anthony – 39 – Massapequa Park, NY – Dec E/R
    1347. Juarbe Jr., Angel C. – 35 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    1348. Juday, Karen Susan – 52 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1349. Judge, Ann – 49 – Great Falls, VA – Am 77
    1350. Judge, Mychal – 68 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    1351. Jurgens, Paul William – 47 – Levittown, NY – Dec E/R
    1352. Jurgens, Thomas Edward – 26 – Lawrence , NY – Dec E/R
    1353. Kadaba, Shashikiran Lakshmikantha – 25 – Hackensack, NJ – Dec WTC
    1354. Kafaie, Roya – – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    1355. Kamardinova, Gavkharoy Mukhometovna – 26 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1356. Kandell, Shari Ann – 27 – Wyckoff, NJ – Dec WTC
    1357. Kane, Howard Lee – 40 – Hazlet, NJ – Dec WTC
    1358. Kane, Jennifer Lynn – 26 – Fair Lawn, NJ – Dec WTC
    1359. Kane, Vincent D. – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    1360. Kang, Joon Koo – 34 – Riverdale, NJ – Dec WTC
    1361. Kanter, Sheldon R. – 53 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    1362. Kaplan, Deborah H. – 45 – Paramus, NJ – Dec WTC
    1363. Kaplan, Robin – 33 – Westboro, MA – Am 11
    1364. Kappelman Jr., Alvin Peter – 57 – Greenbrook, NJ – Dec WTC
    1365. Karczewski, Charles – 34 – Union , NJ – Dec WTC
    1366. Karnes, William “Tony” A. – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1367. Karpiloff, Douglas G. – 53 – Mamaroneck, NY – Dec WTC
    1368. Kasper, Charles L. – 54 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1369. Kates, Andrew Keith – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1370. Katsimatides, John – 31 – East Marion, NY – Dec WTC
    1371. Kaulfers, Robert M. – 49 – Kenilworth, NJ – Dec E/R
    1372. Kauth Jr., Don Jerome – 51 – Saratoga Springs, NY – Dec WTC
    1373. Kawauchi, Hideya – 36 – Fort Lee, NJ – Dec WTC
    1374. Keane, Edward Thomas – 66 – West Caldwell, NJ – Dec WTC
    1375. Keane, Richard M. – 54 – Wethersfield, CT – Dec WTC
    1376. Kearney-Griffin, Lisa – 35 – Jamaica, NY – Dec WTC
    1377. Keasler, Karol Ann – 42 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1378. Keating, Barbara – 72 – Palm Springs, CA – Am 11
    1379. Keating, Paul Hanlon – 38 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    1380. Keene III, Leo Russell – 33 – Westfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    1381. Kegler, Brenda – 49 – Washington, DC – Dec Ptn
    1382. Keller, Chandler “Chad” – 29 – El Segundo, CA – Am 77
    1383. Keller, Joseph J. – 31 – Park Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1384. Kellerman, Peter Rodney – 35 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1385. Kellett, Joseph P. – 37 – Riverdale, NY – Dec WTC
    1386. Kelley, Frederick H. – 57 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    1387. Kelly Jr., Richard John – 50 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1388. Kelly Jr., William Hill – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1389. Kelly, James Joseph “Kells” – 39 – Oceanside, NY – Dec WTC
    1390. Kelly, Joseph Anthony – 40 – Oyster Bay, NY – Dec WTC
    1391. Kelly, Maurice Patrick – 41 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1392. Kelly, Thomas Michael – 41 – Wyckoff, NJ – Dec WTC
    1393. Kelly, Thomas Richard – 38 – Riverhead, NY – Dec E/R
    1394. Kelly, Thomas W. – 51 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1395. Kelly, Timothy C. – 37 – Port Washington, NY – Dec WTC
    1396. Kennedy, Robert C. – 55 – Toms River, NJ – Dec WTC
    1397. Kennedy, Thomas J. – 36 – Islip Terrace, NY – Dec E/R
    1398. Kennedy, Yvonne – 62 – Sydney, New South Wales, Australia – Am 77
    1399. Keohane, John Richard – 41 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1400. Kershaw, Ralph Francis – 52 – Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA – Un 175
    1401. Kerwin, Ronald T. – 42 – Levittown, NY – Dec E/R
    1402. Kestenbaum, Howard L. – 56 – Upper Montclair, NJ – Dec WTC
    1403. Ketcham, Douglas D. – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1404. Ketler, Ruth E. – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1405. Khalif, Boris – 30 – Sheepshead Bay, NY – Dec WTC
    1406. Khan, Norma Cruz – 45 – Reston, VA – Am 77
    1407. Khan, Sarah – 32 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    1408. Khan, Taimour Firaz – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1409. Khandelwal, Rajesh – 33 – South Plainfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    1410. Khemraj, Bhowanie Devi – – Jersey City, NJ – Msg WTC
    1411. Khoo, Seilai – 38 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1412. Kiefer, Michael – 26 – Hempstead, NY – Msg E/R
    1413. Kikuchihara, Satoshi – 43 – Scarsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    1414. Kim, Andrew Jay-Hoon – 26 – Leonia, NJ – Dec WTC
    1415. Kim, Lawrence Donald – 31 – Blue Bell, PA – Dec WTC
    1416. Kimelman, Mary Jo – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1417. Kimmig, Heinrich – 43 – Willstaett, Germany – Un 175
    1418. Kincaid, Karen A. – 40 – Washington, DC – On American 77
    1419. King Jr., Robert – 36 – Bellerose Terrace, NY – Dec E/R
    1420. King, Amy R. – 29 – Stafford Springs, CT – Un 175
    1421. King, Andrew Marshall – 42 – Princeton, NJ – Dec WTC
    1422. King, Lucille – 59 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    1423. King-Johnson, Lisa M. – 34 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1424. Kinney, Brian – 29 – Lowell, MA – Un 175
    1425. Kinoshita, Takashi – 46 – Rye, NY – Msg WTC
    1426. Kirby, Chris Michael – 21 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1427. Kirschbaum, Howard “Barry” – 53 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1428. Kirwin, Glenn Davis – 40 – Scarsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    1429. Klares, Richard J. – 59 – Somers, NY – Dec WTC
    1430. Klein, Peter A. – 35 – Weehawken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1431. Kleinberg, Alan David – 39 – East Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    1432. Klitzman, Karen Joyce – 38 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1433. Kloepfer, Ronald Phillip – 39 – Franklin Square, NY – Dec E/R
    1434. Kniazev, Eugeuni – 46 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1435. Knox, Andrew – 30 – Adelaide, Australia – Dec WTC
    1436. Knox, Thomas Patrick – 31 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1437. Koborie, Rebecca – 48 – Guttenberg, NJ – Dec WTC
    1438. Kobus, Deborah – 36 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1439. Koecheler, Gary Edward – 57 – Harrison, NY – Dec WTC
    1440. Koestner, Frank J. – 48 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec WTC
    1441. Kohart, Ryan – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1442. Kolpak, Vanessa Lynn – 21 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1443. Kolpakova, Irina – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1444. Kondratenko, Suzanne – 28 – Chicago, IL – Msg WTC
    1445. Kone, Abdoulaye – 37 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1446. Koo, Bon-seok – 43 – River Edge, NJ – Msg WTC
    1447. Kopiczko, Dorota – 26 – Nutley, NJ – Dec WTC
    1448. Kopytko, Scott – 32 – Oakland Gardens, NY – Dec E/R
    1449. Kostic, Bojan – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1450. Kousoulis, Danielle – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1451. Kovalcin, David P. – 42 – Hudson, NH – Am 11
    1452. Kren, John J. – 52 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1453. Krukowski, William – 36 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    1454. Ksido, Lyudmila – 46 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1455. Kuge, Toshiya – 20 – Tokyo, Japan – Un 93
    1456. Kumar, Shekhar – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1457. Kumpel, Kenneth – 42 – Cornwall, NY – Dec E/R
    1458. Kuo Jr., Frederick – 53 – Great Neck, NY – Dec WTC
    1459. Kuras, Patricia – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1460. Kushitani, Nauka – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1461. Kuveikis, Thomas Joseph – 48 – Carmel, NY – Dec E/R
    1462. Kwarkye, Victor – 35 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1463. Kwok, Kui Fai – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1464. Kyte, Angela R. – 49 – Boonton Township, NJ – Dec WTC
    1465. LaBorie, Kathryn L. – 44 – Providence, RI – Un 175
    1466. Lachhman, Amarnauth – 42 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec WTC
    1467. LaCorte, Andrew – 61 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1468. Ladkat, Ganesh K. – 27 – Somerset , NJ – Dec WTC
    1469. Ladley, James Patrick – 41 – Colts Neck, NJ – Dec WTC
    1470. Lafalce, Joseph A. – 54 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    1471. LaFond-Menichino, Jeanette – 49 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1472. LaForge, David – 50 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1473. LaForte, Michael Patrick – 39 – Holmdel, NJ – Dec WTC
    1474. Lafranco, Alan – 43 – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1475. Lafuente, Juan – 61 – Poughkeepsie, NY – Msg WTC
    1476. Lai, Neil Kwong-Wah – 59 – East Windsor, NJ – Dec WTC
    1477. Laieta, Vincent Anthony – 31 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    1478. Lake, William David – 44 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec E/R
    1479. Lalama, Franco – 45 – Nutley, NJ – Dec WTC
    1480. Lam, Chow Kwan – 48 – Maywood, NJ – Dec WTC
    1481. Lamana, Michael Scott – 31 – Baton Rouge, LA – Dec Ptn
    1482. LaMantia, Steven – 38 – Darien, CT – Dec WTC
    1483. Lamonsoff, Amy Hope – 29 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1484. Lane, Robert T. – 28 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1485. Lang, Brendan Mark – 30 – Red Bank, NJ – Dec WTC
    1486. Lang, Rosanne P. – 42 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1487. Langer, Vanessa Lang – 29 – Yonkers, NY – Dec WTC
    1488. Langley, Mary Lou – 53 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1489. Langone, Peter J. – 41 – Roslyn Heights, NY – Dec E/R
    1490. Langone, Thomas Michael – 39 – Williston Park, NY – Dec E/R
    1491. Lanza, Michele B. – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1492. Lapin, Ruth Sheila – 53 – East Windsor, NJ – Dec WTC
    1493. LaPlante, Carol Ann – 59 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1494. Lariby, Ingeborg Astrid Desiree – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1495. Larkey, Robin Blair – 48 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    1496. Larocque, Judy – 50 – Framingham, MA – Am 11
    1497. Larrabee, Christopher Randall – 26 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1498. Larry, Hamidou S. – 37 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1499. Larsen, Scott – – Queens, NY – Msg E/R
    1500. Larson, John Adam – 37 – Woodbridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1501. Lasden, Natalie Janis – 46 – Peabody, MA – Am 11
    1502. Lasko, Gary E. – 49 – Memphis, TN – Dec WTC
    1503. Lassman, Nicholas C. – 28 – Cliffside Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    1504. Laszczynski, Paul – 49 – Paramus, NJ – Dec E/R
    1505. Latouche, Jeffrey – 49 – Jamaica, NY – Dec WTC
    1506. Laurencin, Charles Augustus – 61 – Bedford-Stuyvesant , NY – Dec WTC
    1507. Lauria, Stephen James – 39 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1508. LaVache, Maria – 60 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1509. Lavelle, Denis F. – 42 – Yonkers, NY – Dec WTC
    1510. Laverde, Jeannine M. – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1511. Laverty, Anna A. – 52 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1512. Lawn, Steven – 28 – West Windsor, NJ – Dec WTC
    1513. Lawrence, Robert A. – 41 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    1514. Lawson, Nathaniel – 61 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1515. Laychak, David W. – 40 – Manassas, VA – Dec Ptn
    1516. Lazar, Eugen – 27 – Glendale, NY – Dec WTC
    1517. Leahy, James Patrick – 38 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1518. Leavey, Joseph Gerard – 45 – Pelham, NY – Dec E/R
    1519. Leavy, Neil – 34 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1520. LeBlanc, Robert George – 70 – Lee, NH – Un 175
    1521. Lebor, Leon – 51 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1522. Ledee, Kenneth Charles – 38 – Monmouth Junction, NJ – Dec WTC
    1523. Lederman, Alan J. – 43 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1524. Ledesma, Elena F. – 37 – Williamsburg, NY – Dec WTC
    1525. Leduc, Alexis – 45 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1526. Lee, Daniel John – 34 – Van Nuys, CA – Am 11
    1527. Lee, David Shufee – 37 – West Orange, NJ – Dec WTC
    1528. Lee, Dong – 48 – Leesburg, VA – Am 77
    1529. Lee, Gary H. – 62 – Lindenhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    1530. Lee, Hyun-joon “Paul” – 32 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1531. Lee, Jong-min – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1532. Lee, Juanita – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1533. Lee, Kathryn Blair – 55 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1534. Lee, Linda C. – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1535. Lee, Lorraine – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1536. Lee, Myung Woo – 41 – Lyndhurst, NJ – Dec WTC
    1537. Lee, Richard Yun Choon – 34 – Great Neck, NY – Dec WTC
    1538. Lee, Stuart Soo-Jin – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1539. Lee, Yang-Der – 63 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1540. Lefkowitz, Stephen Paul – 50 – Belle Harbor, NY – Dec WTC
    1541. Legro, Adriana – 32 – Elmhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    1542. Lehman, Edward J. – 41 – Glen Cove, NY – Dec WTC
    1543. Lehrfeld, Eric Andrew – 32 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1544. Leistman, David Ralph – 43 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    1545. Lemange, David Prudencio – 27 – North Bergen, NJ – Dec E/R
    1546. Lenihan, Joseph A. – 41 – Cos Cob, CT – Dec WTC
    1547. Lennon Jr., John Joseph “Jay” – 44 – Howell, NJ – Dec E/R
    1548. Lenoir, John Robinson – 38 – Locust Valley, NY – Dec WTC
    1549. Leon, Jorge Luis – 43 – Union City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1550. Leonard, Matthew Gerard – 38 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1551. Lepore, Michael – 39 – Bronxville, NY – Dec WTC
    1552. Lesperance, Charles Antoine – 55 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1553. LeVeen, Jeffrey Earle – 55 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    1554. Levi, John Dennis – 50 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    1555. Levin, Alisha Caren – 33 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1556. Levin, Neil D. – 46 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1557. Levine, Robert “Bobby” – 66 – West Babylon, NY – Dec WTC
    1558. Levine, Robert M. – 66 – Edgewater, NJ – Dec WTC
    1559. Levinhar, Shai – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1560. Lewin, Daniel C. – 31 – Charlestown, MA – Am 11
    1561. Lewis, Adam J. – 36 – Fairfield, CT – Dec WTC
    1562. Lewis, Jennifer – 38 – Culpeper, VA – Am 77
    1563. Lewis, Kenneth – 49 – Culpeper, VA – Am 77
    1564. Lewis, Margaret Susan – 49 – Elizabeth, NJ – Dec WTC
    1565. Liang, Ye Wei – 27 – Woodside, NY – Dec WTC
    1566. Liangthanasarn, Orasri – 26 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    1567. Libretti, Daniel F. – 43 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1568. Licciardi, Ralph M. – 30 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    1569. Lichtschein, Edward – 35 – Park Slope, NY – Dec WTC
    1570. Lillianthal, Steven Barry – 38 – Millburn, NJ – Dec WTC
    1571. Lillo, Carlos R. – 37 – Babylon, NY – Dec E/R
    1572. Lilore, Craig Damian – 30 – Lyndhurst, NJ – Dec WTC
    1573. Lim, Arnold A. – 28 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1574. Lin, Darya – 32 – Chicago , IL – Dec WTC
    1575. Lin, Wei Rong – 31 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1576. Linares, Tomas Gallegos – – Queretaro, Mexico – Msg WTC
    1577. Lindo, Nickie L. – 31 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1578. Linehan Jr., Thomas V. – 39 – Montville, NJ – Dec WTC
    1579. Linnane, Robert Thomas – 33 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec E/R
    1580. Linton Jr., Alan – 26 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1581. Lipari, Diane Theresa – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1582. Lira, Kenneth P. – 28 – Paterson , NJ – Msg WTC
    1583. Liriano, Francisco Alberto – 33 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    1584. Lisi, Lorraine – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1585. Lisson, Paul – 45 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1586. Litto, Vincent M. – 52 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1587. Liu, Ming-Hao – 41 – Livingston, NJ – Dec WTC
    1588. Livera, Joseph – 67 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1589. Liz, Nancy – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1590. Lizcano, Harold – 31 – East Elmhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    1591. Lizzul, Martin – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1592. Llanes, George A. – 33 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1593. Logler, Elizabeth Claire “Beth” – 31 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    1594. LoGuidice, Catherine Lisa – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1595. Lohez, Jerome Robert – 30 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1596. Lomax, Michael – 37 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1597. Long, Stephen V. – 39 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    1598. Longing, Laura M. – 35 – Pearl River, NY – Dec WTC
    1599. Lopes, Salvatore – – Franklin Square, NY – Msg WTC
    1600. Lopez, Daniel – 39 – Greenpoint, NY – Dec WTC
    1601. Lopez, George – 40 – Stroudsburg, PA – Dec WTC
    1602. Lopez, Luis M. – 38 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1603. Lopez, Maclovio “Joe” – 41 – Los Angeles, CA – Un 175
    1604. Lopez, Manuel L. “Manny” – 54 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1605. Lostrangio, Joseph – 48 – Langhorne, PA – Dec WTC
    1606. Louie, Chet – 45 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1607. Louis, Stuart Seid – 43 – East Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    1608. Lovero, Joseph – 60 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1609. Low, Sara Elizabeth – 28 – Batesville, AR – Am 11
    1610. Lowe, Michael W. – 48 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1611. Lozier, Garry – 47 – Darien, CT – Dec WTC
    1612. Lozowsky, John Peter – 45 – Astoria, NY – Dec WTC
    1613. Lucania, Charles Peter – 34 – East Atlantic Beach, NY – Dec WTC
    1614. Luckett II, Edward “Ted” Hobbs – 40 – Fair Haven, NJ – Dec WTC
    1615. Ludvigsen, Mark G. – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1616. Ludwig, Lee Charles – 49 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1617. Lugano, Sean Thomas – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1618. Lugo, Daniel – 45 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1619. Lukas, Marie – 32 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1620. Lum Jr., William – 45 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1621. Lunden, Michael P. – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1622. Lunder, Christopher Edmund – 34 – Wall, NJ – Dec WTC
    1623. Luparello, Anthony – 62 – Corona, NY – Dec WTC
    1624. Lutnick, Gary – 36 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1625. Luzzicone, Linda – 33 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1626. Lygin, Alexander – 28 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1627. Lyles, CeeCee – 33 – Fort Myers, FL – Un 93
    1628. Lynch Jr., Robert H. – 44 – Cranford, NJ – Dec WTC
    1629. Lynch, Farrell Peter – 39 – Centerport, NY – Dec WTC
    1630. Lynch, James – 55 – Manassas, VA – Dec Ptn
    1631. Lynch, James Francis – 47 – Woodbridge, NJ – Dec E/R
    1632. Lynch, Louise A. – 58 – Amityville, NY – Dec WTC
    1633. Lynch, Michael – 34 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1634. Lynch, Michael Francis – 30 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    1635. Lynch, Michael Francis – 33 – New Hyde Park, NY – Dec E/R
    1636. Lynch, Richard Dennis – 30 – Bedford Hills, NY – Dec WTC
    1637. Lynch, Sean – 34 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1638. Lynch, Sean Patrick – 36 – Morristown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1639. Lynch, Terence M. – 49 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    1640. Lyons IV, Nehamon – 30 – Mobile, AL – Dec Ptn
    1641. Lyons, Michael J. – 32 – Hawthorne, NY – Dec E/R
    1642. Lyons, Monica – 53 – Kew Gardens, NY – Dec WTC
    1643. Lyons, Patrick – 34 – South Setauket, NY – Dec E/R
    1644. Mace, Robert Francis – 43 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1645. MacFarlane, Marianne – 34 – Revere, MA – Un 175
    1646. Maciejewski, Jan – 37 – Long Island City, NY – Dec WTC
    1647. MacKay, Susan A. – 44 – Wellesley, MA – Am 11
    1648. MacRae, Catherine Fairfax – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1649. Madden, Richard B. – 35 – Westfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    1650. Maddison, Simon – 40 – Florham Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    1651. Maerz, Noell C. – 29 – Long Beach, NY – Dec WTC
    1652. Maffeo, Jennieann – 40 – Bensonhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    1653. Maffeo, Joseph – 30 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1654. Magazine, Jay Robert – 48 – Suffern, NY – Dec WTC
    1655. Magee, Brian – 52 – Floral Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1656. Magee, Charles Wilson – 51 – Wantagh , NY – Dec WTC
    1657. Maggitti, Joseph – 47 – Abington, MD – Dec WTC
    1658. Magnuson, Ronald E. – 57 – Park Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1659. Maher, Daniel L. – 50 – Hamilton, NJ – Dec WTC
    1660. Mahon, Thomas A. – 37 – East Norwich, NY – Dec WTC
    1661. Mahoney, William J. – 38 – Bohemia, NY – Dec E/R
    1662. Maio, Joseph – 32 – Roslyn Harbor, NY – Dec WTC
    1663. Makimoto, Takashi – 49 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1664. Malahi, Abdu – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1665. Maldonado, Debora I. – 47 – South Ozone Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1666. Maldonado-Agosto, Myrna T. – 49 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1667. Maler, Alfred R. – 39 – Convent Station, NJ – Dec WTC
    1668. Malone, Gregory James – 42 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1669. Maloney, Edward Francis “Teddy” – 32 – Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    1670. Maloney, Joseph E. – 46 – Farmingville, NY – Dec E/R
    1671. Maloy, Gene E. – 41 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec WTC
    1672. Maltby, Christian Hartwell – 37 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    1673. Mancini, Francisco – 26 – Astoria, NY – Dec WTC
    1674. Mangano, Joseph – 53 – Jackson, NJ – Dec WTC
    1675. Manley, Sara Elizabeth – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1676. Mannetta, Debra M. – 31 – Islip, NY – Dec WTC
    1677. Manning, Marion Victoria “Vickie” – 27 – Rochdale Village, NY – Dec WTC
    1678. Manning, Terence J. – 36 – Point Lookout, NY – Dec WTC
    1679. Maounis, James – 42 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1680. Marchand, Alfred Gilles Padre Joseph – 44 – Alamogordo, NM – Un 175
    1681. Marchbanks Jr., Joseph Ross – 47 – Nanuet, NY – Dec E/R
    1682. Marchese, Laura A. Giglio – 35 – Oceanside, NY – Dec WTC
    1683. Marcin, Hilda – 79 – Budd Lake, NJ – Un 93
    1684. Mardikian, Peter Edward – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1685. Mardovich, Edward Joseph – 42 – Lloyd Harbor, NY – Dec WTC
    1686. Margiotta, Charles Joseph – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1687. Mariani, Louis Neil – 59 – Derry, NH – Un 175
    1688. Marino, Kenneth Joseph – 40 – Monroe, NY – Dec E/R
    1689. Marino, Lester Vincent – 57 – Massapequa, NY – Dec WTC
    1690. Marino, Vita – 49 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1691. Marlo, Kevin D. – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1692. Marrero, Jose J. – 32 – Old Bridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1693. Marshall, John – 35 – Congers, NY – Dec E/R
    1694. Marshall, Shelley A. – 37 – Marbury, MD – Dec Ptn
    1695. Martello, James – 41 – Rumson, NJ – Dec WTC
    1696. Marti, Michael A. – 26 – Glendale, NY – Dec WTC
    1697. Martin, Karen – 40 – Danvers, MA – Am 11
    1698. Martin, Peter C. – 43 – Miller Place, NY – Dec E/R
    1699. Martin, Teresa M. – 45 – Stafford, VA – Dec Ptn
    1700. Martin, William J. – 35 – Denville, NJ – Dec WTC
    1701. Martineau, Brian E. – 37 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    1702. Martinez, Betsy – 33 – East New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1703. Martinez, Edward J. – 60 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1704. Martinez, Jose – 49 – Hauppauge, NY – Dec WTC
    1705. Martinez, Robert Gabriel – 23 – Long Island City, NY – Dec WTC
    1706. Martinez-Calderon, Lizie – 32 – Washington Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    1707. Martini, Paul Richard – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    1708. Mascali, Joseph A. – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1709. Mascarenhas, Bernard – 54 – Newmarket, Ontario, Canada – Dec WTC
    1710. Masi, Stephen F. – 55 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1711. Mason, Ada L. – 50 – Springfield, VA – Dec Ptn
    1712. Massa, Nicholas “Nick” – 65 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1713. Massari, Patricia Ann – 25 – Glendale, NY – Dec WTC
    1714. Massaroli, Michael – 38 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1715. Mastrandrea, Philip W. – 42 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    1716. Mastrocinque, Rudolph – 43 – Kings Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1717. Mathai, Joseph – 49 – Arlington, MA – Dec WTC
    1718. Mathers, Charles William – 61 – Sea Girt, NJ – Dec WTC
    1719. Mathesen, William A. – 40 – Morris Township, NJ – Dec WTC
    1720. Mattic, Margaret Elaine – 51 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1721. Mattricciano, Marcello – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1722. Mattson, Dean E. – 57 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    1723. Mattson, Robert D. – 54 – Green Pond, NJ – Dec WTC
    1724. Matuza, Walter – 39 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1725. Maude, Timothy – 53 – Fort Myer, VA – Dec Ptn
    1726. Mauro, Charles A. – 65 – Eltingville, NY – Dec WTC
    1727. Mauro, Charles J. – 38 – Eltingville, NY – Dec WTC
    1728. Mauro, Dorothy – 55 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1729. Mauro, Nancy T. – 51 – Forest Hills, NY – Dec WTC
    1730. Maxwell, Robert J. – 53 – Manassas, VA – Dec Ptn
    1731. May, Renee – 39 – Baltimore, MD – Am 77
    1732. May, Tyrone – 44 – Rahway, NJ – Dec WTC
    1733. Maynard, Keithroy – 30 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    1734. Mayo, Robert J. – 46 – Morganville, NJ – Dec WTC
    1735. Mazza-Delosh, Kathy Nancy – 46 – Farmingdale, NY – Dec E/R
    1736. Mazzella Jr., Edward – 62 – Monroe, NY – Dec WTC
    1737. Mazzotta, Jennifer – 23 – Maspeth, NY – Dec WTC
    1738. Mbaya, Kaaria – 39 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    1739. McAlary, James J. – 42 – Spring Lake Heights, NJ – Dec WTC
    1740. McAleese, Brian G. – 36 – Baldwin, NY – Dec E/R
    1741. McAneney, Patricia A. – 50 – Pomona, NJ – Dec WTC
    1742. McArthur, Colin Richard – 52 – Howell, NJ – Dec WTC
    1743. McAvoy, John Kevin – 47 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1744. McBrayer, Kenneth M. – 49 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1745. McCabe, Brendan F. – 40 – Sayville, NY – Dec WTC
    1746. McCabe, Charlie – 46 – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1747. McCabe, Michael Justin – 42 – Rumson, NJ – Dec WTC
    1748. McCann, Thomas J. – 46 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec E/R
    1749. McCarthy, Justin – 30 – Port Washington , NY – Dec WTC
    1750. McCarthy, Kevin – 42 – Fairfield, CT – Dec WTC
    1751. McCarthy, Michael Desmond – 33 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    1752. McCarthy, Robert Garvin – 33 – Stony Point, NY – Dec WTC
    1753. McCaskill, Stanley – 47 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1754. McCloskey, Katie – 25 – Mount Vernon, NY – Dec WTC
    1755. McCloud-Gray, Tara – 30 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1756. McCourt, Juliana Valentine – 4 – New London, CT – Un 175
    1757. McCourt, Ruth Magdaline – 45 – New London, CT – Un 175
    1758. McCrann, Charles Austin – 55 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1759. McDay, Tonyell – 25 – Colonia, NJ – Dec WTC
    1760. McDermott, Matthew T. – 34 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1761. McDonald, Joseph P. – 43 – Livingston , NJ – Dec WTC
    1762. McDonnell, Brian G. – 38 – Wantagh, NY – Dec E/R
    1763. McDonnell, Michael Patrick – 34 – Red Bank, NJ – Dec WTC
    1764. McDowell Jr., John F. – 33 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1765. McEneaney, Eamon J. – 46 – New Canaan, CT – Dec WTC
    1766. McErlean Jr., John Thomas – 39 – Larchmont, NY – Dec WTC
    1767. McGarry-Noack, Katherine “Katie” – 30 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1768. McGinley, Daniel F. – 40 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    1769. McGinly, Mark Ryan – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1770. McGinn, William E. – 43 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    1771. McGinnis, Thomas Henry – 41 – Oakland, NJ – Dec WTC
    1772. McGinty, Michael Gregory – 42 – Foxboro, MA – Dec WTC
    1773. McGovern, Ann – 67 – East Meadow, NY – Dec WTC
    1774. McGovern, Scott Martin – 35 – Wyckoff, NJ – Dec WTC
    1775. McGovern, William J. – 49 – Smithtown, NY – Dec E/R
    1776. McGowan, Stacey S. – 38 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1777. McGuinn, Francis Noel – 48 – Rye, NY – Dec WTC
    1778. McGuinness Jr., Thomas F. – 42 – Portsmouth, NH – Am 11
    1779. McGuire, Patrick J. – 40 – Madison, NJ – Dec WTC
    1780. McHale, Thomas Michael – 33 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    1781. McHeffey, Keith – 31 – Monmouth Beach, NJ – Dec WTC
    1782. McHugh Jr., Michael Edward – 35 – Tuckahoe, NY – Dec WTC
    1783. McHugh, Ann M. – 35 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1784. McHugh, Denis J. – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1785. McHugh, Dennis P. – 34 – Sparkill, NY – Dec E/R
    1786. McIlvaine, Robert G. – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1787. McIntyre, Donald James – 38 – New City, NY – Dec E/R
    1788. McKenna, Stephanie Marie – 45 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1789. McKenzie, Molly Hornberger – 38 – Dale City, VA – Dec Ptn
    1790. McKeon, Barry J. – 47 – Yorktown Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    1791. McKinnedy, Evelyn C. – 60 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1792. McKinney, Darryl Leron – 26 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1793. McLaughlin Jr., George Patrick – 36 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1794. McLaughlin Jr., Robert Carroll – 29 – Westchester, NY – Dec WTC
    1795. McMahon, Gavin – 35 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    1796. McMahon, Robert Dismas – 35 – Woodside, NY – Dec E/R
    1797. McNally, Edmund M. – 40 – Fair Haven, NJ – Dec WTC
    1798. McNeal, Daniel – 29 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1799. McNeil, Walter Arthur – 53 – East Stroudsburg, PA – Dec E/R
    1800. McNulty, Christine Sheila – 42 – Peterborough, England – Dec WTC
    1801. McNulty, Sean Peter – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1802. McPadden, Robert William – 30 – Pearl River, NY – Dec E/R
    1803. McShane, Terence – 37 – West Islip, NY – Dec E/R
    1804. McSweeney, Timothy Patrick – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1805. McWilliams, Martin Edward – 35 – Kings Park, NY – Dec E/R
    1806. Medaglia, Rocco – 49 – Melville, NY – Dec WTC
    1807. Medina, Abigail – 46 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1808. Medina, Ana Iris – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1809. Medwig, Deborah – 46 – Dedham, MA – Un 175
    1810. Meehan, Damien – 32 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    1811. Meehan, William J. – 49 – Darien, CT – Dec WTC
    1812. Mehta, Alok – 23 – Littleton, CO – Msg WTC
    1813. Meisenheimer, Raymond – 46 – West Babylon, NY – Dec E/R
    1814. Mejia, Manuel Emilio – 54 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1815. Melaku, Eskedar – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1816. Melendez, Antonio – 30 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1817. Melendez, Mary – 44 – Stroudsburg, PA – Dec WTC
    1818. Mello, Christopher D. – 25 – Boston, MA – Am 11
    1819. Melnichenko, Yelena – 28 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1820. Meltzer, Stuart Todd – 32 – Syosset, NY – Dec WTC
    1821. Mena, Diarelia Jovannah – 30 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1822. Menchaca, Dora M. – 45 – Santa Monica, CA – Am 77
    1823. Mendez, Charles – 38 – Floral Park, NY – Dec E/R
    1824. Mendoza, Lizette – 33 – North Bergen, NJ – Dec WTC
    1825. Mentis, Shevonne – 25 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1826. Menzel, Wolfgang Peter – 59 – Willstaett, Germany – Un 175
    1827. Mercado, Steve – 38 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    1828. Mercer, Wesley – 70 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1829. Mercurio, Ralph Joseph – 47 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    1830. Merdinger, Alan H. – 47 – Allentown, PA – Dec WTC
    1831. Merino, George C. – 39 – Bayside, NY – Dec WTC
    1832. Merino, Yamel – 24 – Yonkers, NY – Dec E/R
    1833. Merkouris, George – 35 – Levittown, NY – Dec WTC
    1834. Merrick, Deborah – 45 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1835. Metz III, Raymond J. – 37 – Trumbull, CT – Dec WTC
    1836. Metzler, Jill A. – 32 – Franklin Square, NY – Dec WTC
    1837. Meyer, David Robert – 57 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    1838. Miah, Nurul Huq – 35 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec WTC
    1839. Miah, Shakila Yasmin – 26 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec WTC
    1840. Micciulli, William Edward – 30 – Matawan, NJ – Dec WTC
    1841. Michelstein, Martin Paul – 57 – Morristown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1842. Mickley, Patricia E. “Patti” – 41 – Springfield, VA – Dec Ptn
    1843. Mier, Luis Clodoldo Revilla – 54 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1844. Milam, Ronald D. – 33 – Washington , DC – Dec Ptn
    1845. Milano, Peter Teague – 43 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1846. Milanowycz, Gregory – 25 – Cranford, NJ – Dec WTC
    1847. Milewski, Lukasz – 21 – Kew Gardens, NY – Dec WTC
    1848. Miller Jr., Douglas C. – 34 – Port Jervis, NY – Dec E/R
    1849. Miller Jr., Henry – 52 – Massapequa, NY – Dec E/R
    1850. Miller Jr., Robert Cromwell – 55 – Hasbrouck Heights, NJ – Dec WTC
    1851. Miller, Corey Peter – 34 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    1852. Miller, Craig James – 29 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1853. Miller, Joel – 55 – Baldwin, NY – Dec WTC
    1854. Miller, Michael Matthew – 39 – Englewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    1855. Miller, Nicole – 21 – San Jose, CA – Un 93
    1856. Miller, Phillip D. – 53 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1857. Miller, Robert Alan – 46 – Matawan, NJ – Dec WTC
    1858. Millman, Benjamin – 40 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1859. Mills, Charles M. – 61 – Brentwood, NY – Dec WTC
    1860. Milstein, Ronald Keith – 54 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    1861. Minara, Robert – 54 – Carmel, NY – Dec E/R
    1862. Minardi, William G. – 46 – Bedford, NY – Dec WTC
    1863. Minervino, Louis Joseph – 54 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1864. Mingione, Thomas – – West Islip, NY – Msg E/R
    1865. Miraille, Wilbert – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1866. Mircovich, Domenick – 40 – Closter, NJ – Dec WTC
    1867. Mirpuri, Rajesh A. – 30 – Engelwood Cliffs, NJ – Dec WTC
    1868. Mistrulli, Joseph – 47 – Wantagh, NY – Dec WTC
    1869. Miszkowicz, Susan – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1870. Mitchell, Paul Thomas – 46 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1871. Miuccio, Richard – 55 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1872. Mladenik, Jeff – 43 – Hinsdale, IL – Am 11
    1873. Moccia Sr., Frank V. – 57 – Hauppauge, NY – Dec WTC
    1874. Modafferi, Louis Joseph – 45 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1875. Mohammed, Boyie – 50 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1876. Mojica, Dennis – 50 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    1877. Mojica, Manuel – 37 – Bellmore, NY – Dec E/R
    1878. Molina, Fernando Jiminez – – Oaxaca, Mexico – Msg WTC
    1879. Molina, Manuel Dejesus – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1880. Molinaro, Carl – 32 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1881. Molisani Jr., Justin J. – 42 – Middletown Township, NJ – Dec WTC
    1882. Monaghan, Brian Patrick – 21 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1883. Monahan, Franklin – 45 – Roxbury , NY – Dec WTC
    1884. Monahan, John Gerard – 47 – Wanamassa, NJ – Dec WTC
    1885. Montanaro, Kristen – 34 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1886. Montano, Craig D. – 38 – Glen Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    1887. Montesi, Michael G. – 39 – Highland Mills, NY – Dec E/R
    1888. Montoya, Carlos Alberto – 36 – Bellmont, MA – Am 11
    1889. Monyak, Cheryl Ann – 43 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    1890. Moody, Thomas – 45 – Stony Brook, NY – Dec E/R
    1891. Moore, Sharon – 37 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    1892. Moorthy, Krishna V. – 59 – Briarcliff Manor, NY – Dec WTC
    1893. Morabito, Laura Lee – 34 – Framingham, MA – Am 11
    1894. Morales, Abner – 37 – Ozone Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1895. Morales, Carlos – 29 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1896. Morales, Paula – 42 – Richmond Hill, NY – Dec WTC
    1897. Moran, Gerard P. “Jerry” – 39 – Upper Marlboro, MD – Dec Ptn
    1898. Moran, John – 43 – Rockaway, NY – Dec E/R
    1899. Moran, John Christopher – 38 – Haslemere, Surrey, England – Dec WTC
    1900. Moran, Kathleen – 42 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1901. Morehouse, Lindsay S. – 24 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1902. Morell, George – 47 – Mt. Kisco, NY – Dec WTC
    1903. Morello, Steven P. – 52 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    1904. Morello, Vincent S. – 34 – Middle Village, NY – Dec E/R
    1905. Moreno, Arturo Alva – – Mexico City, Mexico – Msg WTC
    1906. Moreno, Yvette Nicole – 25 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1907. Morgan, Dorothy – 47 – Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    1908. Morgan, Richard J. – 63 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    1909. Morgenstern, Nancy – 32 – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    1910. Mori, Sanae – – Tokyo, Japan – Dec WTC
    1911. Morocho, Blanca – 26 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1912. Morocho, Leonel – 36 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1913. Moroney, Dennis G. – 39 – Tuckahoe, NY – Dec WTC
    1914. Morris, Lynne Irene – 22 – Monroe, NY – Dec WTC
    1915. Morris, Odessa V. – 54 – Upper Marlboro, MD – Dec Ptn
    1916. Morris, Seth Allan – 35 – Kinnelon, NJ – Dec WTC
    1917. Morris, Stephen Philip – 31 – Ormond Beach, FL – Dec WTC
    1918. Morrison, Christopher – 34 – Charlestown , MA – Dec WTC
    1919. Morrone, Ferdinand V. – 63 – Lakewood, NJ – Dec E/R
    1920. Moskal, William David – 50 – Brecksville, OH – Dec WTC
    1921. Moss, Brian Anthony – 34 – Sperry, OK – Dec Ptn
    1922. Motroni Sr., Marco – 57 – Fort Lee, NJ – Dec WTC
    1923. Motus-Wilson, Cynthia – 52 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    1924. Mou, Chung – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1925. Mouchinski, Iouri A. – 55 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1926. Moussa, Jude J. – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1927. Moutos, Peter C. – 44 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    1928. Mowatt, Damion – 21 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    1929. Moy, Teddington Hamm “Ted” – 48 – Silver Spring, MD – Dec Ptn
    1930. Mozzillo, Christopher – 27 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    1931. Mulderry, Stephen V. – 33 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1932. Muldowney Jr., Richard – 40 – Babylon, NY – Msg E/R
    1933. Mullan, Michael Dermott – 34 – Flushing , NY – Dec E/R
    1934. Mulligan, Dennis Michael – 32 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    1935. Mulligan, Peter James – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1936. Mullin, Michael Joseph – 27 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1937. Munhall, James Donald – 45 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    1938. Muniz, Nancy – 45 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec WTC
    1939. Munoz, Carlos Mario – 43 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    1940. Munson, Theresa “Terry” – 54 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1941. Murach, Robert M. – 45 – Montclair, NJ – Dec WTC
    1942. Murillo, Cesar Augusto – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1943. Murolo, Marc A. – 28 – Maywood, NJ – Dec WTC
    1944. Murphy IV, James Francis – 30 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    1945. Murphy Jr., Robert Eddie – 56 – Hollis, NY – Dec WTC
    1946. Murphy, Brian Joseph – 41 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1947. Murphy, Charles A. – 36 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    1948. Murphy, Christopher William White – 35 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    1949. Murphy, Edward C. – 42 – Clifton, NJ – Dec WTC
    1950. Murphy, James Thomas – 35 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    1951. Murphy, Kevin James – 40 – Northport, NY – Dec WTC
    1952. Murphy, Patrick Jude – 38 – Berkeley Heights, NJ – Dec Ptn
    1953. Murphy, Patrick Sean – 36 – Millburn, NJ – Dec WTC
    1954. Murphy, Raymond E. – 46 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    1955. Murray, John J. – 32 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1956. Murray, John Joseph “Jack” – 52 – Colts Neck, NJ – Dec WTC
    1957. Murray, Susan D. – 54 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    1958. Murray, Valerie Victoria – 65 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    1959. Mushynskyi, Yuriy – 55 – Unknown – Msg WTC
    1960. Myhre, Richard Todd – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1961. Nacke, Louis J. – 42 – New Hope, PA – Un 93
    1962. Nagel, Robert – 55 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    1963. Naiman, Mildred Rose – 81 – Andover, MA – Am 11
    1964. Nakamura, Takuya – 30 – Tuckahoe, NY – Dec WTC
    1965. Napier Jr., Alexander J.R. – 38 – Morris Township, NJ – Dec WTC
    1966. Naples III, Frank Joseph – 29 – Cliffside Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    1967. Napolitano, John – 33 – Ronkonkoma, NY – Dec E/R
    1968. Nardella, Catherine – 40 – Bloomfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    1969. Nardone, Mario – 32 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    1970. Narula, Manika – 22 – Kings Park, NY – Dec WTC
    1971. Nassaney, Shawn – 25 – Pawtucket, RI – Un 175
    1972. Nath, Narendra – 33 – Colonia, NJ – Dec WTC
    1973. Navarro, Karen S. – 30 – Bayside, NY – Dec WTC
    1974. Navas, Joseph Michael – 44 – Paramus, NJ – Dec E/R
    1975. Nazario, Francis – 28 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    1976. Neblett, Glenroy – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1977. Neblett, Marcus R. – 31 – Roslyn Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    1978. Nedd, Jerome O. – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1979. Nedell, Laurence – 51 – Lindenhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    1980. Nee, Luke G. – 44 – Stony Point, NY – Dec WTC
    1981. Negron, Pete – 34 – Bergenfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    1982. Neira, Laurie Ann – 48 – Los Angeles, CA – Am 11
    1983. Nelson, Ann Nicole – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    1984. Nelson, David William – 50 – Park Slope, NY – Dec WTC
    1985. Nelson, James Arthur – 40 – Clark, NJ – Dec E/R
    1986. Nelson, Michele Ann – 27 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec WTC
    1987. Nelson, Peter Allen – 42 – Huntington Station, NY – Dec E/R
    1988. Nesbitt, Oscar – 58 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1989. Nevins, Gerard Terence – 46 – Campbell Hall, NY – Dec E/R
    1990. Newell, Renee Lucille – 37 – Cranston, RI – Am 11
    1991. Newton, Christopher – 38 – Ashburn, VA – Am 77
    1992. Ngo, Nancy Yuen – 36 – Harrington Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    1993. Nguyen, Khang – 41 – Fairfax, VA – Dec Ptn
    1994. Nichilo, Jody Tepedino – 39 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    1995. Nicosia, Kathleen Ann – 54 – Winthrop, MA – Am 11
    1996. Niederer, Martin Stewart – 23 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    1997. Niedermeyer III, Alfonse Joseph – 40 – Manasquan, NJ – Dec E/R
    1998. Niestadt Jr., Frank John – 55 – Ronkonkoma, NY – Dec WTC
    1999. Nieves Jr., Juan – 56 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2000. Nieves, Gloria – 48 – Jackson Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    2001. Nilsen, Troy Edward – 33 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2002. Nimbley, Paul R. – 42 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2003. Niven, John Ballantine – 44 – Oyster Bay, NY – Dec WTC
    2004. Noel, Curtis Terrence – 22 – Poughkeepsie, NY – Dec WTC
    2005. Noeth, Michael Allen – 30 – Jackson Heights, NY – Dec Ptn
    2006. Nolan, Daniel Robert – 44 – Lake Hopatcong, NJ – Dec WTC
    2007. Noonan, Robert Walter – 36 – Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    2008. Norton, Jacqueline – 60 – Lubec, ME – Am 11
    2009. Norton, Robert Grant – 85 – Lubec, ME – Am 11
    2010. Notaro, Daniela R. – 25 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2011. Novotny, Brian – 33 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2012. Numata, Soichi – 45 – Irvington, NY – Msg WTC
    2013. Nunez, Brian Felix – 29 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2014. Nunez, Jose R. – 42 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2015. Nussbaum, Jeffrey – 37 – Oceanside, NY – Dec WTC
    2016. Oakley, James A. – 52 – Cortlandt Manor, NY – Dec WTC
    2017. O’Berg, Dennis Patrick – – Babylon, NY – Dec E/R
    2018. O’Brien, James P. – 33 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2019. O’Brien, Michael – 42 – Cedar Knolls, NJ – Dec WTC
    2020. O’Brien, Scott J. – 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2021. O’Brien, Timothy Michael – 40 – Brookville, NY – Dec WTC
    2022. O’Callaghan, Daniel – 42 – Smithtown, NY – Dec E/R
    2023. Ocampo, Jefferson – 28 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    2024. O’Connor Jr., Dennis J. – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2025. O’Connor, Diana J. – 38 – Eastchester, NY – Dec WTC
    2026. O’Connor, Keith Kevin – 28 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2027. O’Connor, Richard J. – 49 – LaGrangeville, NY – Dec WTC
    2028. O’Doherty, Amy – 23 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2029. O’Doherty, Marni Pont – 31 – Armonk, NY – Dec WTC
    2030. Oelschlager, Douglas E. – 36 – St. James, NY – Dec E/R
    2031. Ogawa, Takashi – 37 – Tokyo, Japan – Dec WTC
    2032. Ogletree, Albert – 49 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2033. Ognibene, Philip Paul – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2034. Ogonowski, John – 52 – Dracut, MA – Am 11
    2035. O’Grady, James Andrew – 32 – Harrington Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    2036. Ogren, Joseph J. – 30 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2037. O’Hagan, Thomas G. – 43 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2038. Oitice, Samuel – 45 – Peekskill, NY – Dec E/R
    2039. O’Keefe, Patrick J. – 44 – Oakdale, NY – Dec E/R
    2040. O’Keefe, William – 49 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2041. Olcott, Gerald Michael – 55 – New Hyde Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2042. O’Leary, Gerald – 34 – Stony Point, NY – Dec WTC
    2043. Olender, Christine Anne – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2044. Oliva, Linda Mary – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2045. Oliver, Edward K. – 31 – Jackson, NJ – Dec WTC
    2046. Oliver, Leah E. – 24 – Brooklyn Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    2047. Olsen, Eric Taube – 41 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2048. Olsen, Jeffrey James – 31 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2049. Olson, Barbara – 45 – Great Falls, VA – Am 77
    2050. Olson, Maureen L. “Rene” – 50 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    2051. Olson, Steven John – 38 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2052. O’Mahony, Matthew Timothy – 39 – Manhattna, NY – Dec WTC
    2053. Onda, Toshihiro – 39 – Unknown – Msg WTC
    2054. O’Neal, Seamus L. – 52 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2055. O’Neill Jr., Peter J. – 21 – Amityville, NY – Dec WTC
    2056. O’Neill, John P. – 49 – Ventnor City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2057. O’Neill, Sean Gordon Corbett – 34 – Rye, NY – Dec WTC
    2058. Ong, Betty Ann – 45 – Andover, MA – Am 11
    2059. Opperman, Michael C. – 45 – Selden, NY – Dec WTC
    2060. O’Reilly, Ken – 26 – Ireland – Msg WTC
    2061. Orgielewicz, Christopher – 35 – Larchmont, NY – Dec WTC
    2062. Orloske, Margaret Q. – 50 – Windsor, CT – Dec WTC
    2063. Ormiston-Kenworthy, Virginia “Ginger” – 42 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2064. Ornedo, Ruben – 39 – Los Angeles, CA – Am 77
    2065. O’Rourke, Kevin M. – 44 – Hewlett, NY – Dec E/R
    2066. Orozco, Juan Romero – – Acatian de Osorio, Puebla, Mexico – Msg WTC
    2067. Orsini, Ronald – 59 – Hillsdale, NJ – Dec WTC
    2068. Ortale, Peter K. – 37 – Sag Harbor, NY – Dec WTC
    2069. Orth, Jane – 49 – Haverhill, MA – Am 11
    2070. Ortiz Jr., Emilio “Peter” – 38 – Corona, NY – Dec WTC
    2071. Ortiz Jr., Paul – 21 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2072. Ortiz, Alexander – 36 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec WTC
    2073. Ortiz, David – 37 – Nanuet, NY – Dec WTC
    2074. Ortiz, Pablo – 49 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2075. Ortiz, Sonia – 58 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    2076. Ose, Masaru – 36 – Fort Lee, NJ – Dec WTC
    2077. O’Shea, Patrick J. – 45 – Farmingdale, NY – Dec WTC
    2078. O’Shea, Robert W. – 47 – Wall, NJ – Dec WTC
    2079. Osorio-Oliva, Elsy Carolina – 27 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2080. Ostrowski, James Robert – 37 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    2081. O’Sullivan, Timothy F. – 68 – Albrightsville, PA – Dec WTC
    2082. Oswald, Jason Douglas – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2083. Otten, Michael – 42 – East Islip, NY – Dec E/R
    2084. Ottenwalder, Isidro – 35 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2085. Ou, Michael – 53 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2086. Ouida, Todd Joseph – 25 – River Edge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2087. Ovalles, Jesus – 60 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2088. Owens, Jr., Peter J. – 42 – Williston Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2089. Oyola, Adianes – 23 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2090. Pabon, Angel M. “Chic” – 54 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2091. Pabon, Israel – 31 – Harlem, NY – Dec WTC
    2092. Pacheco, Roland – 25 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2093. Packer, Michael Benjamin – 45 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2094. Pak, Chin Sun – 24 – Lawton, OK – Dec Ptn
    2095. Pakkala, Deepa K. – 31 – Stewartsville, NJ – Dec WTC
    2096. Palazzo, Jeffrey Matthew – 33 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2097. Palazzo, Thomas Anthony – 44 – Armonk, NY – Dec WTC
    2098. Palazzolo, Richard – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2099. Palmer, Orio Joseph – 45 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec E/R
    2100. Palombo, Frank A. – 46 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    2101. Palumbo, Alan – 42 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2102. Panatier, Christopher M. – 36 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    2103. Pandolfo, Dominique Lisa – 27 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2104. Panik, Jonas Martin – 26 – Mingoville, PA – Dec Ptn
    2105. Pansini, Paul J. – 35 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2106. Paolillo, John M. – 51 – Glen Head, NY – Dec E/R
    2107. Papa, Edward Joseph – 47 – Oyster Bay, NY – Dec WTC
    2108. Papasso, Salvatore – 34 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2109. Pappageorge, James Nicholas – 29 – Yonkers, NY – Dec E/R
    2110. Pappalardo, Marie – 53 – Paramount, CA – Un 175
    2111. Parakat, Vinod K. – 34 – Sayreville, NJ – Dec WTC
    2112. Paramsothy, Vijayashanker – 23 – Astoria, NY – Dec WTC
    2113. Parandkar, Nitin Ramesh – 28 – Woodbridge, NJ – Msg WTC
    2114. Parbhu, Hardai “Casey” – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2115. Parham, James Wendell – 32 – Jackson Heights, NY – Dec E/R
    2116. Paris, Debra “Debbie” – 48 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2117. Paris, George – 33 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2118. Park, Gye-Hyong – 28 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    2119. Parker, Philip L. – 53 – Skillman, NJ – Dec WTC
    2120. Parkes, Michael A. – 27 – East Flatbush, NY – Dec WTC
    2121. Parks Jr., Robert Emmett – 47 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2122. Parmar, Hasmukh Chuckulai – 48 – Warren, NJ – Dec WTC
    2123. Parro, Robert – 35 – Levittown, NY – Dec E/R
    2124. Parsons, Diane Marie Moore – 58 – Malta, NY – Dec WTC
    2125. Pascual, Leobardo Lopez – 41 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2126. Pascuma, Michael J. – 50 – Massapequa Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2127. Paskins, Jerrold H. – 56 – Anaheim Hills, CA – Dec WTC
    2128. Passananti, Horace Robert – 55 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2129. Passaro, Suzanne H. – 38 – East Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    2130. Pastrana, Victor Antonio Martinez – – Tlachichuca, Puebla, Mexico – Msg WTC
    2131. Patel, Avnish Ramanbhai – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2132. Patel, Dipti – 38 – New Hyde Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2133. Patel, Manish K. – 29 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    2134. Paterson, Steven B. – 40 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2135. Patrick, James Matthew – 30 – Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    2136. Patrick, Lawrence – – Manalapan, NJ – Msg WTC
    2137. Patrocino, Manuel – 34 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    2138. Patterson, Bernard E. “Bernie” – 46 – Upper Brookville, NY – Dec WTC
    2139. Patterson, Clifford L. – 33 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    2140. Patti, Cira Marie – 40 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2141. Pattison, Robert Edward – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2142. Paul, James Robert – 58 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2143. Paz, Patrice Sobin – 52 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2144. Paz, Sharon Cristina Millan – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2145. Paz-Gutierrez, Victor – 43 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2146. Peak, Stacey Lynn – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2147. Pearlman, Richard Allen – 18 – Howard Beach, NY – Dec E/R
    2148. Pearsall, Durrell V. – 38 – Hempstead, NY – Dec E/R
    2149. Pecorelli, Thomas Nicholas – 31 – Topanga, CA – Am 11
    2150. Pedicini, Thomas E. – 30 – Hicksville, NY – Dec WTC
    2151. Pelino, Todd D. – 34 – Fair Haven, NJ – Dec WTC
    2152. Pelletier, Michel Adrian – 36 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    2153. Peluso, Anthony – 46 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2154. Pena, Angel Ramon – 45 – River Vale, NJ – Dec WTC
    2155. Penniger, Robert – 63 – Poway, CA – Am 77
    2156. Penny , Richard Al – 53 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2157. Pepe, Salvatore – 45 – Elmhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    2158. Peralta, Carl Allen – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2159. Peraza, Robert David – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2160. Percoco, Marie Vola – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2161. Perconti, Jon Anthony – 32 – Brick, NJ – Dec WTC
    2162. Perez, Alejo – 66 – Union City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2163. Perez, Angel – 43 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2164. Perez, Angela Susan – 35 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2165. Perez, Anthony – 33 – Locust Valley, NY – Dec WTC
    2166. Perez, Ivan A. – 37 – Ozone Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2167. Perez, Nancy E. – 36 – Secaucus, NJ – Dec WTC
    2168. Perkins, Berry Berenson – 53 – Los Angeles, CA – Am 11
    2169. Perroncino, Joseph John – 33 – Smithtown, NY – Dec WTC
    2170. Perrotta, Edward Joseph – 43 – Mount Sinai, NY – Dec WTC
    2171. Perry, Emelda – 52 – Elmont, NY – Dec WTC
    2172. Perry, Glenn C. – 41 – Monroe, NY – Dec E/R
    2173. Perry, John William – 38 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    2174. Pershep, Franklin Allan – 59 – Bensonhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    2175. Pesce, Danny – 34 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2176. Pescherine, Michael J. – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2177. Peterson, Davin – 25 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2178. Peterson, Donald Arthur – 66 – Spring Lake, NJ – Un 93
    2179. Peterson, Jean Hoadley – 55 – Spring Lake, NJ – Un 93
    2180. Peterson, William Russel – 46 – Breezy Point, NY – Dec WTC
    2181. Petrocelli, Mark – 29 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2182. Petti, Philip Scott – 43 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2183. Pettit, Glen K. – 30 – Oakdale, NY – Dec E/R
    2184. Pezzulo, Dominick A. – 36 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    2185. Pezzuti, Kaleen E. – 28 – Fair Haven, NJ – Dec WTC
    2186. Pfeifer, Kevin – 42 – Middle Village, NY – Dec E/R
    2187. Pham, Tu-Anh – 42 – Princeton, NJ – Msg WTC
    2188. Phelan, Kenneth John – 41 – Maspeth, NY – Dec E/R
    2189. Piantieri, Eugenia – 55 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2190. Picarro, Ludwig J. – 44 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2191. Picerno, Matthew – 44 – Holmdel, NJ – Dec WTC
    2192. Pick, Joseph O. – 40 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2193. Pickford, Christopher – 32 – Forest Hills, NY – Dec E/R
    2194. Pierce, Dennis J. – 54 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2195. Pietronico, Bernard T. – 39 – Matawan, NJ – Dec WTC
    2196. Pietrunti, Nicholas P. – 38 – Belford, NJ – Dec WTC
    2197. Pigis, Theodoros – 60 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2198. Pinto, Susan Elizabeth Ancona – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2199. Piskadlo, Joseph – 48 – North Arlington, NJ – Dec WTC
    2200. Pitman, Christopher Todd – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2201. Piver, Josh – 42 – Stonington, CT – Dec WTC
    2202. Ploger, Robert R. – 59 – Annandale, VA – Am 77
    2203. Ploger, Zandra Cooper – 48 – Annandale, VA – Am 77
    2204. Plumitallo, Joseph – 45 – Manalapan, NJ – Dec WTC
    2205. Pocher, John M. – 36 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2206. Pohlmann, William H. – 56 – Ardsley, NY – Dec WTC
    2207. Polatsch, Laurence M. – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2208. Polhemus, Thomas H. – 39 – Morris Plains, NJ – Dec WTC
    2209. Pollicino, Steve – 48 – Plainview, NY – Dec WTC
    2210. Pollio, Susan M. – 45 – Long Beach Township, NJ – Dec WTC
    2211. Pontell, Darin Howard – 26 – Columbia, MD – Dec Ptn
    2212. Popiteau, Eric Thomas – 34 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    2213. Poptean, Joshua – 37 – North Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    2214. Porras, Giovanna – 24 – Richmond Hill, NY – Dec WTC
    2215. Portillo, Anthony – 48 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2216. Potorti, James Edward – 52 – Plainsboro, NJ – Dec WTC
    2217. Pouletsos, Daphne – 47 – Westwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2218. Poulos, Richard N. – 55 – Levittown, NY – Dec WTC
    2219. Poulos, Stephen E. – 45 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2220. Powell, Brandon Jerome – 26 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2221. Powell, Scott – 35 – Silver Spring, MD – Dec Ptn
    2222. Powell, Shawn Edward – 32 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    2223. Pratt, Tony – 43 – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    2224. Preziose, Gregory M. – 34 – Holmdel, NJ – Dec WTC
    2225. Prince, Wanda Astol – 30 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2226. Princiotta, Vincent – 39 – Orangeburg, NY – Dec E/R
    2227. Prior, Kevin M. – 28 – Bellmore, NY – Dec E/R
    2228. Proctor III, Everett Martin “Marty” – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2229. Progen, Carrie B. – 25 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2230. Pruim, David Lee – 53 – Upper Montclair, NJ – Dec WTC
    2231. Prunty, Richard – 57 – Sayville, NY – Dec E/R
    2232. Puckett, John F. – 47 – Glen Cove, NY – Dec WTC
    2233. Pugliese, Robert D. – 47 – East Fishkill, NY – Dec WTC
    2234. Pullis, Edward F. – 34 – Hazlet, NJ – Dec WTC
    2235. Puma, Patricia Ann – 33 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2236. Punches, Jack – 51 – Clifton, VA – Dec Ptn
    2237. Puopolo, Sonia Morales – 58 – Dover, MA – Am 11
    2238. Puttur, Hemanth Kumar – 26 – White Plains, NY – Dec WTC
    2239. Pycior Jr., Joseph John – 39 – Carlstadt, NJ – Dec Ptn
    2240. Pykon, Edward Richard – 33 – Princeton Junction, NJ – Dec WTC
    2241. Quackenbush, Christopher – 44 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    2242. Qualben, Lars Peter – 49 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2243. Quappe, Lincoln – 38 – Sayville, NY – Dec E/R
    2244. Quigley IV, Patrick J. – 40 – Wellesley Hills, MA – Un 175
    2245. Quigley, Beth Ann – 25 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2246. Quilty, Michael – 42 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2247. Quinn, James Francis – 23 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2248. Quinn, Ricardo – 40 – Bayside, NY – Dec E/R
    2249. Rabalais, Carol – 38 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2250. Racaniello, Christopher Peter A. – 30 – Little Neck, NY – Dec WTC
    2251. Ragaglia, Leonard – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2252. Raggio, Eugene J. – 55 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2253. Ragonese-Snik, Laura Marie – 41 – Bangor, PA – Dec WTC
    2254. Ragusa, Michael – – Unknown – Msg E/R
    2255. Raimondi, Peter F. – 46 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2256. Raines, Harry A. – 37 – Bethpage, NY – Dec WTC
    2257. Raines, Lisa J. – 42 – Great Falls, VA – Am 77
    2258. Raja, Ehtesham U. – 28 – Clifton, NJ – Dec WTC
    2259. Raju, Valsa – 39 – Yonkers, NY – Dec WTC
    2260. Rall, Edward J. – 44 – Holbrook, NY – Dec E/R
    2261. Rambousek, Lukas “Luke” – 27 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2262. Ramirez, Julio Fernandez – 47 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    2263. Ramirez, Maria Isabel – 25 – Canarsie, NY – Dec WTC
    2264. Ramm-Ericson, Ulf – 79 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    2265. Ramos, Harry – 45 – Newark, NJ – Dec WTC
    2266. Ramsaroop, Vishnoo – 44 – Jackson Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    2267. Ramsaur, Deborah – 45 – Annandale, VA – Dec Ptn
    2268. Ramzey, Lorenzo – 48 – East Northport, NY – Dec WTC
    2269. Rancke, Alfred Todd – 42 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    2270. Rand, Adam David – 30 – Bellmore, NY – Dec E/R
    2271. Randall, Jonathan C. – 42 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2272. Ranganath, Srinivasa Shreyas – 26 – Hackensack, NJ – Dec WTC
    2273. Ransom, Anne T. – 45 – Edgewater, NJ – Dec WTC
    2274. Rapoport, Faina – 45 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2275. Rasmussen, Rhonda Ridge – 44 – Woodbridge, VA – Msg (Ptn )
    2276. Rasmussen, Robert Arthur – 42 – Hinsdale, IL – Dec WTC
    2277. Rasool, Ameenia – 33 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2278. Rasweiler, Roger Mark – 53 – Flemington, NJ – Dec WTC
    2279. Ratchford, Marsha Dianah – 34 – Prichard, AL – Dec Ptn
    2280. Rathkey, David Alan James – 47 – Mountain Lakes, NJ – Dec WTC
    2281. Raub, William R. – 38 – Saddle River, NJ – Dec WTC
    2282. Rauzi, Gerard – 42 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    2283. Razuvaev, Alexey – 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2284. Reda, Gregory – 33 – New Hyde Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2285. Redheffer, Sarah (Prothero) – 35 – London, England – Msg WTC
    2286. Reed, Michele Marie – 26 – Ringoes, NJ – Msg WTC
    2287. Reese, Judith A. – 56 – Kearny, NJ – Dec WTC
    2288. Regan, Donald J. – 47 – Wallkill, NY – Dec E/R
    2289. Regan, Robert – 48 – Floral Park, NY – Dec E/R
    2290. Regan, Thomas M. – 43 – Cranford, NJ – Dec WTC
    2291. Regenhard, Christian Michael Otto – 28 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    2292. Reich, Howard – 59 – Forest Hills, NY – Dec WTC
    2293. Reidy, Gregory – 26 – Holmdel, NJ – Dec WTC
    2294. Reilly, James B. – 25 – Huntington Station, NY – Dec WTC
    2295. Reilly, Kevin O. – 28 – Pearl River, NY – Dec E/R
    2296. Reilly, Timothy Edward – 40 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2297. Reina, Joseph – 32 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2298. Reinig, Thomas Barnes – 48 – Bernardsville, NJ – Dec WTC
    2299. Reisman, Frank B. – 41 – Princeton, NJ – Dec WTC
    2300. Reiss, Joshua Scott – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2301. Renda, Karen C. – 52 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2302. Reo, John Armand – 28 – Larchmont, NY – Dec WTC
    2303. Rescorla, Richard C. – 62 – Morristown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2304. Resta, John Thomas – 40 – Bayside, NY – Dec WTC
    2305. Resta, Sylvia San Pio – 27 – Bayside, NY – Dec WTC
    2306. Reszke, Martha – 36 – Stafford, VA – Dec Ptn
    2307. Retik, David E. – 33 – Needham, MA – Am 11
    2308. Reuben, Todd – 40 – Potomac, MD – Am 77
    2309. Reyes Jr., Eduvigis “Eddie” – 37 – St. Albans, NY – Dec WTC
    2310. Reynolds, Bruce Albert – 41 – Columbia, NJ – Dec E/R
    2311. Rhodes Jr., John Frederick – 57 – Howell, NJ – Dec WTC
    2312. Riccardelli, Francis Saverio – 40 – Westwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2313. Riccio, Rudolph N. – 50 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2314. Riccoboni, AnnMarie Davi – 58 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2315. Rice III, Kenneth F. – 34 – Hicksville, NY – Dec WTC
    2316. Rice, David – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2317. Rice, Eileen Mary – 57 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2318. Richard, Cecelia E. – 41 – Fort Washington , MD – Dec Ptn
    2319. Richard, Vernon Allan – 53 – Nanuet, NY – Dec E/R
    2320. Richards, Claude D. – 46 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    2321. Richards, Gregory – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2322. Richards, Michael – 38 – Jamaica, NY – Dec WTC
    2323. Richards, Venesha O. – 26 – North Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    2324. Riches, James C. – 29 – Bay Ridge, NY – Dec E/R
    2325. Richman, Alan Jay – 44 – Long Island City, NY – Dec WTC
    2326. Rigo, John M. – 48 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2327. Riley, James – 25 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2328. Rimmele III, Frederick Charles – 32 – Marblehead, MA – Un 175
    2329. Risco, Theresa “Ginger” – 48 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2330. Riso, Rose Mary – 55 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2331. Rivas, Moises N. – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2332. Rivelli Jr., Joseph – 43 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    2333. Rivera, Carmen Alicia – 33 – Westtown, NY – Dec WTC
    2334. Rivera, Isaias – 51 – Perth Amboy, NJ – Dec WTC
    2335. Rivera, Juan William – 27 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2336. Rivera, Linda Ivelisse – 26 – Far Rockaway, NY – Dec WTC
    2337. Rivera, Waleska Martinez – 38 – Jersey City, NJ – Un 93
    2338. Rivers, David E. – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2339. Riverso, Joseph R. – 34 – White Plains, NY – Dec WTC
    2340. Rizza, Paul V. – 34 – Park Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2341. Rizzo, John Frank – 50 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2342. Roach, Stephen Louis – 36 – Verona, NJ – Dec WTC
    2343. Roberto, Joseph – 37 – Midland Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    2344. Roberts, Leo – 44 – Wayne, NJ – Dec WTC
    2345. Roberts, Michael – 31 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    2346. Roberts, Michael Edward – 31 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    2347. Robertson Jr., Donald Walter – 38 – Rumson, NJ – Dec WTC
    2348. Robinson, Catherina – 45 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2349. Robinson, Jeffrey – 38 – Monmouth Junction, NJ – Dec WTC
    2350. Robotham, Michell Lee – 32 – Kearny, NJ – Dec WTC
    2351. Robson, Donald Arthur – 52 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    2352. Rocha, Antonio Augusto Tome – 34 – East Hanover, NJ – Dec WTC
    2353. Rocha, Raymond J. – 29 – Malden, MA – Dec WTC
    2354. Rockefeller, Laura – 41 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2355. Rodak, John M. – 39 – Mantua, NJ – Dec WTC
    2356. Rodrigues, Antonio Jose Carrusca – 35 – Port Washington, NY – Dec E/R
    2357. Rodriguez, Anthony – 37 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2358. Rodriguez, Carlos Cortez – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    2359. Rodriguez, Carmen Milagros – 46 – Freehold, NJ – Dec WTC
    2360. Rodriguez, Gregory – 31 – White Plains, NY – Dec WTC
    2361. Rodriguez, Marsha A. – 41 – West Paterson, NJ – Dec WTC
    2362. Rodriguez, Richard – 31 – Cliffwood, NJ – Dec E/R
    2363. Rodriguez-Vargas, David Bartolo – 44 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2364. Rogan, Matthew – 37 – West Islip, NY – Dec E/R
    2365. Roger, Jean Destrehan – 24 – Longmeadow, MA – Am 11
    2366. Rogers, Karlie Barbara – 26 – London, England – Dec WTC
    2367. Rohner, Scott – 22 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2368. Roma, Keith – 27 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2369. Romagnolo, Joseph M. – 37 – Coram, NY – Dec WTC
    2370. Romero Sr., Efrain Franco – 57 – Hazleton, PA – Dec WTC
    2371. Romero, Elvin Santiago – 34 – Matawan, NJ – Dec WTC
    2372. Romito, James A. – 51 – Westwood, NJ – Dec E/R
    2373. Rooney, Sean – 50 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    2374. Ropiteau, Eric Thomas – 24 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2375. Rosario, Aida – 42 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2376. Rosario, Angela – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2377. Rosen, Mark Harlan – 45 – West Islip, NY – Dec WTC
    2378. Rosenbaum, Brooke David – 31 – Franklin Square, NY – Dec WTC
    2379. Rosenbaum, Linda – 41 – Little Falls, NJ – Dec WTC
    2380. Rosenbaum, Sheryl Lynn – 33 – Warren , NJ – Dec WTC
    2381. Rosenberg, Lloyd D. – 31 – Morganville, NJ – Dec WTC
    2382. Rosenberg, Mark Louis – 26 – Teaneck , NJ – Dec WTC
    2383. Rosenblum, Andrew I. – 45 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    2384. Rosenblum, Joshua M. – 28 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2385. Rosenthal, Joshua – 44 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2386. Rosenthal, Richard David – 50 – Fair Lawn, NJ – Dec WTC
    2387. Rosenzweig, Philip – 47 – Acton, MA – Am 11
    2388. Ross, Richard Barry – 58 – Newton, MA – Am 11
    2389. Rossetti, Daniel – 32 – Bloomfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    2390. Rossinow, Norman S. – 39 – Cedar Grove, NJ – Dec WTC
    2391. Rossomando, Nicholas – 35 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2392. Rothberg, Michael Craig – 39 – Old Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    2393. Rothenberg, Donna Marie – 53 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2394. Rothenberg, Mark “Mickey” – – Scotch Plains, NJ – Un 93
    2395. Roux, James M. – 43 – Portland, ME – Un 175
    2396. Rowe, Nicholas – 29 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2397. Rowenhorst, Edward V. – 32 – Lake Ridge, VA – Dec Ptn
    2398. Rowlett, Judy – 44 – Woodbridge, VA – Dec Ptn
    2399. Roy Sr., Timothy Alan – 36 – Massapequa Park, NY – Dec E/R
    2400. Roya, Behzad – 37 – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    2401. Ruback, Paul G. – 50 – Newburgh, NY – Dec E/R
    2402. Ruben, Ronald J. – 36 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2403. Rubino, Joanne – 45 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2404. Ruddle, David M. – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2405. Ruggiere, Bart Joseph – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2406. Ruggiero, Susan Ann – 30 – Plainview, NY – Dec WTC
    2407. Ruhalter, Adam K. – 40 – Plainview, NY – Dec WTC
    2408. Ruiz, Gilbert – 45 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2409. Ruiz-Diaz, Obdulio – 44 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec WTC
    2410. Russell, Robert E. – 52 – Oxon Hill, MD – Dec Ptn
    2411. Russell, Stephen P. – 40 – Rockaway Beach, NY – Dec E/R
    2412. Russin, Steven Harris – 32 – Mendham, NJ – Dec WTC
    2413. Russo Sr., Michael Thomas – 44 – Nesconset, NY – Dec E/R
    2414. Russo, Wayne Alan – 37 – Union, NJ – Dec WTC
    2415. Ruth, William R. – 57 – Mount Airy, MD – Dec Ptn
    2416. Ryan, Edward – 42 – Scarsdale, NY – Dec WTC
    2417. Ryan, John Joseph – 45 – Princeton Junction, NJ – Dec WTC
    2418. Ryan, Jonathan Stephan – 32 – Bayville, NY – Dec WTC
    2419. Ryan, Matthew Lancelot – 54 – Seaford, NY – Dec E/R
    2420. Ryjova, Tatiana – 36 – South Salem, NY – Dec WTC
    2421. Ryook, Christina Sunga – 25 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2422. Sabbag, Jason Elazar – 26 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2423. Sabella, Thomas E. – 44 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2424. Saber, Scott – 38 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2425. Sabin, Charles E. – 54 – Burke, VA – Dec Ptn
    2426. Sacerdote, Joseph F. – 48 – Freehold, NJ – Dec WTC
    2427. Sachs, Jessica Leigh – 23 – Billerica, MA – Am 11
    2428. Sadocha, Francis John – 41 – Huntington Station, NY – Dec WTC
    2429. Safi, Jude Elias – 24 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2430. Safronoff, Brock Joel – 26 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2431. Saiya, Edward – 49 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2432. Salamone, John Patrick – 37 – North Caldwell, NJ – Dec WTC
    2433. Salamone, Marjorie C. – 53 – Springfield, VA – Dec Ptn
    2434. Salas, Hernando R. – 71 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    2435. Salas, Juan – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2436. Salcedo, Esmerlin Antonio – 36 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2437. Salerno, John Salvatore – 31 – Westfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    2438. Salie, Rahma – 28 – Boston, MA – Am 11
    2439. Salinardi, Richard L. – 32 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2440. Saloman, Wayne John – 43 – Seaford, NY – Dec WTC
    2441. Salomon, Nolbert – 33 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2442. Salter, Catherine Patricia – 37 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2443. Salvaterra, Frank G. – 41 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    2444. Salvio, Paul – 27 – Midwood, NY – Dec WTC
    2445. Salvo, Samuel R. – 59 – Yonkers, NY – Dec WTC
    2446. Samaniego, Carlos Alberto – 29 – Richmond Hill, NY – Dec WTC
    2447. Sam-Dinnoo, Rena – 28 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2448. Sammartino, John – 37 – Annadale, VA – Am 77
    2449. Samuel Jr., James Kenneth – 29 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2450. San Phillip, Michael V. – 55 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2451. Sanay-Perafiel, Hugo – 41 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2452. Sanchez, Alva Jeffries – 41 – Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    2453. Sanchez, Erick – 41 – Brooklyn, NY – Msg WTC
    2454. Sanchez, Jacquelyn P. – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2455. Sanchez, Jesus – 45 – Hudson, MA – Un 175
    2456. Sand, Eric – 36 – Hawthorne, NY – Dec WTC
    2457. Sanders, Stacey Leigh – 25 – New York , NY – Dec WTC
    2458. Sandler, Herman S. – 57 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2459. Sands Jr., James – 39 – Bricktown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2460. Santiago, Ayleen J. – 40 – Borough Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2461. Santiago, Kirsten – 26 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2462. Santillan, Maria Theresa – 27 – Morris Plains, NJ – Dec WTC
    2463. Santo, Susan G. – 24 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2464. Santora, Christopher – 23 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    2465. Santore, John – 49 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2466. Santoro, Mario L. – 28 – Manhattan, NY – Dec E/R
    2467. Santos, Dominick – 36 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    2468. Santos, Rafael Humberto – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2469. Santos, Rufino Condrado F. “Roy” – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2470. Saracini, Victor J. – 51 – Lower Makefield Township, PA – Un 175
    2471. Sarkar, Kalyan K. – 53 – Westwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2472. Sarker, Chapelle – – Queens, NY – Msg WTC
    2473. Sarle, Paul F. – 38 – Babylon, NY – Dec WTC
    2474. Sattaluri, Deepika Kumar – 33 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    2475. Saucedo, Gregory Thomas – 31 – Old Mill Basin, NY – Dec E/R
    2476. Sauer, Susan – 48 – Chicago, IL – Dec WTC
    2477. Savas, Anthony – 72 – Astoria, NY – Dec WTC
    2478. Savinkin, Vladimir – 21 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2479. Sbarbaro, John – 45 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2480. Scales, David M. – 45 – Cleveland, OH – Dec Ptn
    2481. Scandole, Robert Louis “Rob” – 36 – Pelham Manor, NY – Dec WTC
    2482. Scarpitta, Michelle – 26 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2483. Scauso, Dennis – 46 – Dix Hills, NY – Dec E/R
    2484. Schardt, John A. – 34 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2485. Scharf, John G. – 29 – Manorville, NY – Dec WTC
    2486. Scheffold Jr., Fred Claude – 57 – Piermont, NY – Dec E/R
    2487. Scheinberg, Angela Susan – 46 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2488. Schertzer, Scott M. – 28 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    2489. Schielke, Sean – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2490. Schlag, Steven Francis – 41 – Franklin Lakes, NJ – Dec WTC
    2491. Schlegel, Robert Allan – 38 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    2492. Schlissel, Jon S. – 51 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2493. Schmidt, Karen Helene – 42 – Bellmore, NY – Dec WTC
    2494. Schneider, Ian – 45 – Short Hills, NJ – Dec WTC
    2495. Schoales, Thomas G. – 27 – Stony Point, NY – Dec E/R
    2496. Schott, Frank G. – 39 – Massapequa, NY – Dec WTC
    2497. Schrang, Gerard P. – 45 – Holbrook, NY – Dec E/R
    2498. Schreier, Jeffrey – 48 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2499. Schroeder, John T. – 31 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2500. Schuler, Susan Lee Kennedy – 55 – Allentown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2501. Schunk, Edward W. – 54 – Baldwin, NY – Dec WTC
    2502. Schurmeier, Mark E. – 44 – McLean , VA – Dec WTC
    2503. Schwartz, Clarin Shellie – 51 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2504. Schwartz, John Burkhart – 49 – Goshen, CT – Dec WTC
    2505. Schwartz, Mark – 50 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec E/R
    2506. Scibetta, Adrianne – 31 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2507. Scorca, Raphael – 61 – Beachwood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2508. Scott, Janice – 46 – Springfield, VA – Dec Ptn
    2509. Scott, Randolph – 48 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    2510. Scudder, Christopher – 34 – Monsey, NY – Dec WTC
    2511. Scullin, Arthur Warren – 57 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    2512. Seaman, Michael H. – 41 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    2513. Seeliger, Margaret – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2514. Segarra, Anthony – 52 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    2515. Segarra, Carlos – 54 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2516. Sekzer, Jason – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2517. Sellitto, Matthew Carmen – 23 – Morristown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2518. Selves, Michael L. – 53 – Fairfax, VA – Dec Ptn
    2519. Selwyn, Howard – 47 – Hewlett, NY – Dec WTC
    2520. Senko, Larry John – 34 – Yardley, PA – Dec WTC
    2521. Sereno, Arturo Angelo – 29 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2522. Serrano, Frankie – 23 – Elizabeth, NJ – Dec WTC
    2523. Serva, Marion – 47 – Stafford, VA – Dec Ptn
    2524. Sesinova, Alena – 57 – Brooklyn Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    2525. Sessa, Adele – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2526. Sewnarine, Situ Nermalla – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2527. Seymour-Dietrich, Karen Lynn – 40 – Millington, NJ – Dec WTC
    2528. Sezna Jr., Davis G. “Deeg” – 22 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2529. Sgroi, Thomas J. – 45 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2530. Shah, Jayesh – 38 – Edgewater, NJ – Dec WTC
    2531. Shahid, Khalid Mohammad – 35 – Union, NJ – Dec WTC
    2532. Shajahan, Mohammed – 41 – Spring Valley, NY – Dec WTC
    2533. Shamay, Gary – 23 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2534. Shanahan, Earl Richard – 50 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    2535. Shankar, Shiv – – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    2536. Shanower, Dan Frederic – 40 – Naperville, IL – Dec Ptn
    2537. Shaoxiang, Huang – – China – Msg WTC
    2538. Shaozhen, Liang – – China – Msg WTC
    2539. Shaozshang, Wang – – China – Msg WTC
    2540. Shastri, Neil G. – 25 – Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ – Dec WTC
    2541. Shatzoff, Kathryn Anne – 37 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2542. Shaw, Barbara A. – 57 – Morristown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2543. Shaw, Jeffery James – 42 – Levittown, NY – Dec WTC
    2544. Shay Jr., Robert John – 27 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2545. Shea, Daniel James – 37 – Pelham Manor, NY – Dec WTC
    2546. Shea, Joseph Patrick – 47 – Pelham Manor, NY – Dec WTC
    2547. Shearer, Mary Kathleen – 61 – Dover, NH – Un 175
    2548. Shearer, Robert Michael – 63 – Dover, NH – Un 175
    2549. Sheehan, Linda – 40 – White Plains, NY – Dec WTC
    2550. Shefi, Hagay – 34 – Tenafly, NJ – Dec WTC
    2551. Shefield, Terrance H. – 34 – Newark, NJ – Msg WTC
    2552. Sherman, Antoinette “Toni” – 35 – Forest Heights, MD – Dec Ptn
    2553. Sherry, John Anthony – 34 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    2554. Shielke, Sean – 27 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2555. Shiratori, Atsushi – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2556. Shubert, Thomas Joseph – 43 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    2557. Shulman, Mark – 44 – Old Bridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2558. Shum, See-Wong – 44 – Westfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    2559. Shwartzstein, Allan – 37 – Chappaqua, NY – Msg WTC
    2560. Sigmund, Johanna – 25 – Syndmoor, PA – Dec WTC
    2561. Signer, Dianne T. – 32 – Middle Village, NY – Dec WTC
    2562. Sikorsky, Gregory – 34 – Spring Valley, NY – Dec E/R
    2563. Siller, Stephen – 34 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2564. Silver, David – 35 – New Rochelle, NY – Dec WTC
    2565. Silverstein, Craig A. – 41 – Wyckoff, NJ – Dec WTC
    2566. Simjee, Nasima H. – 38 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2567. Simmons, Bruce Edward – 41 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2568. Simmons, Diane M. – – Great Falls, VA – Am 77
    2569. Simmons, Donald Dean – 58 – Dumfries, VA – Dec Ptn
    2570. Simmons, George – – Great Falls, VA – Am 77
    2571. Simon, Arthur – 57 – Thiells, NY – Dec WTC
    2572. Simon, Kenneth Alan – 34 – Secaucus, NJ – Dec WTC
    2573. Simon, Michael John – 40 – Harrington Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    2574. Simon, Paul Joseph – 54 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2575. Simone, Marianne – 62 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2576. Simowitz, Barry – 64 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2577. Simpkin, Jane Louise – 36 – Wayland, MA – Un 175
    2578. Simpson, Jeff Lyal – 38 – Lake Ridge, VA – Dec WTC
    2579. Sims, George V. – 46 – Newark, NJ – Msg WTC
    2580. Sincock, Cheryle D. – 53 – Dale City, VA – Dec Ptn
    2581. Singh, Khamladai K. “Khami” – 25 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2582. Singh, Roshan R. “Sean” – 21 – Woodhaven, NY – Dec WTC
    2583. Sinton III, Thomas Edison – 44 – Croton-on-Hudson, NY – Dec WTC
    2584. Siracuse, Peter A. – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2585. Siskopoulos, Muriel F. – 60 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2586. Sisolak, Joseph M. – 35 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2587. Skala, John P. – 31 – Clifton, NJ – Dec E/R
    2588. Skidmore Jr., Francis J. – 58 – Mendham, NJ – Dec WTC
    2589. Skinner, Toyena Corliss – 27 – Princeton, NJ – Dec WTC
    2590. Skrzypek, Paul – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2591. Slattery, Christopher Paul – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2592. Slavin, Vincent R. – 41 – Belle Harbor, NY – Dec WTC
    2593. Sliwak, Robert – 42 – Wantagh, NY – Dec WTC
    2594. Sloan, Paul K. – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2595. Smagala Jr., Stanley S. – 36 – Holbrook, NY – Dec E/R
    2596. Small, Wendy L. – 26 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2597. Smallwood, Gregg Harold – 44 – Overland Park, KS – Dec Ptn
    2598. Smith Jr., Leon – 48 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    2599. Smith, Catherine T. – 44 – West Haverstraw, NY – Dec WTC
    2600. Smith, Daniel Laurence – 47 – Northport, NY – Dec WTC
    2601. Smith, Gary F. – 55 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    2602. Smith, George Eric – 38 – West Chester, PA – Dec WTC
    2603. Smith, Heather Lee – 30 – Boston, MA – Am 11
    2604. Smith, James G. – 43 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    2605. Smith, Jeffrey Randall – 36 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2606. Smith, Joyce – 55 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2607. Smith, Karl Trumbull – 44 – Little Silver, NJ – Dec WTC
    2608. Smith, Kevin – 47 – Mastic, NY – Dec E/R
    2609. Smith, Moria Ann – 38 – Queens, NY – Dec E/R
    2610. Smith, Rosemary A. – 61 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2611. Smith, Sandra Fajardo – 37 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2612. Smithwick, Bonnie – 54 – Quogue, NY – Dec WTC
    2613. Snell, Rochelle Monique – 24 – Mount Vernon, NY – Dec WTC
    2614. Snyder, Christine Anne – 32 – Kailua, HI – Un 93
    2615. Snyder, Dianne Bullis – 42 – Westport Point, MA – Am 11
    2616. Snyder, Leonard Joseph – 35 – Cranford, NJ – Dec WTC
    2617. Sohan, Astrid Elizabeth – 32 – Freehold, NJ – Dec WTC
    2618. Solanki, Sushil S. – 35 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2619. Solares, Ruben – 51 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2620. Solomon, Naomi Leah – 52 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2621. Song, Daniel W. – 34 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2622. Sopper, Mari-Rae – 35 – Santa Barbara, CA – Am 77
    2623. Sorresse, Michael C. – 34 – Morris Plains, NJ – Dec WTC
    2624. Soto, Fabian – 31 – Harrison, NJ – Dec WTC
    2625. Soulas, Timothy Patrick – 35 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2626. Spagnoletti, Gregory T. – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2627. Spampinato, Donald – 39 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    2628. Sparacio, Thomas – 35 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2629. Sparks, Georgia – – New York, NY – Msg WTC
    2630. Spataro, John Anthony – 32 – Mineola, NY – Dec WTC
    2631. Spear Jr., Robert W. – 30 – Valley Cottage, NY – Dec E/R
    2632. Speisman, Robert – 47 – Irvington, NY – Am 77
    2633. Spence, Maynard S. – 42 – Douglasville, GA – Dec WTC
    2634. Spencer III, George E. – 50 – West Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    2635. Spencer, Robert Andrew – 35 – Red Bank, NJ – Dec WTC
    2636. Sperando, Mary Rubina – 39 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2637. Spinelli, Frank J. – 44 – Short Hills, NJ – Dec WTC
    2638. Spitz, William E. – 49 – Oceanside, NY – Dec WTC
    2639. Spor, Joseph P. – 35 – Somers, NY – Dec E/R
    2640. Sprockamp, Klaus Johannes – 42 – Muhltal, Germany – Dec WTC
    2641. Srinuan, Saranya – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2642. St. Rose, Fitzroy – 40 – South Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2643. Stabile, Michael F. – 50 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2644. Stack, Lawrence T. – 58 – Lake Ronkonkoma, NY – Dec E/R
    2645. Stackpole, Timothy – 42 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    2646. Stadelberger, Richard James – 55 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2647. Stahlman, Eric A. – 43 – Holmdel Township, NJ – Dec WTC
    2648. Stajk, Gregory – 46 – Long Beach, NY – Dec E/R
    2649. Stan, Alexandru Liviu – 34 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2650. Stan, Corina – 31 – Middle Village, NY – Dec WTC
    2651. Stanley, Mary D. – 53 – Jamacia, NY – Dec WTC
    2652. Stanton, Joyce – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    2653. Stanton, Patricia – – Unknown – Msg WTC
    2654. Starita, Anthony M. – 35 – Westfield, NJ – Dec WTC
    2655. Stark, Jeffrey – 30 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2656. Statkevicus, Derek James – 30 – Norwalk, CT – Dec WTC
    2657. Statz, Patricia J. – 41 – Tacoma Park, MD – Dec Ptn
    2658. Staub, Craig William – 30 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2659. Steckman, William V. – 56 – West Hempstead, NY – Dec WTC
    2660. Steen, Eric Thomas – 32 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2661. Steiner, WIlliam R. – 56 – New Hope, PA – Dec WTC
    2662. Steinman, Alexander Robbins – 32 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2663. Stephens, Edna L. – 53 – Washington, DC – Dec Ptn
    2664. Stergiopoulos, Andrew – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2665. Stern, Andrew – 45 – Bellmore, NY – Dec WTC
    2666. Steuerle, Norma Lang – 54 – Alexandria, VA – Am 77
    2667. Stevens, Martha – – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2668. Stewart Jr., Richard H. – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2669. Stewart, Michael James – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2670. Stoller, Sanford “Sandy” M. – 54 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2671. Stone, Douglas J. – 54 – Dover, NH – Am 11
    2672. Stone, Lonny Jay – 43 – Bellmore, NY – Dec WTC
    2673. Storey, Jimmy Nevill – 58 – Katy, TX – Dec WTC
    2674. Stout, Timothy C. – 42 – Dobbs Ferry, NY – Dec WTC
    2675. Strada, Thomas S. – 41 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    2676. Straine Jr., James J. – 36 – Oceanport, NJ – Dec WTC
    2677. Straub, Edward W. – 48 – Convent Station, NJ – Dec WTC
    2678. Strauch Jr., George J. – 53 – Avon-by-the-Sea, NJ – Dec WTC
    2679. Strauss, Edward T. – 44 – Edison, NJ – Dec WTC
    2680. Strauss, Steven R. – 51 – Fresh Meadows, NY – Dec WTC
    2681. Strickland, Larry – 52 – Woodbridge, VA – Dec Ptn
    2682. Strobert, Steven F. – 33 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2683. Stuart, Walwyn W. – 28 – Valley Stream, NY – Msg E/R
    2684. Suarez, Benjamin – 36 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    2685. Suarez, David Scott – 24 – Princeton, NJ – Dec WTC
    2686. Suarez, Ramon – 45 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec E/R
    2687. Suarez, Xavier – 41 – Chino Hills, CA – Am 11
    2688. Sugiyama, Yoichi – 34 – Fort Lee, NJ – Dec WTC
    2689. Sugra, William C. – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2690. Suhr, Daniel – 37 – Neponsit, NY – Dec E/R
    2691. Sullins, David Marc – 30 – Glendale, NY – Dec E/R
    2692. Sullivan, Christopher P. – 38 – Massapequa, NY – Dec E/R
    2693. Sullivan, Patrick – 32 – Breezy Point, NY – Dec WTC
    2694. Sullivan, Thomas – 38 – Kearney, NJ – Msg WTC
    2695. Sumaya, Hilario Soriano “Larry” – 42 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2696. Suozzo, James Joseph – 47 – Hauppauge, NY – Dec WTC
    2697. Supinski, Colleen – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2698. Sutcliffe Jr., Robert – 39 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    2699. Sutter, Seline “Selina” – 63 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2700. Sutton, Claudia Suzette – 34 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2701. Swaine, John F. – 36 – Larchmont, NY – Dec WTC
    2702. Swanson, Valerie – 23 – Harrison, NJ – Msg WTC
    2703. Swearson, Kristine M. – 34 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2704. Sweeney, – – Unknown – Am 11
    2705. Sweeney, Brian D. – 38 – Barnstable, MA – Un 175
    2706. Sweeney, Brian Edward – 29 – Merrick , NY – Dec E/R
    2707. Sweeney, Madeline Amy – 35 – Acton, MA – Am 11
    2708. Swensen, Kenneth J. – 40 – Chatham, NJ – Dec WTC
    2709. Swift, Thomas F. – 30 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2710. Sword, Derek O. – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2711. Szocik, Kevin T. – 27 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    2712. Sztejnberg, Gina – 52 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2713. Szurkowski, Norbert P. – 31 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2714. Taback, Harry – 56 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2715. Tabeek, Joann – 41 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2716. Taddei, Norma C. – 64 – Woodside, NY – Dec WTC
    2717. Taddonio, Michael – 39 – Huntington, NY – Dec WTC
    2718. Takahashi, Keiichiro – 53 – Port Washington, NY – Dec WTC
    2719. Takahashi, Keiji – 42 – Tenafly, NJ – Dec WTC
    2720. Talbot, Phyllis – 53 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2721. Talhami, Robert R. – 40 – Shrewsbury, NJ – Dec WTC
    2722. Talignani, John – 74 – New York, NY – Un 93
    2723. Tallon, Sean Patrick – 26 – Yonkers, NY – Dec E/R
    2724. Talty, Paul – 40 – Wantagh, NY – Dec E/R
    2725. Tam, Maurita – 22 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2726. Tamares, Rachel – 30 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2727. Tamayo, Hector – 51 – Holliswood, NY – Dec WTC
    2728. Tamuccio, Michael Andrew – 37 – Pelham Manor, NY – Dec WTC
    2729. Tanaka, Kenichiro – 52 – Rye Brook, NY – Msg WTC
    2730. Tankard, Rhondelle Cherie – 31 – Devonshire, Bermuda – Dec WTC
    2731. Tanner, Michael Anthony – 44 – Secaucus, NJ – Dec WTC
    2732. Taormina, Dennis Gerard – 36 – Montville, NJ – Dec WTC
    2733. Tarantino, Kenneth Joseph – 39 – Bayonne, NJ – Dec WTC
    2734. Tarasiewicz, Allan – 45 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2735. Tarrou, Michael C. – 38 – Stafford Springs, CT – Un 175
    2736. Tartaro, Ronald – 38 – Bridgewater, NJ – Dec WTC
    2737. Taylor, Darryl A. – 52 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2738. Taylor, Donnie Brooks – 40 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2739. Taylor, Hilda E. – 62 – Forestville, MD – Am 77
    2740. Taylor, Kip P. – 38 – McLean, VA – Dec Ptn
    2741. Taylor, Leonard – 45 – Reston, VA – Am 77
    2742. Taylor, Lorisa Ceylon – 31 – East Flatbush, NY – Dec WTC
    2743. Taylor, Michael M. – 42 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2744. Taylor, Sandra Carol – 50 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    2745. Teague, Sandra – 31 – Fairfax, VA – Am 77
    2746. Teepe, Karl W. – 57 – Centreville, VA – Dec Ptn
    2747. Tegtmeier, Paul A. – 41 – Hyde Park, NY – Dec E/R
    2748. Tembe, Yeshavant Moreshwar “Yesh” – 59 – Piscataway, NJ – Dec WTC
    2749. Tempesta, Anthony – 38 – Elizabeth, NJ – Dec WTC
    2750. Temple, Dorothy – 52 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2751. Tengelin, David – 25 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2752. Terrenzi, Brian John – 28 – Hicksville, NY – Dec WTC
    2753. Terry, Lisa Marie – 42 – Rochester, MI – Dec WTC
    2754. Thackurdeen, Goumatie – 35 – South Ozone Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2755. Thatte, Harshad Sham – 30 – Norcross, GA – Dec WTC
    2756. Theodoridis, Michael – 32 – Boston, MA – Am 11
    2757. Theurkauf Jr., Thomas F. – 44 – Stamford, CT – Dec WTC
    2758. Thierry, Saada – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2759. Thomas, Lesley – 40 – South Brick, NJ – Dec WTC
    2760. Thomas-O’Keefe, Lesley – 40 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2761. Thompson, Brian T. – 42 – Dix Hills, NY – Dec WTC
    2762. Thompson, Clive – 43 – Summit, NJ – Dec WTC
    2763. Thompson, Glenn – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2764. Thompson, Nigel Bruce – 33 – Brooklyn Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    2765. Thompson, Perry Anthony – 36 – Mount Laurel, NJ – Dec WTC
    2766. Thompson, Vanavah Alexi – 26 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2767. Thompson, William Harry – 51 – New York, NY – Dec E/R
    2768. Thorpe, Eric Raymond – 35 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2769. Thorpe, Nichola Angela – 22 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2770. Thurman, Tamara C. – 25 – Brewton, AL – Dec Ptn
    2771. Tieri Jr., Sal Edward – 40 – Shrewsbury, NJ – Dec WTC
    2772. Tierney, John Patrick – 27 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2773. Tieste, William Randolph – 54 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2774. Tietjen, Kenneth F. – 31 – Matawan, NJ – Dec E/R
    2775. Tighe, Stephen Edward – 41 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    2776. Timmes, Scott C. – 28 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec WTC
    2777. Tinley, Michael E. – 56 – Dallas, TX – Dec WTC
    2778. Tino, Jennifer Marie – 29 – West Caldwell, NJ – Dec WTC
    2779. Tipaldi, Robert Frank – 25 – Dyker Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    2780. Tipping II, John J. – 33 – Port Jefferson, NY – Dec E/R
    2781. Tirado Jr., Hector Luis – 30 – Bronx, NY – Dec E/R
    2782. Tirado, David Lawrence – 26 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2783. Titolo, Michelle – 34 – Copiague, NY – Dec WTC
    2784. Titus, Alicia N. – 28 – San Francisco, CA – Un 175
    2785. Tobin, John J. – 47 – Kenilworth, NJ – Dec WTC
    2786. Todisco, Richard J. – 61 – Wyckoff, NJ – Dec WTC
    2787. Tolbert, Otis Vincent – 38 – Lemoore, CA – Dec Ptn
    2788. Tomasevic, Vladimir – 36 – Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada – Dec WTC
    2789. Tompsett, Stephen K. – 39 – Garden City, NY – Dec WTC
    2790. Tong, Thomas – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2791. Torres, Doris – 32 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    2792. Torres, Luis Eduardo – 31 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    2793. Toyen, Amy E. – 24 – Newton, MA – Dec WTC
    2794. Traina, Christopher M. – 25 – Brick, NJ – Dec WTC
    2795. Trant, Daniel Patrick – 40 – Northport, NY – Dec WTC
    2796. Traore, Abdoul Karim – 41 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2797. Travers, Glenn J. – 53 – Tenafly, NJ – Dec WTC
    2798. Travers, Walter P. “Wally” – 44 – Upper Saddle River, NJ – Dec WTC
    2799. Traylor-Bass, Felicia Yvette – 38 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2800. Trentini, James Anthony – 65 – Everett, MA – Am 11
    2801. Trentini, Mary – 67 – Everett, MA – Am 11
    2802. Trerotola, Lisa L. – 36 – Hazlet, NJ – Dec WTC
    2803. Trerra, Karamo – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2804. Trinidad, Michael Angel – 33 – Jamaica, NY – Dec WTC
    2805. Trombino, Francis Joseph – 68 – Clifton, NJ – Dec WTC
    2806. Trost, Gregory J. – 26 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2807. Troy, Willie Q. – 51 – Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD – Dec Ptn
    2808. Tselepis, William – 33 – New Providence, NJ – Dec WTC
    2809. Tsoy, Zhanetta Valentinovna – 32 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2810. Tucker, Michael Patrick – 40 – Rumson, NJ – Dec WTC
    2811. Tull-Francis, Pauline – 56 – Unknown – Dec WTC
    2812. Tumulty, Lance Richard – 32 – Bridgewater, NJ – Dec WTC
    2813. Tung, Ching Ping – 43 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2814. Turner, Simon James – 39 – London, England – Dec WTC
    2815. Tuzio, Donald Joseph – 51 – Goshen, NY – Dec WTC
    2816. Twomey, Robert T. – 48 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2817. Tzemis, Jennifer – 26 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2818. Ueltzhoeffer, John G. – 36 – Roselle Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    2819. Ugolyn, Tyler V. – 23 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2820. Uliano, Michael A. – 42 – Aberdeen, NJ – Dec WTC
    2821. Uman, Jonathan J. – 33 – Westport, CT – Dec WTC
    2822. Umarkar, Anil Shivhari – 34 – Hackensack, NJ – Dec WTC
    2823. Upton, Allen V. – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2824. Urban, Diane Maria – 50 – Malverne, NY – Dec WTC
    2825. Vaccacio, John Damien – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2826. Vadas, Bradley Hodges – 37 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2827. Valcarcel, William – 54 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2828. Valdes, Antonio Jesus Montoya – 46 – East Boston, MA – Am 11
    2829. Valdes-Rodriguez, Mayra – 39 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2830. Vale, Felix Antonio – 29 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2831. Vale, Ivan – 27 – Ridgewood, NY – Dec WTC
    2832. Valentin Jr., Santos – 39 – Richmond Hill, NY – Dec E/R
    2833. Valentin, Benito – 33 – Bronx, NY – Dec WTC
    2834. Valvo II, Carlton Francis – 38 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2835. Vamsikrishna, Pendyala – 30 – Los Angeles, CA – Am 11
    2836. Van Acker, Erica – 62 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2837. Van Auken, Kenneth W. – 47 – East Brunswick, NJ – Dec WTC
    2838. Van Hine, Richard Bruce – 48 – Greenwood Lake, NY – Dec E/R
    2839. Van Laere, Daniel M. – 46 – Glen Rock, NJ – Dec WTC
    2840. Vanacore, Edward Raymond – 29 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2841. Vandevander, Jon C. – 44 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2842. Varacchi, Frederick T. – 35 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    2843. Varadhan, Gopalakrishnan – 32 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2844. Vargas, David – 46 – Long Island City, NY – Dec WTC
    2845. Vasel, Scott C. – 32 – Park Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2846. Vasquez, Azael Ismael – 21 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2847. Vasquez, Santos – 55 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2848. Vauk, Ronald James – 37 – Nampa, ID – Dec Ptn
    2849. Vazquez, Arcangel – 47 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2850. Vega, Peter Anthony – 36 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec E/R
    2851. Velamuri, Sankara – 63 – Avenel, NJ – Dec WTC
    2852. Velazquez, Jorge – 47 – Passaic, NJ – Dec WTC
    2853. Veling, Lawrence – 44 – Gerritsen Beach, NY – Dec E/R
    2854. Ventura, Anthony M. – 41 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2855. Vera, David – 41 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2856. Vero, Loretta A. – 51 – Nanuet, NY – Dec WTC
    2857. Vialonga, Christopher – 30 – Demarest, NJ – Dec WTC
    2858. Vianna, Matthew Gilbert – 23 – Manhasset, NY – Dec WTC
    2859. Vicario, Robert A. – 40 – Weehawken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2860. Victoria, Celeste Torres – 41 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2861. Vidal, Joanna – 26 – Yonkers, NY – Dec WTC
    2862. Vigiano II, John T. – 36 – West Islip, NY – Dec E/R
    2863. Vigiano, Joseph Vincent – 34 – Medford, NY – Dec E/R
    2864. Vignola Jr., Frank J. – 44 – Merrick, NY – Dec WTC
    2865. Vilardo, Joseph B. – 44 – Stanhope, NJ – Dec WTC
    2866. Villanueva, Sergio – 33 – Jackson Heights, NY – Msg E/R
    2867. Vincelli, Chantal – 38 – Harlem, NY – Dec WTC
    2868. Vincent, Melissa Renee – 28 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2869. Virgilio, Francine A. – 48 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2870. Virgilio, Lawrence – 38 – Unknown – Dec E/R
    2871. Visciano, Joseph G. – 22 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2872. Vitale, Joshua S. – 28 – Great Neck, NY – Dec WTC
    2873. Vosges, Lynette D. – 48 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2874. Voskerijian, Garo H. – 43 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec WTC
    2875. Vukosa, Alfred – 37 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2876. Wachtler, Gregory Kamal Bruno – 25 – Ramsey, NJ – Dec WTC
    2877. Wagner, Karen – 40 – Houston, TX – Dec Ptn
    2878. Wahlstrom, Mary Alice – 75 – Kaysville, UT – Am 11
    2879. Wainio, Honor Elizabeth – 27 – Watchung, NJ – Un 93
    2880. Waisman, Gabriela – 33 – Elmhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    2881. Wakeford, Wendy Alice Rosario – 40 – Freehold, NJ – Dec WTC
    2882. Walcott, Courtney Wainsworth – 37 – Hackensack, NJ – Dec WTC
    2883. Wald, Victor – 49 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2884. Waldie, Kenneth E. – 46 – Methuen, MA – Am 11
    2885. Walker, Benjamin – 41 – Suffern, NY – Dec WTC
    2886. Wall, Glen James – 38 – Rumson, NJ – Dec WTC
    2887. Wallace, Mitchel Scott – 34 – Mineola, NY – Dec E/R
    2888. Wallace, Peter Guyder – 66 – Lincoln Park, NJ – Dec WTC
    2889. Wallace, Robert F. – 43 – Woodhaven, NY – Dec E/R
    2890. Wallace, Roy M. – 42 – Wyckoff, NJ – Dec WTC
    2891. Wallendorf, Jeanmarie – 23 – Brooklyn Heights, NY – Dec WTC
    2892. Wallens, Matthew Blake – 31 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2893. Waller, Meta L. – 60 – Alexandria, VA – Dec Ptn
    2894. Wallice Jr., John – 43 – Huntington , NY – Dec WTC
    2895. Walsh, Barbara P. – 59 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2896. Walsh, James – 37 – Scotch Plains, NJ – Dec WTC
    2897. Walz, Jeffrey Patrick – 37 – Tuckahoe, NY – Dec E/R
    2898. Wang, Ching – 59 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    2899. Wang, Weibin – 41 – Orangeburg, NY – Dec WTC
    2900. Warchola, Michael – 51 – Middle Village, NY – Dec E/R
    2901. Ward, Stephen Gordon – 33 – Gorham, ME – Dec WTC
    2902. Ward, Timothy Ray – 38 – San Diego, CA – Un 175
    2903. Waring, James A. – 49 – Bayside, NY – Dec WTC
    2904. Warner, Brian Gerald – 32 – Morganville, NJ – Dec WTC
    2905. Washington, Derrick Christopher – 33 – Calverton, NY – Dec WTC
    2906. Waters Jr., James Thomas “Muddy” – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2907. Waters, Charles – 44 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2908. Waters, Patrick J. – 45 – Queens, NY – Dec E/R
    2909. Watson, Kenneth Thomas – 39 – Smithtown, NY – Dec E/R
    2910. Waye, Michael Henry – 38 – Morganville, NJ – Dec WTC
    2911. Weaver, Todd Christopher – 30 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2912. Weaver, Walter E. – 30 – Centereach, NY – Dec E/R
    2913. Webb, Nathaniel – 56 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec E/R
    2914. Webber, Glenn – 35 – Wales – Msg WTC
    2915. Webster, Dinah – 50 – Port Washington, NY – Msg WTC
    2916. Weems, William M. – 46 – Marblehead, MA – Un 175
    2917. Weil, Joanne Flora – 39 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2918. Weinberg, Michael T. – 34 – Maspeth, NY – Dec E/R
    2919. Weinberg, Steven Jay – 41 – New City, NY – Dec WTC
    2920. Weingard, Scott Jeffrey – 29 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2921. Weinstein, Steven – 50 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2922. Weiser, Simon – 65 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2923. Weiss, David Martin – 41 – Maybrook, NY – Dec E/R
    2924. Weiss, David Thomas – 50 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2925. Wells, Vincent Michael – 22 – Redbridge, England – Dec WTC
    2926. Welsh, Deborah A. – 49 – Manhattan, NY – Un 93
    2927. Welty, Timothy – 34 – Yonkers, NY – Dec E/R
    2928. Wemmers, Christian Hans Rudolph – 43 – San Francisco, CA – Dec WTC
    2929. Wen, Ssu-Hui “Vanessa” – 23 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2930. Wenckus, John Joseph – 46 – Torrance, CA – Am 11
    2931. Wengerchuk, Oleh D. – 56 – Centerport, NY – Dec WTC
    2932. West, Peter Matthew – 54 – Pottersville, NJ – Dec WTC
    2933. West, Whitfield – 41 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2934. Whalen, Meredith L. – 23 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2935. Whelan, Eugene – 31 – Rockaway, NY – Dec E/R
    2936. White, Adam S. – 26 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2937. White, Edward James – 30 – Queens, NY – Dec E/R
    2938. White, James Patrick – 34 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2939. White, John S. – 48 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2940. White, Kenneth W. – 50 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2941. White, Leonard Anthony – 57 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2942. White, Malissa – 37 – East Flatbush, NY – Dec WTC
    2943. White, Maudlyn A. – 38 – Ft. Belvoir, VA – Dec Ptn
    2944. White, Sandra Letitia – 44 – Dumfries, VA – Dec Ptn
    2945. White, Wayne – 38 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2946. Whiteside, Leanne Marie – 31 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2947. Whitford, Mark P. – 31 – Staten Island, NY – Dec E/R
    2948. Whittington, Leslie A. – 45 – University Park, MD – Am 77
    2949. Wholey, Michael T. – 34 – Westwood, NJ – Dec E/R
    2950. Wieman, Mary Lenz – 43 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    2951. Wiener, Jeffrey David – 33 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2952. Wik, William Joseph – 44 – Crestwood, NY – Dec WTC
    2953. Wildman, Allison Marie – 30 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2954. Wilkinson, Glenn E. – 46 – Bayport, NY – Dec E/R
    2955. Willcher, Ernest M. – 62 – North Potomac, MD – Dec Ptn
    2956. Willett, John C. – 29 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2957. Williams III, Louis Calvin – 53 – Mandeville, LA – Dec WTC
    2958. Williams Jr., Crossley – 28 – Uniondale , NY – Dec WTC
    2959. Williams, Brian Patrick – 29 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2960. Williams, Candace Lee – 20 – Danbury, CT – Am 11
    2961. Williams, David – 34 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2962. Williams, David Lucian – 32 – Newport, OR – Dec Ptn
    2963. Williams, Deborah Lynn – 35 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2964. Williams, Dwayne – 40 – Jacksonville, AL – Dec Ptn
    2965. Williams, Kevin Michael – 24 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2966. Williams, Louie Anthony – 44 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2967. Williamson, John P. – 46 – Warwick, NY – Dec E/R
    2968. Wilson, Donna – 48 – Williston Park, NY – Dec WTC
    2969. Wilson, William Eben – 55 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2970. Winton, David H. – 29 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2971. Winuk, Glenn J. – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2972. Wise, Thomas Francis – 43 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    2973. Wisniewski, Alan L. – 47 – Howell, NJ – Dec WTC
    2974. Wisniewski, Frank Thomas “Paul” – 54 – Basking Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2975. Wiswall, David – 54 – North Massapequa, NY – Dec WTC
    2976. Wiswe, Sigrid Charlotte – 41 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2977. Wittenstein, Michael Robert – 34 – Hoboken, NJ – Dec WTC
    2978. Wodenshek, Christopher W. – 35 – Ridgewood, NJ – Dec WTC
    2979. Wohlforth, Martin P. – 47 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    2980. Wolf, Katherine S. – 40 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    2981. Wong, Jennifer Y. – 26 – Whitestone, NY – Dec WTC
    2982. Wong, Jenny Seu Kueng Low – 25 – Bensonhurst, NY – Dec WTC
    2983. Wong, Siu Cheung – 34 – Jersey City , NJ – Dec WTC
    2984. Wong, Yin Ping “Steven” – 34 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    2985. Wong, Yuk Ping “Winnie” – 47 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    2986. Woodall, Brent James – 31 – Oradell, NJ – Dec WTC
    2987. Woods, James J. – 26 – Pearl River, NY – Dec WTC
    2988. Woods, Marvin R. – 58 – Great Mills, MD – Dec Ptn
    2989. Woods, Patrick – 36 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    2990. Woodwell, Richard Herron – 44 – Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ – Dec WTC
    2991. Wooley, David Terence – 54 – Nanuet, NY – Dec E/R
    2992. Works, John Bentley – 36 – Darien, CT – Dec WTC
    2993. Wortley, Martin Michael – 29 – Park Ridge, NJ – Dec WTC
    2994. Wotton, Rodney James – 36 – Middletown, NJ – Dec WTC
    2995. Wren, William – 61 – Lynbrook, NJ – Dec WTC
    2996. Wright, John – 33 – Rockville Centre, NY – Dec WTC
    2997. Wright, Neil Robbin – 30 – Bethlehem, NJ – Dec WTC
    2998. Wright, Sandra – 57 – Langhorne, PA – Dec WTC
    2999. Yambem, Jupiter – 41 – Beacon, NY – Dec WTC
    3000. Yamnicky, John D. – 71 – Waldorf, MD – Am 77
    3001. Yanamadala, Suresh – 33 – Plainsboro, NJ – Dec WTC
    3002. Yancey, Vicki C. – 43 – Springfield, VA – Am 77
    3003. Yang, Shuyin – 61 – Beijing, China – Am 77
    3004. Yarnell, Matthew David – 26 – Jersey City, NJ – Dec WTC
    3005. Yaskulka, Myrna – 59 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    3006. Yee, Olabisi Layeni – 38 – Staten Island, NY – Dec WTC
    3007. Yokum, Kevin Wayne – 27 – Lake Charles, LA – Dec Ptn
    3008. York, Edward Phillip – 45 – Wilton, CT – Dec WTC
    3009. York, Kevin Patrick – 41 – Princeton Township, NJ – Dec WTC
    3010. York, Raymond R. – 45 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec E/R
    3011. Youmans, Suzanne – 60 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    3012. Young, Barrington L. – 35 – Rosedale, NY – Dec WTC
    3013. Young, Donald McArthur – 41 – Roanoke, VA – Dec Ptn
    3014. Young, Edmond – 22 – Owings, MD – Dec Ptn
    3015. Young, Jacqueline “Jakki” – 37 – New York, NY – Dec WTC
    3016. Young, Lisa L. – 36 – Germantown, MD – Dec Ptn
    3017. Yuen, Elkin – 32 – Flushing, NY – Dec WTC
    3018. Yuguang, Zheng – 65 – Beijing, China – Am 77
    3019. Zaccoli, Joseph – 39 – Valley Stream, NY – Dec WTC
    3020. Zakhary, Adel Agayby – 50 – North Arlington, NJ – Dec WTC
    3021. Zaltsman, Arkady – 45 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    3022. Zambrana Jr., Edwin J. – 24 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    3023. Zampieri, Robert Alan “Robbie” – 30 – Saddle River, NJ – Dec WTC
    3024. Zangrilli, Mark – 36 – Pompton Plains, NJ – Dec WTC
    3025. Zarba, Christopher Rudoph – 47 – Hopkinton, MA – Am 11
    3026. Zaslow, Ira – 55 – North Woodmere, NY – Dec WTC
    3027. Zedillo, Aurelio – – Mexico – Msg WTC
    3028. Zelman, Kenneth Albert – 36 – Succasunna, NJ – Dec WTC
    3029. Zelmanowitz, Abraham J. – 55 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    3030. Zempoaltecatl, Martin Morales – 22 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC
    3031. Zeng, Zhe “Zack” – 28 – Brooklyn, NY – Dec WTC
    3032. Zeplin, Marc Scott – 33 – West Harrison, NY – Dec WTC
    3033. Zhao, Jie Yao Justin – 27 – Manhattan, NY – Dec WTC
    3034. Ziminski, Ivelin – 40 – Tarrytown, NY – Dec WTC
    3035. Zinzi, Michael Joseph – 37 – Newfoundland, NJ – Dec WTC
    3036. Zion, Charles A. – 54 – Greenwich, CT – Dec WTC
    3037. Zipper, Julie Lynne – 44 – Paramus, NJ – Dec WTC
    3038. Zisa, Salvatore J. – 45 – Hawthorne, NJ – Dec WTC
    3039. Zois, Prokopios “Paul” – 46 – Lynbrook, NY – Dec WTC
    3040. Zuccala, Joseph J. – 54 – Croton-on-Hudson, NY – Dec WTC
    3041. Zucker, Andrew Steven – 27 – Riverdale, NY – Dec WTC
    3042. Zukelman, Igor – 29 – Queens, NY – Dec WTC



Thirty Reasons to Vote: #6

Back in April of this year, the National Geographic magazine for Earth Day was a double-sided issue. One cover bore the title, “How We Lost the Planet”; the flip-side offered “How We Saved the World.” The issue pretty much embodies how I exist these days: in a constant state of flipping between despair and hope.

Today, here in Colorado, the smoke from our own fires mixed with that from California. Early in the afternoon, the air reminded me of growing up in L.A. in the ‘sixties and early ‘seventies. We had “smog days” when we couldn’t go outside, when recess was held indoors and we played “Thumbs Up, Seven Up,” sitting at our desks with our heads down and a thumb up while a classmate would go around and tap a set of kids on the thumb. Once these children were chosen, we would be allowed to pick up our heads while the selected seven tried to guess who had tapped them. It was every bit as exciting as it sounds.

But even on the days when we allowed to play outside, our chests would hurt and sometimes we couldn’t get a full breath. We didn’t think too much about it; that was all we knew. But our parents did and for a while there were effective efforts to mitigate air pollution. The air in better, as it did in other cities in America.

 Today, my lungs thought they were right back in the L.A. of my youth. Breathing ached; my throat felt scoured; my head ached; my stomach turned sour. And however poor the conditions are here, they are fractionally as awful as California’s.

My husband and I had planned a drive today, just to get out of the house. We made it up high enough to be away from the smoke briefly, but most of the time the cab of the truck was smoke-imbued.



It was difficult to come back down where the smoke blanketed everything like fog, and nothing like fog.

By early afternoon, I was no longer thinking of Los Angeles; I was thinking of Pompeii.

Ash on the window
Ash on the windshield

Ash on the hood of the truck 

Ash on the red bud leaves





I write this late in the day and ash is still falling. A plume from the Cameron Peak fire spiraled up thirty-five thousand feet (that’s a 35 with three zeroes after it. Think airplane-cruising altitude).

And these fires are not caused by a lack of raking. They’re caused by the climate changes brought on by humans. We must acknowledge that we have caused and are causing this damage and then work to undo it. Remember how quickly the air cleared when we were all on lock-down?

Wildfires are far from the only disasters caused by global warming. Plastic is raining down across the country, including in our delicate, protected preserves; hurricane season is far more dangerous now. The disdain for science so proudly promulgated by politicians and voters will cost us our lovely planet and guess what? There’s not room for all of us on the International Space Station.

In addition, a lot of us are going to be denied the opportunity to be grandparents because of climate change. The next generations are reluctant to bring children into a world that might not be around long enough for their children to live to old age or that will mean they have to live in a wasteland. I don’t have an effective counter-argument for them.

The setting sun and the moon have been orange and lurid for weeks now.





But this evening was the sun was new kind of eerie.

And tonight — tonight the moon is red, a mourning red, an angry crimson.

So vote for our lives, for our home, for our environment, for the continuation of our species, for leaders who will push us to evolve into stewards of the Earth. Vote. Please vote.



  1. Union of Concerned Scientists. “The Connection Between Climate Change and Wildfires.” Updated March 11, 2020.
  2. Gavin Newsom on climate change and California’s wildfires. August 20, 2020.
  3. WBUR. “Meet Allie, One of the Growing Number of People Not Having Kids Because of Climate Change.” September 16, 2019.

Thirty Reasons to Vote: #3

We shouldn’t have to say it any longer, but we do. Black Lives Matter. And today the news has given us a new name to say:

Daniel Prude

Mr. Prude was killed back in March, but the circumstances of his death while wearing a spit hood the police put on him only recently came to light. I’ll let you read the details in the accounts below.

There are other groups whose lives we similarly devalue. Some are subsets of the Black community (Black trans folk, Black women) and some are not (BIPOC groups) or may not be (Jews, Muslims, other minority religions). I’m not sure how to talk about these groups without seeming to diminish the BLM discussion,* but for the moment, perhaps the ink offers an analogy. The ink looks black when left alone, but a little water shows it comprises other colors and shades. I will continue to find a more elegant and effective means to discuss the broad swathe of people whose rights we need to affirm and whose wrongs — the ones done to them in the past and the ones we continue to tolerate, propagate, and commit — we must work to assuage.


* 4 September, 2020: I just read in the New York Times this excellent distinction made by Daria Allen, a sixteen-year-old  who has been protesting in Portland, Oregon: 

One of the few chants she consistently recites is “Black lives matter.” It annoys her that the phrase has become a subject of controversy, often met with the diminishing response “All lives matter.”

“When they have the breast cancer runs, you don’t see people out there yelling, ‘What about lung cancer?’” she said. “Just because I’m talking about what’s happening to me doesn’t mean I don’t care about what’s happening with you. Why do I have to constantly remind these people that I matter?”

When Ms. Allen

posted a link to the fund-raiser in a neighborhood Facebook group, a woman confronted her. Ms. Allen was destroying the city, she said. Ms. Allen fired back, arguing that the police were polluting the city with tear gas. The argument ended with the woman sending her a direct message, which Ms. Allen has saved in her inbox, just to remind herself of the mentality she is fighting against.

“If I see you on the street, you will be the next Black person hanging from a tree,” the woman wrote.

It makes me ill that anyone would throw the hateful and horrifying spectre of lynching at a Black teenager, one who is raising her voice and risking her health and life to call for justice and equality. Vote for Daria Allen because Daria Allen isn’t yet old enough to vote for herself.

Ink: Taccia Sharaku Kurocha

  1. Washington Post “Seven police officers suspended after video shows hood placed on head of Black man who later died.” September 3, 2020.
  2. Washington PostBody-cam video in Daniel Prude case shows Rochester police placing hood over Prude.” September 3, 2020.
  3. Wall Street JournalSeven Officers Involved in Daniel Prude Death Have Been Suspended.”

The Rest of Rivka’s Story

 Well, I’ve had a difficult two months, with my M.E. surging. Hot weather, whether I’m out in it or not, often makes it worse. We seem to be cooling off a bit now, despite the fires here in Colorado. I did finish up Rivka’s story; Meredith is thinking about rounding out Emma’s portion with a story of her own. So for anyone who is wondering how this tale concludes (spoiler: no one dies), read on:

Rivka’s Story #30Inks30Days; 30 June, 2020

For the last day of this round of 30 Inks in 30 Days I’m using Sailor Shikiori Yodaki. September will be the next round, immediately followed, of course, by INKTOBER!

I had hoped to finish this story today, but it seems to have taken on a life of its own. I think it’s close to finished, though. But maybe I ought to apply to write for a soap opera…

Rivka’s Story #30Inks30Days; 29 June, 2020

Lamy Amazonite